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Fireball Lures

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Everything posted by Fireball Lures

  1. Hey I haven't looked for any lately but when I use to make 16" worms I got my bags from veripack and from what I can remember they were pretty reasonable. They have all different sizes and thickness bags. Nathan Firebaugh
  2. I think this number should work 706-629-9077
  3. I used LC plastic for years then got turned to Calhoun by the guys here and I thought plastic was plastic.... boy was I wrong. Calhoun's plastic seems to be a better quality and much softer and feels more life like to me. I got a 5 gallon sample free and never bought LC again. Call them and get a sample and give it a shot. Nathan Firebaugh Fireball Lureshttp://www.LunkerCabin.com' rel="external nofollow">
  4. Some of you guys might remember me figured I would drop in and say Hi to all you guys here at the forums, haven't had alot of time to make lures up until now and I think I'm gonna try to get back in to the swing of things this year. I have alot of new ideas and stuff to share once I get some pictures I will post them. Tournament season getting ready to kick off next weekend I'm trying to get back into that also fishing the BFL events in the shenandoah division this year as a co-angler to get my feet wet again. The website looks great and it's come along way you guys keep up the good work and I'll let you know how the tourney goes. Nathan Firebaugh Fireball Lures
  5. Once you have the machine setup and operating properly which takes time and some trial and error. The software is the biggest learning curve to the whole project I would recommend taking a class at a local community college on the CAD part which would help out greatly. The software that runs the machine isn't as bad as I first thought it does take time to setup and get properly adjusted and working correctly but comes with pretty good instructions that can be dowloaded and reviewed. The servo's you are talking about 200 oz in. probably will work good not sure if you're going direct drive or with a pulley configuration? I have ordered 258 oz in. steppers for mine and at the moment I am running some 116 oz in. steppers that came with my controls using direct drive method I can't run high feed rates and it doesn't have enough holding torque for large cuts. Nathan
  6. Most large companies use injection machines and alot of the smaller companies just own the molds and have different comapnies shoot the plastics for them. Alot of the smaller guys here use production pots or something similar holding up to a gallon of plastisol at a time. The injection machines are huge and can produce a large volume of baits in one shot, these molds are custom made and can have as many cavities (or baits) as size permits. Hope this helps you out. Nathan
  7. I have invested about $1,600 total in my project machine total including software Bobcad v17, this doesn't include trial and error parts and other materials I have purchased which I could not use. It takes alot of patience building one of these machines and I had no prior experience in anything like this before. I purchased the same mill you are talking about and have converted it to cnc using a kit from kdn tools. I can give you all the info and specs on the stuff that will work with this mill if you would like them. I need to still do a few things limit and home switches and purchase a few more tools for my project but I am happy with it so far and you can do alot more than make fishing lures with it. I have been doing some engraving with it for some friends who own different shops, as my first cnc projects starting out small to figure this machining process out but I must say it's a very interesting hobby. I still have alot to learn and have made some mistakes and would be glad to help anyone who is thinking about getting into this type of project.
