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funny farm

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  1. funny farm


    I have a beginer cajun , a 15 foot . Its was free though .
  2. Check ebay , I say things are only worth what someone will pay for it , lots of people use ebay as a price reference .
  3. I bought eyes from them , like 10,000 or so . They have a fairly big minimum . If you need some small quanitys i have a few other sources .
  4. I have played with this before , as I also think it would be a very useful feature to pull up one persons entire collection . I belive the way it is set up is it only searches the description , searching for me only pulls up 9 and i have many more than that , I got lazy and didnt give a description . I typed big splash and he has his name in his descriptions . I will look into the deal to see if I am correct .
  5. I use 2 kinds , The one on the right I use for wires up to .051 , the one on the left does small wires but i only use it if i dont feel like switching the parts on the other one .
  6. Listing is free unless someone bids . .. .. . Talk about a good reason to start a false account . Not that I would think or do such a thing .. . .
  7. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3664955107&category=29723''>http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3664955107&category=29723' rel="external nofollow">'>http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3664955107&category=29723 Can we get a pool going ? I gots about 78 cents .
  8. Welcome to TU ! It is some high tech stuff thanks to jerry . If you need anything let us know .
  9. Just let me know . I can send you the bodies if need be . We can figure something . Will it be flexcoat or devcon ??????
  10. Him likeing it makes it all the better ! Great Job !!
  11. What size was he looking for ? I have a "few" bodies . These came from a Helin employee along time ago , thats the story anyway .
  12. set 3 is from berkley , 2 is just angled toothless needle nose number 1 is my most used and I am not sure the brand , got on the infamous ebay of course , I have been using #1 for 3 or so years . # 3 is good for small stuff .
  13. Well she couldnt wait the extra month and a half . Wife has been in the hospitol for a month or so , yes she will be home sunday and I have a bit of cleaning to do !!! Her name is Kaitlynn Victoria and she wieghs 3.5 pounds and is 14.5 inches long . Kaitlynn will be in the hospitol for another month and a half to make sure her lungs are ok . She was 29 weeks . Well I guess I will be busy for a while !!! Wont change my life a bit , all you parents out there are laughing I bet !!! I added a picture because I know how everybody loves newborn pics !!!
  14. I bought one a while ago . Its ok . You can look at a few web sites and get the colors , bass pro shops , cabellas and any catalog you get in the mail .
  15. Wow , I didnt know they were making reels back then , 1960's is the flintstones time right ?
  16. envirotex is very picky , i mix it for a long time , 10 times longer than devcon or flex coat .
  17. You can thin epoxy with rubbing alcohol . Just a litle makes it spray real nice . Dont forget to clean airbrush !!
  18. What parts are you looking for ? Its realy hard to find new vintage looking parts . I have a "few" vintage parts , let me know what you need , email me if you want . Thanks .
  19. You got me all , well , my eyes were sweating a little . Good one !!
  20. Good to hear from you . Check out some of the local shops that have nothing but custom lures , They have some odd stuff over there!!
  21. Welcome !! I am glad you like the place , any questions just ask !!
  22. There tape is good . WTP Also has some which is good also but the lucky craft stuff is a bit more flashy .
  23. Hes coming for you!! Thats funny .
  24. No stores in my area have a good selection . The only have basic colors . I ordered from dixie art , it was fast service . I just got about 20 new colors and a bunch of new airbrushes.
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