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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Man..This was a post started in March 03..How did it get back here?..Nathan
  2. Happy Birthday Nova..Nathan
  3. Nathan

    Up in smoke

    I'd choose a bandsaw hands down..I've got a scroll saw and probably only used it a few times.As for brand, I like craftsman,but that is just a personal preferance. As for lip slots..I make a single cut with the band saw too use as a pilot hole..I then use a 1/16th" diamond bit in my dremel tool..Lay the bait on it's side and follow the pilot slot you cut with the band saw..You lip slots come out perfect every time..If you need a wider slot..just use a larger bit...Gene Graham (Lincoya) taught me this while at my house..Nathan
  4. This may sound like a stupid question but did you put hooks on it for your water test? Looking at the picture I notice there is still paint,etc. on your hook hangers leading me too believe there hasn't been hooks on it yet..Then again, you could have taken the picture before the water test and not after...Try adding more ballast too it..Nathan
  5. That is a beautiful Smallie..congrats. on your catch:worship: .We use too have a section in our gallery for these pictures but I don't see it anymore..I'll pass this along too Jerry....Nathan
  6. I'm with Nova on this one.After a little research and another phone conversation with him..He is a straight up guy..He is sending me out a packet of some of his past articles..Nathan
  7. Try rubbing alcohol..Nathan
  8. I've got a email out too somebody I know is in the industry about him..I'll let you know what I find out when I hear back..Nathan
  9. Nathan

    Cracking paint

    Rofish, They get the baits too that depth with the use of a downrigger.Essentially it's a 8-10lb lead ball with the lure clipped too it.When the fish strikes the lure is released from the down rigger..Nathan
  10. Just got a phone call from this guy last nite..anyone else heard of him?..Nathan
  11. Nathan

    Cracking paint

    Actually,it possible for water to get under your top coat..and not under your paint at all..during my learning process with this..(which is still going on..LOL) I had some baits come back that had the top coat and paint color blown out..but still had my white base coat intact..The preasures at those depths in unbelievable..Nathan
  12. Nathan

    Cracking paint

    Alot of guys fish my Assassin at close too 200 ft depths at times so I have some experiance here..Both good and bad..LOL.Everybody is right..it is water getting in under your top coat and or paint.At those depths,water just doesn't soak in, it is litterly pushed in...Your thinking to your self..I've got a good top coat on..doesn't matter..the water is getting in at the the edges of the face of your lure..(Trust me on this!!).Epoxies don't like edges,and you need to be rounded off those edges too get a good seal.Also make sure you put some epoxy on your eyescrews too seal them aswell..Nathan
  13. Nathan

    Fishing Blog

    It looks interesting..thanks Dan..Nathan
  14. Just incredible!!..Nathan
  15. I don't get down here much,but this post caught my eye..Longball,some guys have all the luck..you got a "freebie right there off the table".. ..Nathan
  16. Get a hold of Jason at Castiac baits..I know he had a design built last year..He maybe able too help..Nathan
  17. Nathan

    Sexy Shad

    I believe it was Abbey Road?... .. Nathan
  18. Nathan

    Sexy Shad

    Dean, We are dating ourselves with that one...you for saying it,and me for knowing what you are talking about:lol: ..Nathan
  19. One or both of two things happened..You say it is a epoxy,so I assume it is two part.You either didn't get equal amounts of the resin and hardner or if you did you didn't mix them well enough together. This is a easy fix.Mix another batch correctly and recoat.Rattle traps sink anyway so the additional weight of two coats isn't a issue..Nathan
  20. Happy Birthday!!!!!..Nathan
  21. Beautiful job on that bait:yay: ..I do agree you need too move the hook size up a couple sizes though..As for the action..I wouldn't worry about it..Walk the dog!!..Nathan
  22. Doomdart, I'd be interested in seeing that type joint too.I can't invision how you could make that joint work without material fatigue,and then joint failure..Nathan
  23. Nathan


    Welcome too the site Chubby.If you type in foil in the search engine of this site (at the top of the page) you'll have enough reading too keep you busy for a few days..Nathan
  24. Those should put some fish in the boat..Did you find your watermelon red?..Nathan
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