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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Ben is right..Thinned white lacquer paint will do it..and it is cheap to...Just dip and hang.A couple dips will do it for you..Nathan
  2. Get to know the search feature here located at the top of the page.It will supply you with months of reading on the subject of building Swimbaits.When you have a specific question..just ask...Nathan
  3. I really don't see any benefit of using KBS over Etex.Etex is good stuff on it's own..Nathan
  4. Centigrade, Did you check the link I posted?..Nathan
  5. Check this out... http://www.caddisflyshop.com/prism-scale-film.html ...Nathan
  6. When you start getting those little floaters in there..The end is near!!..I feel your pain Mark!!..Nathan
  7. Chuck, You hit it on the head..You can't see the difference...Nathan
  8. If I read correctly,Cabels will remain under its own name..Johnny Morris just owns it..Nathan
  9. Go up to the hard bait section for further discussion..Nathan
  10. I noticed a post down in the "Hybrid Lure" section regarding a frog style bait that a member had seen.Instead of discussing this down there ( that part of the forum doesn't get much traffic)I thought we would move it up here for more in put. The frog bait in question is Capt. Kens frogs. http://www.Bass-Frog.com I believe that is the addi. Looking the bait over..I think it would be easy to make.I'd use PVC for the body..It is soft enough to push a map pin into it to mount the legs..(refer to photo) As for a top coat..I'd either use the clear spray on Plastic-Dip for a soft rubbery feel to the bait..or for a thicker more rubbery ( is that a word?..lol) feel I'd actually use the clear Plastic-Dip dip version ( like for tool handles) and dip it.As for the legs..make them from white 2mm foam..you can use a marker and color them anyway you want ..The modifications are endless..Nathan
  11. Love your baits and look forward to your tutorial..but these pictures belong in the hard bait photo gallery..Nathan
  12. With KBS..I'd give them 30 minutes ...Nathan
  13. Yes it will bond..tough stuff...but it has a Matt finish...Nathan
  14. You may want to check Plastic Dip....They have spray on clear versions of it..Very tough stuff and has a rubbery feel to it..Nathan
  15. This stuff does not go off in the jar like the others..It just gradually gets a little thicker.When it does I add a little xylene to thin it back out..Nathan
  16. Nice baits but these pictures belong in the gallery..Nathan
  17. I put mine in a canning jar for dipping..Besure you clean the lip off really well when your done and before you put the lid on...If you leave it in the can for dipping you WILL glue the lid on..don't ask me how I know..Nathan
  18. I've found I can re-dip in a hour with no problems.Two dips is about 1 coat of Devcon..Nathan
  19. Nathan


    Really Nice Mark..Nathan
  20. You may want to try 1.75" for head 1" for the center and .75" for the tail..(this is the 3.5" bait..) and I'd move the front hook hanger to the head section..also most of the ballast in the head..less in the center and none in the tail ..give that a shot..Nathan
  21. Thanks for the info. Mark..I had a feeling they would hold fine by what you had described..Nathan
  22. Mark, Will this stuff hold eye screws?..Nathan
  23. Really nice bait...Is the action similar to a cedar bait Mark?..Nathan
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