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Everything posted by Lincoya

  1. Actually Ben, I was the first to photo finish a lure on TU. Riverman was right there with me. I just happen to post it before he did. Gene
  2. Well said Skeeter! And thanks for the kudos, too! Gene
  3. I don't believe that it's your topcoat. IMHO, I think that it's the wood that you are using. Basswood has a high absorbency rate as I showed in a post here at TU a couple of years ago. No matter what you use to seal with or how good you think you've sealed your lure, it will still absorb water. I changed to Paulownia and have had no problems since. Gene
  4. Charlie Little!! Welcome back old friend! We've missed you. Gene
  5. Because BobP is getting kickbacks from Brite-Bak apparently.
  6. I use 22 cal. shell casings to make rattles. I use a small bolt in my drill press to expand one slightly. I then add one BB and use the dress press to press another 22 casing inside of the first casing. Gene
  7. Happy birthday to my good friend Nathan today! He and I met years ago on the old Tacklemaking.com site and have spent many hours talking and learning from each other. I wish him all the best! Gene
  8. Really looks great! You did a fine job on it. Gene
  9. No, I have not tried them. Currently, I am not making lures so I don't have a need for them. I am concentrating my carving efforts on carving fish right now. And, yes, that is a wire attached to the back of them. I think that the wire is used as holding device when they make them and is easily removed.
  10. She's doing great Nathan. She had her first doctor's appointment last Friday and everything looks good.
  11. While doing a search for glass eyes for my handcarved fish I came across a site that sells "old school" glass eyes for fishing lures. If you're interested the link is : http://www.glasseyesonline.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=77_78&zenid=68d76716afcdebc5728876fde36396ae Gene
  12. Have you looked at Jann's Netcraft? Gene
  13. BopP, Your info is not exactly correct about Hazmail's sander. He was at my house 4 or 5 years ago after one of our TU Get-togethers and we built one. It is not a true pulley but a disc with a rounded groove turned on a lathe to the porfile that you want. Then, the sandpaper is glued onto that. Gene
  14. Send Jerry (Redg8r) a PM and he will help you out. He is the site administrator. Gene
  15. Lincoya

    Chart belly Shad

    Very nice! I love the colors!
  16. Jerlong, That's a great looking lure but please place your pictures in the gallery for viewing as per the site rules. Gene
  17. I've had one in my pocket for a couple of years now. I, also, mount the ones that don't work right to a small piece of driftwood on a base like you see fish mounted and use them as a desk piece. Gene
  18. Lincoya

    Line Ties

    Why not just buy stainless steel cotter pins? They work great. Gene
  19. I went to my local sign shop and had them cut different sizes and different colors. The black ones I use as shad dots and the the center of my eyes. The colored ones I use for the base of my eyes. If you don't want to fool with "picking them out" just ask th e sign shop to weed them for you. It'll cost you a little more. I got a few thousand for under $20. Gene
  20. Lincoya

    Crank And Glider

    Good looking baits Ben. I'm with the rest of the guys. I like the crankbait best but the paint job on the glider is sweet. The glider paint job on the crankbait would make for good looking lure, too.
  21. Count me and Linda in! We're looking forward to it. Gene
  22. Macone, Welcome to TU! That's a great looking lure. But, per the TU site rules, please place all future pictures in the gallery for viewing. Gene
  23. Mark, I've only used my Solarez once. That was right after I got. I was anxious to know how well it worked. So, I dipped my first bait. It didn't turn out well. There was a drip down my painting wand (not a big issue as I just cut it off) and there was ripples in finish that did not level out. I sanded the finish and dipped it a second time. Still didn't do any better. BTW, I let it cure in the sun, too. IMHO, I don't think it's dippable. However, with that said, I've only tried it the one time. Experimentation could prove me wrong. Gene
  24. I made a tumbler out of a popcorn tin several years ago by lining the walls with sandpaper and attaching it to a rotisserie. I tumbled baits for several days and the results were less than satisfactory. However, I learned later that i needed to put "fins" on the wall (like on the inside of a clothes dryer) to help tumble the baits and to also add small pieces (1" x1") of sandpaper to sand the inside curves and other hard-to-reach areas. I never made the "upgrades" so I have no idea how well it would have worked. Gene
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