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Nathan last won the day on August 7

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About Nathan

  • Birthday 05/04/1961

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  1. Yep..Those are older versions of my Dying Bluegill..Nathan
  2. You can usually paint water based paints over enamel/lacquer based paints after they are fully dry but not the other way around. ..Nathan
  3. I located and purchased one of the old throbbers from eBay. Perhaps the newer Acme Pulse works better. The original is to heavy and the weight of the plastic bait kills any vibration from the spring..Nathan
  4. Jigmeister, Thank you for your help!..I’m a little nervous about searching “VIBRATING THROBBER”..Lol..Nathan
  5. Several good opinions have been given here. Besure to only make one change at a time so you know what “ fixed your problem. I’d probably start with more lip angle..then maybe a bit wider bill. Good old Elmers rubber cement will hold your bills in place for test swims and you can easily remove the bill and try several styles at one time.When you find the bill you want epoxy it in place
  6. Thanks for the reply..I’d say” Great Minds Think Alike” ..But my mind is far from great.lol..I came up zero on the search too..Nathan
  7. I was told this is a close alternative.It is available through Walmart on line or Amazon ..Nathan
  8. Hey guy’s, years ago I came across a older bait( not too old it was made of clear plastic). If memory serves me right it was shaped like a Heddon Torpedo..( it may have been a Heddon bait) Anyway, it had a small spring on the inside attached to the head area and ran horizontally through the bait and stopped just short of the tail . At the end of the spring near the tail was a small piece of lead. When you moved the bait the lead caused the spring to bounce giving the bait a quivering action when the retrieve was stopped. Anyone remember anything about this bait? thanks..Nathan
  9. Nathan

    lip sizing

    I know I’m a bit late to the party here but good ole Elmers Rubber cement works great to hold bills in place for testing and then peels of clean not damaging the lure surface..Nathan
  10. You might want to try the search feature here. You’ll find hours worth of info. To read..Nathan
  11. Nathan


    Where did you locate it?..I still have a bit Swede had sent me..Nathan
  12. The paper towel trick is interesting and makes perfect sense..Thanks Hillbilly..Nate
  13. Here are a couple examples
  14. Nathan Posted October 20, 2022 · IP I’ve messed around with bristle type tails and fins for several years and this is what I’ve come up with.. First I purchased several cheap brushes that had white bristles from Amazon. I use white bristles because they hold color better from permanent markers. Next you’ll need a piece of waxed paper and clear silicone. Spread a thin coat of silicone on the waxed paper.(maybe 2”x2”..depends on the size and number of tails/fins your making) Now cut a small bunch of bristles. Try to keep the tips aligned the best you can.Now take a colored maker and color the bristles.As your coloring the bristles do your best to color them on all sides. Now gently place the bristles all going one direction on the silicone you spread on the waxed paper and lightly push them into the silicone.IT IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU TRY TO ORIENT THEM IN ONE DIRECTION. Let them set for at least a hour or so. Now apply another thin coat of silicone over the top of the bristles. Now let them completely dry before proceeding. Now that they are dry gently peel them from the waxed paper. If you want to add additional color or colors now is the time to do it. Some silicones will except permanent marker. I have different cardboard cut outs of tails and fins I use. I lay the cut out on what was the back of the bristle/silicone piece ( it is smoother and easier to trace your cut out on this side) BESURE TO ORIENT THE TAIL OR FINS SO THE BRISTLES ARE RUNNING LONG WAYS) Cut your tail/fins out and shape. When your happy with the shape squeeze a small amount of silicone on your index finger and rub it with your thumb so both are covered in silicone and pull your tail through your thumb/index finger coating both sides of the tail with silicone. If you want to add a bit of glitter to the tail gently shake a bit on each side. It will stick to the wet silicone. Now set them down on the waxed paper and let dry. With the addition of the silicone to the bristles it allows you to shape the tails a bit better and makes them much stronger tail/fin…..Nathan
  15. Spent many a hour with Ben on the phone..RIP my friend..
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