Was scrounging through my supplies the other day looking for a silver hologram glitter to replicate fish scales and I found a jar of string glitter I didn't even know I had. Decided to give it a try. And never used it before. Was making paddle tail swimbaits. Heated my plastic first, then added the glitter. Awesome! It was perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. Plastic was clear and the glitter was awesome. Ok reheat time. Imagine my disappointment when after reheating to just under 320* the glitter totally disappeared. Disintegrated. This has only happened to me one other time, When using white glitter. Which I haven't used since.
I will continue using the string glitter, but I will only cook enough of what I need to make one run. I have done this and so far so good. Heat plastic to 360 or so, let it cool, then add glitter.
Anyone else have this experience?