We invested a lot into the Flex X 200 hoping to use it as our primary plastic only to be disappointed.
It is like ZMAN but it is still a plastisol and can be reheated. You have to use a presto pot or shooting star to heat it though and not a microwave. The cure time is longer and you have to roll them in salt or oil before you hand them or they will stick together while hanging "I'm talking about legs or other thin appendages that might be on your baits" the baits also seem to droop while curing and will stick to the core shot. They also become very oily after curing.
It will stretch extremely far but will break eventually and it gets less durable with each full stretch.
My end opinion is that the stuff is okay for personal use but not if you plan on selling.
The heat tolerance is about half of what ZMan is and that is BAD. Also like with ZMan and Nikko you can not mix them with other baits. If they are not sitting perfectly in the package they will deform, even after curing properly.
We let our test baits cure for 48hrs, packaged them, placed them in bubble mailers, and placed them in our mailbox for about 2hrs. Just in that short time they were already sticking together and they had flat spots starting from being in the packaging. Keep in mind this was with quite a bit of oil and salt like Bait Plastics recommended us do. So there is no way they would survive delivery across country and sitting in somebodies mailbox all day.
After we tested though baits we took a lot at our core shots and scraps that we had laying in a tray. The scraps had all stuck together sitting on the tray, they had been there for about 24hrs at room temp which is 70 degrees.
We really wanted to like this stuff and were extremely disappointed that it didn't work out. The only way we can think that might remotely even get close to helping these baits survive delivery truck heat and sitting in a mailbox is if you have custom made vacuum formed trays with single cavities for each bait to sit in.