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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2025 in all areas

  1. yes as above stated. otherwise the stregnth issue becomes very real.
    1 point
  2. Yeah, the current one is in Minnesota iirc. Never heard of or dealt with the other one in Texas. I can say I highly recommend the current one as I have a few of his molds.
    1 point
  3. You're right—wood grain direction is crucial for lure strength. Try cutting the grain parallel to the lure’s length to improve durability. Also, sealing with epoxy or reinforcing with a through-wire can help prevent breakage on impact.
    1 point
  4. I was cleaning around my workbench and found an old gallon of Bait Plastics. It has to be pretty old. I mean a couple of years old. Maybe have a little more than a quart left. Anyway, I shook the livin snot out of the jug. left it,came back and shook some more. Then repeated it a few more times. Except for a little of the hard pack stuck to the bottom of the jug it all mixed back up. Gonna shoot some baits with it in a little while. Time will tell. Haven't used my LC medium yet, only the saltwater stuff.
    1 point
  5. Lakeside molds is still in business. I just ordered a mold from Kent back in October. https://lakesidemolds.bigcartel.com/
    1 point
  6. Bear developed dementia and had to shut the business down, he later passed in a nursing home (sad story) Del passed away as well. High Rock closed and the owner went to work for a new company that tried to develop Production molds and machines, that didn't end up going anywhere. Lakeside shut down several years ago and Chuck passed from cancer I believe a few years ago. BaitJunkys definitely didn't sell the business. Just one of the older CNC machines and the Baitjunkys hand mold designs (they went to lureworks). Leonard is focused on Production Molds and Machines as well as some other cool equipment as well as high volume bait production.
    1 point
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