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Everything posted by redg8r

  1. My first thoughts are filler such as alumilites featherlite & 2 part urethane resin, pretty standard stuff...or are you talking about the mold?
  2. Yes, look for the "attach files" section when posting, it shows you the currently allowed extensions: bmp doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd txt zip Thanks.
  3. Chris told us (mods) he was taking a break from pouring but wanted to stay on as a moderator here at TU, so you should still be able to reach him here.
  4. Hey, you're the one kind enough to sponsor the site....... That makes YOU THE MAN! We all appreciate it alot. Thank you
  5. Only registered members can rate the gallery photos. Each registered member can rate each photo once & only once. As for how they rate, it's their opinion. If you stumble upon a submission that seems underrated to you, be sure to take the time to rate it appropriately. We could disable the rating system like we did the user ratings prior but the existing rank/rating count would remain, so if you feel its incorrect, that would be the worst thing to do right now. Like said, if you feel the pic is underrated, fight fire with fire & rate it high. Thanks, I appreciate the concern.
  6. Hi, You make 2 different email addresses available to spambots on your rodtrader website homepage. Using the mailto: link is easy & conveinent, but spammers will find them easily also. The best remedy is to add a good form handler on your site & remove the email links altogether. Good luck, Jerry
  7. Water-base craft acrylics work well. Used it to make a custom skirt on a bait a few years ago & still looks good today. The paint will hasten the cure time so be prepared.
  8. I'm very sorry to hear that. We've lost a valued TU member. David has been with TU for a long time. He was always helpful member. David Reid's Profile He'll be missed here for sure. We'll be sending flowers on behalf of TU. Our deepest sympathies for him & his family.
  9. Thanks, Keep up the good work & let us see all those pours when they're done. All the best, Jerry "redg8r"
  10. Hello Machinist, Please don't post any prices in the soft plastics forum. Read up on the rules http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=886 & understand that this site is available to you on behalf our generous sponsors. We have a couple avenues available for you to promote your work, please consider using them. Soliciting sales any other way is unfair to those who make the effort to support us & against the rules here at TU. Thank you & good luck with your venture. The progress looks promising. All the best. Jerry "redg8r"
  11. Very close to, if not a Renosky scattering shad, one of my personal favorite finesse baits.
  12. Not sure if I posted this earlier, but Ron "bojon" sent us some video awhile back, heres a link & thank you Ron for the simple & efficient method. NOTE: 4+MB I'll work to shrink the file some. http://www.tackleunderground.com/video/tubetut_bojon.wmv
  13. redg8r

    TU t-shirt

    I hear ya wow, thanks for the interest. Weve had a cafepress shop setup for awhile, just never announced it. I have a few items on there now & a bunch of other shirt designs in my head. We attempted a wall calendar last year that showed alot of promise. I'm having a photographer doing another shoot this year. If anyone has any ideas or designs, feel free to send them to us. u63405, if you can get a good digital rendering of your airbrush work, we'll see if it can be put on a shirt. We have the TU logo on a couple shirts & a "Senior memberlist" shirt on cafepress that displays the top 100 most active members on a shirt, a few other items. www.cafepress.com/stufftu/
  14. Duck Decoys are do-able, of couse many carve them, but another method is vacumm forming. I have a small shop-made forming machine I use to make bait stencils.
  15. The site should come with a disclaimer, as your situation is normal
  16. Renosky makes a similar bait called a "scattering shad" the main difference is it has a skirted tail. largemouth tore these baits up so fast I kept emptying the pegs at my local tackle stores. Impatience set in after waiting for the stores to restock the pegs, so I looked around online for info on how to make my own, which eventually spawned TU. rest is history You'll get alot of opinions on the banjow minnow, most will criticize the bait for the way its marketed (late night infomercials) & call it junk. Personally, I always catch fish on that style of bait.
  17. My Apologies for the delay on restoring the tutorial photos. Many of the members took the time to resend me the accompanying photographs. Personally, I'm swamped at the moment, huge workload & just moved last week. If anyone capable & interested in editing the tutorials to add the photographs feel free to contact me to discuss. You need to be familiar with this forum & be comfortable using HTML & BBcode. Thanks.
  18. redg8r

    I Missed It

    I remember that post, congrats. I remember that tackle shop too, cool little shop. When I was there the entire bottom shelves of the store was bulk bins of weights, should be fun keepin him stocked. Now you have all that money, we need to get together & fish the Caloosahatchee......... your treat right? Glad to see ya back.
  19. redg8r

    eye making

    One thing to watch for is the paper the eyes are shipped on, many have a silicone coating for easy removal of the eyes. The RTV will stick to the paper unless a proper release agent is used, or simply remove the eyes from the paper first. Good tip & a great way to experiment with custom eyes.
  20. redg8r

    Feedback post

    Thanks for the suggestion, it's definately something we'll monitor & keep in mind. Over the years, we really havnt had any problems other than the recent repeat offender. I'm proud to say, overall, we have the best member base on the planet. Thanks again.
  21. If he cant help, Larry from Legendary lures has a cut & fold template he usually trades in exchange for a lure. http://www.legendarylures.com/ good luck.
  22. Hey, thank you guys & those guys who did all the work for the articles. Heres a link: http://www.flwoutdoors.com/article.cfm?id=145441
  23. True sign of an addicted luremaker, All about the bait with no concern to the frshly epoxied carpet!! Welcome aboard
  24. I remember spaz stix, I though they were resellers for Alsa corp, judging by the price difference I guess I'm very wrong. powder pait out of the question for plastics & thier ceramic paint needs to cure at 500 deg for an hour, but might be of some interest to the jig & wire guys. 13 bucks a can sounds much better, thanks for the link, if youve tried it or if anyone tries it please bring us a review. Thanks again
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