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redg8r last won the day on September 1 2020

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About redg8r

  • Birthday 05/25/1975

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    Kentucky - USA

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  1. Hi, Your son likely installed an ad-blocking extension in chrome. You'll need to disable the ad-blocking app, or add TU as an exception to the app so your browser allows TU to fully load. Thanks.
  2. Photo attached, Let us know if it's not working for you. Jerry
  3. Re; http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?/topic/25718-warning-points/?hl=warning
  4. Thanks George, Travis, I hear ya, some will remember... Looking back, we were a small group of builders on another site, run by (Erik) one bright guy with a day job who got in over his head & let it fall into disrepair. When the site went offline (for longer than usual) a few of us discussed setting up another forum to keep our group together. I already had a forum setup to support a lure carving machine I'd been working on (Anyone remember the "Duplik8r"??) so we started gathering there to what would later become Tackle Underground. We had no visions of grandeur, no preconceived notions, we were just sick, crazy, obsessed tackle makers who stumbled into craft stores at 8pm coated in sawdust looking for glitter & a wedding veil to cut up. We were packrats, hoarding epoxy, plaster, wheelweights....swiping pyrex cups from our wives, & gladly taking heat for it. Parts were sparse & anything lying around was a potential lure component. We needed each other to validate our insanity & our original home on the web was just gone....like that....poof.... no warning, no explanation. I despised Erik for a long time for doin that to us, but we saved an ember & relit that fire here. I promised myself from the start, no matter what, I'd never run TU that way... how hard could it be right?? You starting to draw a parallel yet? I've said this before, my hobby was making tackle, now my hobby is making sure you enjoy your hobby. TU has had much better days....she needs work & it will take full-time devotion to turn that around. I promised myself I'd never run TU that way & I've now kept that promise. I've become TU's #1 problem and I'm fixing that problem, I'm in her way & its well overdue. I've entertained offers for awhile, from fellow members on up to conglomerates who own 100's of forums with topics from sports cars to Japanese anime' I could've $$ out, no notice & sacrificed all our work in the process. I vetted & chose who I felt would carry on our day-to-day & work to refuel that fire lit over a decade ago. I hear and understand everyone's feelings.... LPO is a company, but one genuinely vested in our success. They know we are independent thinkers...they know we shop all over...there are many symbiotic avenues for TU & LPO that don't involve them forcing product down our throats. Bottom line?..... they hope to earn your business by maintaining this site, serving your best interests & help you refine your craft.... how?? well, as usual, it's up to you: http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?/topic/26911-tu-lpo-what-the-future-holds/ Concerns are understood, A few weeks from now I'll be a normal TU member & I'll reap or forfeit along with you, my friends. Jerry "redg8r"
  5. Thank you Nathan, JSC, Ben & basskat for the kind words, George! welcome aboard & thanks bud. Travis, skepticism was expected & LPO knows that. I appreciate your honesty & devotion, you've always been an asset to the community.
  6. Hello everyone, I have an important announcement to share with you. After long consideration, I've decided to place the future of TU into more capable hands. A lot of soul-searching went into my decision and those of you, who know me well, know this was not easy for me. The bottom line is, for this venue to progress, thrive and remain of benefit for you, it needs proper management. I'm no longer in a position to keep pace with the growing oversight our community needs and deserves. I found a group who had the best interests of our community in mind, a company that shares our passion & respects what we do. That group is LurePartsOnline.com. We've witnessed LurePartsOnline.com step up to the next level from their earlier days as Stamina Quality Components and much of that success goes to owner Ron Stevens. Ron has carefully assembled a select group of people with a goal of safeguarding and strengthening TU’s stance as the largest and most informative tackle making resource on the planet. Lure Parts Online has been a generous supporter of TU for years now and I can say I am very excited for the future of TU, as they will have the means and minds to improve and progress this site in ways I myself never could. Thank you, thank you, every one of you, thank you for your genuine insight and helpfulness over the years. You have taught me so much, you are truly masters of your craft and I am blessed to have you as friends and fellows in the craft. Let me reiterate that I see this as a good thing for TU, as the team at LPO has the vision, time and resources to take the site to new levels that it might not otherwise reach. I will stay involved as long as it takes to ensure a smooth transition. I'd like you to help me welcome the gentleman who will be taking on the role of administering the site and leading TU into the future. His name is Curt Snow, an avid angler, experienced guide, forum leader and fellow tackle junkie. I'll let Curt step in and introduce himself. If any of our TU members would like to introduce yourselves to Curt, I'm sure he would appreciate that. Curt, thank you and welcome to the Underground!
  7. Real quick here, Mike, I'm sorry for not responding to your prior requests for clarification, have no real excuse, just been busy. You seem to think you were the reason "some" topics were deleted,..... it wasnt you. Those topics were "want-ads" ...people asking "hey can anyone here make me XYZ" We have a place for "want ads" and theyre completely free to post, theyre completely free for you to respond to and offer your services...... just not here in the luremaking forums. Nothing personal Mike...... Actually it has absolutely nothing to do with you, You seem to respond to these "want ad" topics before we can delete them, so I can understand the confusion when your posts are deleted along with the offending topic.
  8. With your electronics background, ever heard of arduino? I considered it given its ease of access, now sold at radio shack. post up the .skp when you can, I'm finally getting the hang of it.
  9. You cant climb cut backward if: You tilt or angle the blade whatsoever (non-perpendicular) Your cutting a bait with a steep edge (popper for example) Your drive motor is non-reversible I secured my blanks using countersink bits and/or simple phillips head bits, like a spur drive on a lathe. Not a problem for soft woods.... might need something more robust for hardwoods. Cant comment on electronics, I avoided them on this project. All I used was a switch, 2 motors (1 cutting 1 drive) and a speed controller for the drive motor.
  10. Seems feasible, For traversing, I drilled and tapped a block of HDPE then split the block in half along the thread, if you offset those blocks it will allow you to engage and disengage from the allthread to manually move the carriage when needed. Alot of people prototype with aluminum extrusion, think its called 8020 or something, its a little pricey, but you get to fab with metal and you can cut it with a chopsaw. if you go with a chuck, it'll likely need to be a 4 jaw, avoid independent chucks as they're usually used for offset work. After you find one the task becomes mounting it to something other than a lathe Hope it helps.
  11. Please use our classified ads section located at: http://www.tackleunderground.com/tu_classifieds/ Buying and selling are not permitted in the luremaking forums. Thank you.
  12. Sorry, We sold out awhile back. If you need the shirt for a particular purpose (event, etc.), contact me via PM & we'll see what we can do for you.
  13. Wow, a 9 year old topic I'm getting old. I haven't had anything assembled & cutting in years. What I cobbled together was about as elegant as you could ask with a wood structure. I've seen some really nice metal contraptions since then. Ironically, I have some machining tools now but no time to revive this beast ATM. Feel free to improve the concept.
  14. Your latest post is on topic. We will not host a family feud here. Stick to feature comparisons in regards to the topic & keep the personal stuff out of the conversation please.
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