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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Hey Toadfrog, Glad to see your still around and haven't " croaked"...sorry..I just had to go there!!..lol...Nathan
  2. One piece on each side will do.I personally like the the pearlescent the best but any of the colors will work great....Here before long they will be stocking Christmas tinsel ...in pearl,silver and gold.This tinsel is the exact same stuff but is a fraction of the cost.. especially if you stock up after Christmas on close out...Nathan
  3. Boisarc, That is correct...but it will not burn in to the paint..It will lay on top.I like using polyacrilic over epoxy for a couple reasons..It is thinner and lays flatter so it is easier to cover with your top coat..plus if your taping your line you definatley want to get that tape off before that epoxy sets. Any body reading this should definatley try adding a lateral line with Flashabou type products.Generaly the Flashabou for salt water flies is a bit wider and easier to use..The pearlescent colors look incredible after they are top coated...Nathan
  4. There is several ways to add a glitter stripe to your bait.If you want a clean edged stripe your going to need to lay down your tape covering the whole bait except for the striped area.. Now lightly spray this area with some clear laquer ( if laquer will react with your paint.. use a small brush and paint the area with polyacrilic which is water based) now lay a paper towel down and hold the bait over the towel and shake on your glitter covering the striped area..Then flip the bait over and apply the other side...now lightly pat the glitter down on each side with your forefinger and let dry.When dry peel off the tape and lightly brush off any loose glitter and top coat. If you want a more irregular stripe..don't tape the bait off..just use a fine brush and run a stripe of polyacrilic down the side and finish as above.. Another option is to lay a stripe of polyacrilic down then lay down a piece of pearl flashabou ( Google it..it is found in fly shops) let dry then top coat...Nathan
  5. Future discussions of this new product can go here so it can be found easier..Nathan
  6. I'm going to start another topic for additional info. On AC1315 top coat.It will help with the search feature here .Any other discussion for this top coat should go there..I should have done this much earlier...Nathan
  7. Mark, There's not a pill you can take for your allergies?..lol..Nathan
  8. Definatley thank you for the field testing and feed back!!...Nathan
  9. You may want to rethink the ziplock bag..I think the concrete sealer will eat it up....You may want to pour a little in a bag without a bait first and see how it goes..Nathan
  10. I've never built a through wire bait but have tied a lot of " Tube Flies" and that gave me a idea.Why not dip your baits in concrete sealer for about 5 minutes to seal the inside.Let it dry a few days then insert hollow plastic tubing through the hole for your wire to pass through.If you make it a tight fit you could glue the tubing in with a little epoxy that would keep all water out from the wood.Any water that would pass through the bait would pass through the plastic tubing and the tubing would provide protection from the interior of the wood from the wire...Nathan
  11. I may have clicked on the wrong thing..i clicked on the sample size and it took me to satin finished product... Cmiller..Thank you for the update on this!!..Nathan
  12. Pictures of our " lairs" will be just fine here..( I kinda feel like Batman now that I have a Lair..lol)If we opened this forum up to all pictures ,the guys like Ben is talking about would fill this forum with their pictures and we would have to weed through them just to find any discussion about baits....Nathan
  13. Mark, I was looking at the samples..The only thing I could find was satin finish..did you find the high gloss?....Nathan
  14. If you look on the lower right hand corner next to the " reply" button it says "more reply options" click that...It gives you the option to make attatchments...Nathan
  15. Dave, If you want to do it with paint,the best looking ones are painted a solid lighter color back ground then using a fine brush and go back over with a darker color actually painting small hairs on it.Very time consuming but they look very good...Nathan
  16. Cmiller, Anxious to hear how this new sealer works.According to the techs from these manufactures, the higher the solids the tougher the finish.As for a sealer it out works great.Submerge the bait for 2-3 minutes ( that's all you need) hang and let dry a couple days.You'll notice little bubbles coming off your bait while it is soaking....Nathan
  17. Nathan

    6 inch Sex shad 4

    Really nice Mark!!...Nathan
  18. Eagle Supreme concrete sealer can be orderd through Home Depot is a similar product...Besure to get the " Supreme" and not the regular Eagle brand product ...Nathan
  19. Welcome to the zoo Spec!!..Nathan
  20. If weight is a issue you may want to consider using a Moisture cured Urathane (MCU) as a top coat.It comes with it's own issues on storage but it may take care of your weight problem..Use the search feature at the top of the page and you will have hours of reading on the subject ..Nathan
  21. Wchilton, Thanks for the info..I didn't know that..Nathan
  22. I believe Hagens only sells wholesale..Nathan
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