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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. There is nothing that isn't going to chip if your hitting rocks when casting...I'd recommend you go to the hardware store and pickup a can of clear, spray on "Plasic Dip". It has a Matt finish ( which makes no difference..all finishes look the same under water..plus your night fishing)Plastic dip has a rubbery feel to it and is extremely tough...It will hold up longer to your errant casts better than anything else..Nathan
  2. I had no idea I was listed there...but they misspelled my company name..lol..Nathan
  3. Nope...From Clinton Mo...I'm about 70 miles S.of KC..we aren't far apart..Nathan
  4. Welcome aboard..where are you at in Kansas?..Nathan
  5. Nathan


    Really nice stuff.. but it belongs in the gallery ...Nathan
  6. How long between dips?..Nathan
  7. Beautiful work but pictures like this belong in the gallery...Nathan
  8. Welcome to the zoo Kevin...Nathan
  9. Nathan

    New Here!

    I about spit Pepsi all over my IPhone...thanks for the laugh..Nathan...
  10. What's that old country song?.."prop me up with a beer in my hand"...lol..Nathan
  11. You may want to put this down in soft plastics..Nathan
  12. Keep us in the loop Gino!..Nathan
  13. Thanks for the input Top Dawg..Nathan
  14. Guys....There is no way around this...IF YOUR SELLING BAITS THE GOVERMENT WANTS THEIR TAXES...PERIOD!!!!!..Nathan
  15. Matt, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but if your selling baits or taking " donations".. you need to pay your taxes.There is a lot of bad advice that gets passed around by guys who don't want to pay up.When have you ever heard of the State or Federal government not wanting their cut of the pie.. no matter how small.File our form 637 with the Feds and pay your 10%.. And contact the State so you can collect your sales tax. I can't believe the number of guys who put their financial well being at risk for a lousy 10%..I for one who doesn't want the IRS crawling up my butt... As for what permits you need to start your business...you will need to contact your City or County municipality for that info...Nathan
  16. Well said..I hate writing that check four times a year.. but it beats the heck out of looking over your shoulder all the time!!..Nathan
  17. Nathan


    Great looking baits Mark..glad your daughter likes them too !!..lol..Nathan
  18. 21xdc..What was the reason they talked you out of the thinner?...Nathan
  19. Congrats young man !!..Nathan
  20. Top Dawg, From what I understand (I haven't used it personally) It doesn't "go off" near as fast as DN...Guys are dipping it and getting months out of a can..When it starts to thicken a bit they add thinner...Nathan
  21. I'm with MuskyGary..What did she say?..Nathan
  22. Go ahead and put it here .. You have my curiosity up now..lol..Nathan
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