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Everything posted by Swede

  1. try plastic sheetings for keeping important papers in you should be able to find it in book or paperstores they might also have thin selfahedsivefoil to put on wings (Think outside the Box)
  2. or you can buy bizmuth & add it to your lead then your lead will be rockhard &shiny & if you add bizmuth it flows very very easily into any mold
  3. add wheelweights instead but pour outdoors
  4. i can supply you with propionate & some models of divinglips in same material if you want just pm me &we will go from there
  5. i think it was due to spinningwheels rotation causing it ,should be ok with just dip&hang
  6. Keep them as a memory that never rush thru making baits ,I know i would of &build a shadebox for atleast 1 of them . In 5 years from now you´ll look at them and laugh .
  7. Swede

    little minnow dancer

    now thats a sweet lure would work very good on brown trouts&zanders here
  8. skeeter if you use acrylic paints &heatset them with a hairdryer you dont have to worry about making a mess of your paintjob It can be used on some plastic lures too .I have used it to smoothen out bodies on old Storm thundersticks with no problems at all many older lures was "welded" by using acetone on bodyhalves & quick dip wont affect it at all since its been cured for long time
  9. too bad many post were lost in the crash earlier there were plenty of posts there about propionate sealing/basecoating/topcoating & you forgot to tell it can be used as glue for thruwire & glue on rapala lips thats loose & that it is used by rapala in their lips on the wooden lures
  10. build a frame 10"x10" place screweyes on each side paralell to eachother attach springs from cheap pens open all springs so you can put the lureeye on it & it will stay put til your painting is done .just turn it over for other side
  11. instead of water use milk as fluid will give you more working time on the plaster
  12. you can also trace it on sheet of aluminum will give you bit help on the dive too if you dont want to weight it as much
  13. it all depends on length&width &angle of your lip
  14. Great story Wes !! Even a Swede like myself can appreciate a good story like this one.Keep
  15. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7287 I use propionate pellets the same as rapala&nilsmaster use on their wooden lures seen it used on some foamlures too it creates a good base to paint on &if you use createx or similar paints it can be used as a topcoat too . If you use lacquers you dont need to prime your lures just paint it white &continue with your scheme .
  16. what model&color are you looking for ?I might be able finding some here in Sweden
  17. print the lips you want to cutout on piece of paper ,glue onto your lexan with white woodglue. Saw them out by band or scrollsaw &rinse under water &the glue will release from lexan or polycarbonate
  18. Swede

    base coat

    just paint it white will be a good base for you to paint on
  19. test the plastic dip or use propionate pellets like many others do,theres a number of persons on here using it to seal/basecoat their lures 5-10 dips is all it takes to get a smooth surface
  20. Sure you can ,just look at all wooden Rapalas no clear on them . They only use "plastic dip" as sealer/basecoat
  21. this is what you can do if you already have cut out the lipslot on more baits just use a wider lip .try a round lip & i think you´ll be amazed of the action
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