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Everything posted by Swede

  1. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    Hmmmm no wild guesses at all !! Are you all too busy to guess?
  2. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    No Dan its not if u want i can email it to you just pm me
  3. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    nope all hardbait & Pete i got more lures from other countries with similar lips so i can really get you abit confused ;-)
  4. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    BTW the past lure was a Kinnu lure made by Tahvo Kinnunen a finn living in Sweden
  5. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    Here´s a new one ,vintage lure
  6. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    ok i´ll give it out or do you guy´s want another one ?
  7. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    Close but no hehe builder doesn´t live in Finland
  8. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    if none can guess i´ll post another pic of an other maker tomorrow
  9. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    another hint is that it´s named after the makers last name
  10. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    nope but i´ll give the first letter ,K
  11. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    notice i placed a smaller version on top of the larger one small one is 3 cm in length big is 75mm=3"
  12. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    European maker just need name i know theese was introduced in Florida in the 90ies
  13. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    Right on Vodkaman you´re next post a pic
  14. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    close but no, i can tell its a Danish maker just need name&model theres only 2 models so ...
  15. If you use lacquer paint a white base will do on most lures except the ones made in abs plastic
  16. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    Heres a European Salmonlure
  17. Swede

    Guess the Lure

    Abu Tormentor but cant find the colorcode might be special for Norway
  18. Go ahead & save all material you can Grinder often its the simple ways that gives you the best lures .I´ve made baits of almost anything i can think of, like chromed pipes cut them 45 degree angle drill hole in each end fill cavity with concrete or something & you got a simple spoon with flash from chrome
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