No one here particularly enjoys removing posts, but im guessing it was removed for one of the following reasons, just for your choice of a topic titled:
from the site rules:
4. Be tasteful at all times, we do not permit foul or explicit language, racist comments, gender bashing, or offensive material of any kind.
8. Vague posts: when posting, please use a descriptive title. Posts tilted, eg. "Hey", "Look at this", or "I have a question" these type of posts will be edited or deleted. They offer no lead to the information in the post & use unnecessary time & bandwith, for every visitor to read a post that they might not have wanted to read.
Also, contacting an individual publicly on the board should be avoided, we have a "Private messenger" function in place where you can contact any member privately. you will likely get a better response privately, since the recipient isnt having to reply publicly to you.
11. Please do not post in all caps [ALL CAPS], this is an issue of courtesy, this is considered screaming and is bad internet ettiquite. If you have trouble reading the font on this site, consider using a larger font in your web browser to display the site.
Also not officially a rule as of yet, but will be: If your posting simply to show off a photo, please use the "Photo Gallery" thats what its for. I intended the image attachment function to be used for Q&A & to aid in description, not for show. You're only alloted a small amount of space in the forums for uploading, the Gallery has no such restrictions.