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Everything posted by Lincoya

  1. Lincoya

    Original and Replicas

    Patrick, I'm impressed, my friend! Gene
  2. It's been a long time coming but I am now retired as of yesterday! Gene
  3. Lincoya

    First crankibait attempt

    That's a whole lot better than my first. Excellent job! Never get rid of it. Save it to look back on 20 years from now. Gene
  4. Ben, Here are a couple of links that have several burrs. There is no grit "size". Just listed as coarse, medium, fine, etc. http://www.mountainwoodcarvers.com/bits.htm http://www.woodcarverssupply.com/Structured-Carbide-Burrs-Kutzall-1_4/products/115/ As to which "grit", I'm not sure that changing your "grit" would solve your problem. I would suggest that you slow your speed down and be less agressive when you first start your hole. Gene
  5. Those burrs come in different "grits" so make you pay attention to which one you buy. Gene
  6. Lincoya

    Green Crankbait

    Thanks for the compliments guys!
  7. Lincoya

    Green Crankbait

    These two cranks are handcarved paulownia. Both are 2-inches long. The one on the left is 3/4" wide and weighs .4 ozs. The other is 1/2" wide and weighs .3 ozs. Both have .22 cal rattles inside. Thanks to Robert Patachia for the color scheme. Gene
  8. Lincoya


    Coley, I really like that bait! Can't wait to see it in person.
  9. Lincoya


    Great looking paint job, Coley!
  10. Very nice! You're coming right along. Save one for me. Gene
  11. Lincoya

    Foil Minnows

    Handcarved and foiled paulownia 5-inch minnows.
  12. Lincoya

    Foil Cranks

    Handcarved and foiled paulownia cranks.
  13. Check your local area for a hobby shop/store that sells RC planes and cars. I found some at at hobby shop here. Gene
  14. Lincoya

    lake series

    I really like these. Nicely made and an excellent paint pattern. Gene
  15. SallyStrothers, I sent you a PM. Everyone else, I'll see about setting one up in the near future. Gene
  16. Patrick, You're welcome. I hope the tutorial helped. For the money, the best carving knife that you can buy is a Murphy knife. It will cost you between $11 and $15. There are several places that you can buy them but Smokey Mountain Woodcarvers is one of the best. Make sure to ask them to sharpen it for you. Gene
  17. Patrick, You mentioned that you have a scroll saw. Cut you lip slot with your scroll saw and don't worry about the width of the slot. After you cut the lip slot you can use a 1/16th inch diamond bit in your Dremel to widen the lip slot. It will follow the cut made with scroll saw and give you a perfect fit for .060 Lexan lips. Don't try to make the cut with the bit in one pass. Make three or four passes with the bit for best results. Gene
  18. Remember that you are not giving your lures away. You are exchanging them with other lure makers. So, you are getting something in return. Gene
  19. Repaints would include any factory made bait to also include KOs. This swap would not include handmades. Type of lures would include lipped and lipless crankbaits and topwater minnows.
  20. If there is an interest in a repaint swap, I'll set one up soon. Let me know. Gene
  21. I have posted a picture in the "Hardbaits" gallery of the lures that were included in the recent lure swap. Gene
  22. Lincoya

    TU Lure Swap 2001 1

    This is the collection of lures that were included in the recent TU Lure Swap. As you can see, this would be a great set to add to anyone's handmade collection. I want to thank everyone that participated.
  23. Capt Mike, The pattern that you are referring to can be duplicated with a piece of threaded rod (ask for "all-thread" at the home improvement store). Roll the threaded rod diagonally across your foil and then change directions and roll it again. That will give you a perfect "cross-hatch" pattern. TIP: Examine your threaded rod for any flat spots or other imperfections as these will transfer to your foil when you roll it. TIP2: Use a piece of a board to roll the threaded rod with. It will let you apply more pressure and let you roll longer or wider pieces. Gene
  24. Lincoya

    Realistic Bluegill

    Thanks for the compliments, guys.
  25. All of the packages were mailed today about noon. Please let me know when you receive them. Thanks to BenjiWhite, BentonB, Crankbaits, Fishsticks, MattMoreau, and TC-Lures for participating. I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope everyone likes their lures as much as I do. Gene
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