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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. wire straightner. it is a 3d print file.
    1 point
  3. i am thinking about making one of these
    1 point
  4. If it works it works! Thanks for the info
    1 point
  5. I use this when pouring weed guard into the lead.
    1 point
  6. I use a high temp silicone hose for reducing 1/8 to 1/16... https://www.amazon.com/Silicon-JoyTube-Silicone-Brewing-Winemaking/dp/B08RYF8K5M/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CVGMX626ICTR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.B1Ob7R6vwb6Ojmh9rr6WmxLMqnXPqTLAotjQJDKjjz7JqAdE9hsnGMP_A1smlvmKoHI7sm6mgJ4LymHqcHMW4wTBFCbciQb_WZWj-s2Ozwyk7KssOKVfhd6gRE6xRA6yPi_pDWmyHHVqDIoq07tifIviGiktGmfCCZrx2_sMoRADjwukN3hWyzfuBLCv4uem4zQsTeA_BKpi7dz8clQJe49UTUYaM2lbogMymEFp_dU.xvOgeTT15l_bB4nwXSpdtA9OmIOyZO0k4bWQMCsk3EU&dib_tag=se&keywords=1%2F16%2Bhigh%2Btemp%2Bsilicone%2Btube&qid=1722469167&sprefix=1%2F16%2Bhigh%2Btemp%2Bsilicone%2Btube%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/USA-Sealing-Teflon-PTFE-Tubing/dp/B0853CVFFL?pd_rd_w=CnhCW&content-id=amzn1.sym.7d8251a9-42fe-402a-a341-0f37d967c460&pf_rd_p=7d8251a9-42fe-402a-a341-0f37d967c460&pf_rd_r=J0CTNGPV2B93T0PWWYHE&pd_rd_wg=gPK9v&pd_rd_r=97fdc1b1-4e07-484d-8bfc-8b2364116f3d&pd_rd_i=B0853CVFFL&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pd_rhf_ee_s_rp_c_d_sccl_2_5_t
    1 point
  7. There are several ways to do your weedguards for all the jigs that take an 1/8" pin, I would suggest using teflon pins like mentioned. For the jigs that have a smaller weedguard hole, you can use smaller diameter teflon pins if you can find them. Now if you want to use a jig that has a 1/8 " pin and you want to put in less weedguard strands, then you can use a reducer. Please contact me via PM and I can explain this easier. I do not like heavy weedguard strands(personal preference) so all of my jigs have 15 (.018) strands.
    1 point
  8. The brand of glow paint I used is out of business now. I really recommend using very coarse grain paint because it will glow much stronger. Particle size is every thing. I’ve seen commercial air brush glow painted lures and they’re pretty dim in comparison. If dim is what you’re after, fine. I’m just saying.
    1 point
  9. I would heat the spoon then use my powder paint airbrush with some protec super glow powder paint. Hang in your toaster oven to cure as you would with a lead jig. If you need a crisp line try masking tape. It holds up to a heat gun.
    1 point
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