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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2023 in all areas

  1. I know this is old thread but EBAY and Marketplace are your friends...... I have 3 Steez Reels - they are older generations - but the are great and not one of them did I spend more than 200 shipped with tax.... same for my PIxy reels, etc.... if you can live with a used reel - you can get a really high end quality reel for 200 and under that was likely 400-500 new. You'll have to look alot and wait for the right reel to be available - but I've reach the point I'd rather a high end used reel than a OK new reel. You can tell the difference. J.
    1 point
  2. Best way for me is to have bait disassembled, but if you can't/won't do that...I wrap rubber bands in the joint(s).
    1 point
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