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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. I hope everybody has a safe & Merry Christmas and New Year!!!...Nathan
  2. I'm with Ben on this..I apply my Solarez with a fine hair brush and haven't had any problems.Acetone will clean your brush...Nathan
  3. Thanks CLM....I purchased the nail light set up and it works great however your some what limited on the length of your baits you can use in it.I need something a bit longer for some of my swimbaits..Nathan
  4. CLM, Did you get that bulb at Walmart?...Nathan
  5. I would think pouring them from soft plastic ( like worms) would work much better.You could use a short metal sleeve in the center to run your line through and just pour around it.The sleeve would add a bit of weight.The colors for soft plastic is endless and I think it would feel more natural...Nathan
  6. That's a good Idea Mark...The Techs. At Solarez said that the heating and cooling of the resin will have no ill effect on it...Nathan
  7. Nathan

    Bth 20121210 215156

    Sweet looking little bait !!...
  8. A-Mac, Are you heating it to thin it before dipping?...Nathan
  9. Mark, It's a coat of Devon followed by a coat of ACC.?...The two are not combined together is that correct?...Nathan
  10. Ben....lol!!!!..how true!...Nathan
  11. Stuff like this belongs in the classifieds guys.It's in the upper right side of the page..Thanks...Nathan
  12. Hey Mark, Have you checked out that shrink wrap they have for gift baskets?...Nathan
  13. Here is a slick tip I learned from Gene (Lincoya)...Use the band saw to make your initial cut ( Like the guys said above)....This will be your pilot cut.Now using a dremel tool with either a 1/16th or 1/8th diamond bit(depends how thick your lexan is)follow your pilot cut.You get a perfect slot cut every time!...Nathan
  14. This stuff shows a lot of promise as a under coat as well.I brushed on a coat and let it set for about 10 minutes to soak into the wood...stuck it outside for a couple minutes (my new nail light hasn't arrived yet)...Brushed on a second coat ( first coat was still a hair tacky so I got good adhesion)and put it back out on the sun light for 3 more minutes and I ended up with a really nice hard smooth surface for painting.I'll rough it up a little with sand paper before I paint..Nathan
  15. Great stuff Mark..Thanks for posting!...really get a guy thinking..In my case that can be really dangerous !!..Nathan
  16. At the top of the page to your right is a classified section.You need to post this there..Nathan
  17. Beautiful work but please post them in the photo gallery
  18. Please post these in the photo gallery
  19. Another thought would be too either use the plastic dip clear spray on material or you their clear dipping coating and actually dip the lure in.Your bait would be left with a softer rubbery textured top coat that is nearly bullet proof.I've dipped jig heads in this stuff and have sprayed a few baits with it and it is tough!!! But you have a flat finish to it..no gloss at all..(the fish didn't seem to mind!!) ..Nathan
  20. I orderd one of those nail lights yesterday...When I finally finish with the learning curve here I may build a lighting box. What I've played around with so far sure shows promise. The the low cost is a definite plus!!..Nathan
  21. Mark, I'm still playing around with this stuff..but it doesn't seem to me near as brittle.Save your money on that light bulb they sell..I can't get the product to set up all the way using it...I have to stick the baits out side to get them to set up all the way...I can see my self building a drying box...Nathan
  22. Mark, There is a product that fly tiers use called sili-skin.it is a soft plyable material that has a adhesive back.It comes in a bunch of colors as well as clear I believe.The stuff is a little pricey .Your problem will be your top coat...It's going to need to be pliable as well...Fly tiers also have a top coat they use called softex that may work...I've been playing around with this for a while.....Nathan
  23. Beautiful paint jobs Couger!!...Nathan
  24. Mark, As soon As it is cured.In theory... Using PVC you could build,paint top coat and fish a lure in just a couple of hours...the hold up would be the paint drying...Nathan
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