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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2023 in all areas

  1. When you start painting plastic blanks, you may want to put some superglue around the hook hanger eyes and line tie eye. Some of the blanks may leak around those spots. Sometimes your paint and clear coat doesn't get in around the eyes to seal those spots. You can buy 30 cheap small arts & crafts paint brushes for $2 at walmart to smear the superglue around those spots. There are several suppliers who make those types of blanks. You can check the pinned post at the top of the hard bait forum. Here are some links https://www.sheltfishingtackle.com/shelts-rap-ko-shad-blanks-p-100.html https://lurebuild.com/ols/products/3-flicker-minnow https://fishheadcustomlures.com/d7-crankbait-chrome/ https://fishheadcustomlures.com/d7-crankbait/ https://backwateroutfitting.com/product/rap-crank-unpainted/ https://www.sugartitcustomlures.com/product-page/basic-5-shad I find the narrow rolls of painting tape to be useful when painting small blanks. 3M makes 1/8" (0.125") and 1/4" (0.25") rolls. https://www.amazon.com/3M-2090-0-125in-60yd-Masking/dp/B007Y7GPQU/ref=sr_1_10?crid=3Q6MY49OQXCYU&keywords=3M+2080+ScotchBlue+Painters+Tape+–+0.125+in.&qid=1702823144&s=industrial&sprefix=3m+2080+scotchblue+painters+tape+0.125+in.%2Cindustrial%2C112&sr=1-10 https://www.amazon.com/2090-ScotchBlue-Painters-Tape-Preparation/dp/B0079NPE6G/ref=sr_1_4?crid=NOB3GQWOLAX0&keywords=3M+2090+ScotchBlue+Painters+Tape+-+0.25+in&qid=1702823395&s=industrial&sprefix=3m+2090+scotchblue+painters+tape+-+0.25+in%2Cindustrial%2C104&sr=1-4
    2 points
  2. I've been using them for awhile and I have no issues with them. I do have the stiffer jump rings and once they are closed they don't open up. My blades have never fallen off. Maybe the jump rings that are currently available are not as strong as the older ones. I don't know.
    1 point
  3. I put flat areas on ned heads, football jigs, and several others. I use a belt sander.
    1 point
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