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Everything posted by Lincoya

  1. 3 weeks buddy! Linda and I are looking forward to seeing you and Deb again. Let us know if you need us to bring or do anything. Gene
  2. Tim, Excellent job on both the swimbait and the tutorial. Very detailed! I like that! Gene
  3. For some of you "old timers" you might remember a toy that Mattel made in the late 60's called a Vac-u-form. It used a hot plate, a small sheet of styrene plastic, and hand pumped vacuum system to form small parts. It was a great little machine and worked very well as I remember. You can still find them on E-Bay. Mattel Vac U Form with nice assortment of molds - eBay (item 160321893674 end time Mar-22-09 13:26:36 PDT) Gene
  4. Well Pete??? It's been a week. What about it? It sure would be good to see you again. Gene
  5. Phil, Sorry I missed your birthday. I hope it was good one though. Gene
  6. That's how I do it. The only thing that you left out that I do is that I sand the first coat of epoxy before I paint to give the paint something to adhere to. It will also let you level any high spots that may try to show thru on your final coat. Gene
  7. I just put my burrs in my Dremel and crank the RPMs all the way up. I then put the burr to a piece of hardwood like maple and hold it there until it smokes (literally). Turn it off and let it cool down for a couple of seconds. Brush it with a stiff toothbrush and you're ready to go again. Gene
  8. KC, If you don't show, who will be there to push Coley in the water?
  9. Well, count me and Linda in! We haven't missed one yet. We always have a great time. Nathan and Deb are great hosts and take good care of you while you are there. Well, for the first five minutes anyway. Not my critique, just their rule. For the first five minutes your there you are a guest. After that you are family. We will have some lure building time. So, bring your tools if you want to. We usually swap lures but it's not required. If you have some excess items that you want to share or don't need or want anymore, bring them. I'm sure that someone can use them. Don't forget to bring your questions. We're not all professional lure makers but I'm sure someone there will be able to answer your questions. We will fish some. Nathan usually gets us permission to a great private pond that has an abundance of fish in it. You have to walk the bank and in some places that can be difficult. Oh, swimming is optional and not necessary to catch fish. Pete, I'm still around. I just don't post much. I'm sorry that you and Phil can't make it this year but, I understand. It was great meeting both of you and spending time visiting with you after the meet. I promise that you both will be greatly missed. Nathan has a nice sized shop with plenty of room for us to meet in. There is plenty of parking space, too. Gene
  10. Happy Birthday Dieter. I hope that you recovered nicely. Gene
  11. Here's another birthday wish Swede. I hope that you had a good one. Gene
  12. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I'm sorry I'm late responding but my wife took me out for a great steak supper cooked medium rare to perfection. Gene
  13. Lincoya

    Short Fused

    Have you checked Radio Shack or some other local electronics parts supplier? Gene
  14. Lincoya

    Acadia Rods

    Thanks Braveviper & Dean for your responses. I went ahead and ordered some of their rods today. We'll see how good they are. Gene
  15. Lincoya

    Acadia Rods

    I got an advertisement in the mail today for Acadia rods. It's a "buy one-get one" deal. I have never heard of them and was hoping that some of you may have, and may have an opinion. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks guys. Gene
  16. Thanks 76 for taking the time to post those. Those WILL make excellent transfers for photo finishes. Gene
  17. Jamie, W-e-l-l l-e-t-'-s s-e-e. Try this link. It will explain it all. https://www.paypal.com/ Gene
  18. I have to agree. If a moderator wants to edit a post for reasons such as improper language, flaming, or other reasonable reason, I have no objections. But to edit someone's post for "RAMBLING" is ludicrous!!:pissed:What happens when that same moderator "rambles" (as he is known to do)? Who's going to edit his post? And, yes Palmetto, I agree. Edit this one!! Gene
  19. Clemmy, Here are some old links that I have saved back. Some of them may not even work anymore and I probably don't have the one that you are looking for but, if I don't have it, maybe you can find thru a link on one of these sites. Japanese lures FRIZZ-Index GBH builder http--www.geocities.co.jp-Outdoors-River-3820-rink-1.htm link new S STYLE HANDMADE PLUG
  20. Lincoya

    Just Desert

    WHAT A VISUAL...Pete fishing in his black knickers and pink crocks!!!!!! Gene
  21. Wal-mart, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc.
  22. Lapala, It actually fishes very well on 6 1/2 ft., MH, pitching wedge! Gene
  23. Lincoya

    Foiled swimbait

    Excellent piece of work!! Gene
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