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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Are you building baits for bass, Stripers,Muskie?....It makes a difference for the recommendation ...Nathan
  2. Shorty's retail side is called "Captain Hooks".You can purchase hooks in much smaller quantities ...just google for their web addi....Nathan
  3. Hi Chase..and welcome to the site.Amistad tackle has a good basic crank painting DVD.They have a banner here on the site that rotates in.You may also want to check our own members tutorial section...I believe there ars some segments down there aswell.And there is always UTube....Nathan
  4. Mark, That's why I put a announcement here ...so guys know to look down there...It's not the easiest to find.Like I said...If I was a little smarter I would have put this in the docks..lol...Nathan
  5. Looking forward to seeing you guys..Nathan
  6. Ben, The joke would be on you.....I'm a regular fixture on Santas naughty list!!!...lol...Nathan
  7. Ben, I think you'll like it...both as a top coat and a sealer as well.Those nail dryers are perfect for the size baits you do...Nathan
  8. I guess a smarter guy would have put this post in the docks...nobody has ever accused me of being smart!!..lol..Nathan
  9. Mark, It's at the bottom of the page under "TU Events"...Nathan
  10. Capt. Mike, The dryer isn't big enough to hang large baits in...right now I dry sections of the bait and put it together after the top coat is complete...Nathan
  11. It's time again!!!...There is a post at the bottom of the page under TU events for coming details...Hope to see you there
  12. Hey guys ..It's time for the get together...If you've never attended one you've missed out on a lot of fun.The dates this year are April 4-6th..I'd like to get some sort of head count... Additional info. such as lodging etc. will be posted soon.Lets see if we can top the attendance record this year!...Nathan
  13. I'm think just a can of cheap black spray paint should work on the jars...couple coats and they'd be all blacked out!...Nathan
  14. Thanks for the feed Back guys!!...Mark,Solarez doesn't seem to effect enamel paint...I'll have to try some lacquer base paint and see what happens..Nathan
  15. Did you spin them after you let them drip and before you cured them?...Nathan
  16. You can also use a hot glue gun to form the eggs than dip in water to set them.You can get hot glue sticks in a multitude of colors...Nathan
  17. I've messed with his plastic one and it makes a good sealer for the raw wood ( dipping)....Nathan
  18. I understand where Pizz is coming from.I also learned to build baits via the school of hard knocks before the Internet.I've learned a ton through this site and try to give back but there are ones who come here with so little ambition they won't use the search feature.The generic " how do I build a crankbait" question from a guy on his first post here gets me.Please use the search feature and spend some time reading....When you have a specific question by all means ask it....While we are ranting...my other favorite is a guy who asks a question and you give him the answer and you never get a response back....not a thanks or I'll give a try...nothing!!.....I guess the long and short of it is I don't mind helping somebody if they are willing to help themselves .....I'll get off my soap box now...Nathan
  19. Here is my theory...I haven't had time to try it yet...Now the techs. say you thin Solrez by heating it( it can be reheated over and over without hurting it)and the reccomened throwing it in a micro blaster for a few seconds...I was thinking I would pour some in a dipping jar then put the jar in a hot water bath to thin and keep warm...dip the baits..let drip... spin them for a couple minutes then zap them with a light for approx. 1 minute so it is tacky re-dip, let drip spin and finish under the light.I figure it will take at least two coats. Now A-Mac says he just dips in un - thinned Solrez hangs and lets drip for several minutes before curing...he said that one coat is enough...I think the dripping time makes a difference...Nathan
  20. You want to use rabbit strips...In the fly tying arena they are called zonker strips.You want the straight cut ones..NOT the cross cut.They come in every color you could imagine plus they can be colored with perminet markers. I assume your making a hard bait...just use a bit of 5 minute epoxy to attach .When the epoxy has dried just trim to shape...that will give you a breathing free flowing effect...or when the epoxy has dried rub some clear silicone between your fingers and pull it through the fins and shape them.When the silicone has dried you can trim the fins.The fins won't breath and move like the first option but they are flexible and collapse out of the way when the fish strike...Nathan
  21. It will give you a nice glossy finish but it doesn't provide a lot of protection from rocks, teeth etc.... Nathan
  22. Nathan

    Garco Mcu

    Thanks for the follow up info. Bob...Nathan
  23. The nail dryers work just fine..Nathan
  24. They shipped mine FedEx ...They take forever!!!.Not a fedEx fan at all!...Nathan
  25. You can get .092 diameter ss eye screws.I think lure parts online carries them....Nathan
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