  8. I finally have almost finished my home built converted cnc mill, it is a small machine which I bought and converted to a cnc machine using Xylotex drivers and stepper motors. It wasn't too bad of a conversion and I plan on building a cnc router from scratch next and it will be a larger footprint machine capable of doing more than what I currently have. There are many cnc forums to help any of you guys build your own machine if you would like any info I would be glad to help out. The 4 axis software I believe you can run Mach2 if I'm not mistaken it can run 6 axis. Nathan
  9. Thanks Chris but I am the one looking for sponsorship Trying to find some sponsors to allow me to fish this BASS open tourney, the old David vs Goliath thing. Nathan
  10. If anyone here has any good ideas on ways to find sponsorships let me know, I am trying to work up a one time deal to fish the upcoming BASS northern open tournament being held on my hometown lake here in VA, which is my testing waters for my baits. Anyone who has luck in the past picking up sponsors you guys can help me out a bunch. Nathan
  11. Sounds like my experiment with aquarium salt, but sounds like your case is mild. Has the salt been sitting in an open container it will draw in moisture from the air. Thus when you add it to the plastic you are adding a small amount of water to the plastic which creates the bubbles. Nathan
  12. I have had that problem with some two part molds due to shrinkage in really cold weather but never on a two part mold, it seems to happen more with aluminum due to the better heat transfer capabilities of a metal rather than a silicon mold. Nathan
  13. Hey guys I have a 6'9" Kistler Drop Shot rod that I broke the tip on putting it into my boat last weekend during a tournament. I've never built rods or even repaired one before but the tip broke about 2" below the top eye on the rod tip. Is there any hope in fixing it or do I just get a new one, just wanted some more opinions before I spend another $169.00 for a new one. Nathan
  14. The smaller baits also seem to work well for me in the summer time and sometimes catch big fish. Glad to see some alot of new faces around this place, it's been a while since I have been here. I'm just getting back into the swing of things and have some really exciting stuff to share with you guys in the coming months. Nathan
  15. Hey Del I got the Sieg mill it's the one from Harbor Freight (no shipping charges) I talked to a guys who makes table top injection machines and asked him what he uses to make his mold and he told me how he did his mill. So i pretty much copied his mill, it's a 3 axis mill with a kit from www.KDNtool.com, I purchased the steppers from ebay and the drivers from Xylotex. I think it will be a descent machine to play around with, I did my homework and looked around alot before I bought anything. It's still gonna take me sometime to get it all together and up and running but I'm not gonna rush it. I think it will do alright for what I wanna do but we will see. Nathan
  16. Thanks for the information, I have been looking at cad software such as Rhino 3D and Bob Cad/Cam. I went a little different route than you did by purchasing a manual mill and buying a conversion kit for it ended up costing about the same price. Thanks again. Nathan
  17. Well just about got my CNC mill complete, still got a few things to do but it's coming together nicely. One question I have is what cad software are you guys using, or are you just using g code? Nathan
  18. Looks like an old heddon to me, but I'm no expert. I bet Funny farm would know. Fireball
  19. I think basically they fill up a 2oz size container. The container would hold 2 ounces of water I bet. Nathan
  20. Well the machines I have been looking at aren't huge machines but are bigger than some of the smaller mills. http://www.grizzly.com has a mini mill for a pretty descent price, haven't found a cnc conversion kit for it online yet. And http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=44991 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=47158 Homier (Speedway) SKU 03947, $399.99 all of these seem to be made by a company called seig which there site shows mills from small to larger versions. I found a site at www.mini-lathe.com that has some review on these mills and they seem to be cutting aluminum with these machines. Nathan
  21. Hey Del are any of the mini mills better than any of the other or do you know much about these? I would be interested in getting one setup to make all sorts of stuff just not sure which mini mills would be the best for my application. I'm not going to be cutting hard metals probably aluminum and wood mostly. I was looking at maybe getting a manual mill and using a retrofit kit to make it cnc later down the road any ideas? Nathan
  22. The pot is working great I didn't use that pot on this particular machine this one uses 4 Lee 420 production pots that is the bigger version of the pouring pot. The one from Wennesco ended up costing me $380 and it has a manual valve 1/2" but using it I ended up dropping it down to 1/4" by using adapters. I like it alot and use it for big runs of solid color pours. The machine is pretty simplistic and is basically a hand pouring helper if you will. I'm going to try to finish this baby up this weekend and get this show on the road. Nathan
  23. *Update* The Semi-Auto Fireball Pouring System is near it's finishing stages. The system is near complete and should be complete and ready for some serious testing in the next few weeks. The system will be a faster way to hand pour worms and I will have plans available once the machine has been tested. I also will be adding new features to this machine to make it even faster and eventually it will become an auto machine. I will keep you guys updated and I will get some pictures as soon as it's finished. Nathan
  24. Man that machine is cool does it actually rotate the bait, or do you have to turn it and make another pass? I got a Duplik8r but haven't used it much lately, man a cnc duplik8r that would be a fun project. Fireball
  25. Hey Chirmy I don't do much river fishing myself but some of my Pro Staff guys do, if you got any questions for them feel free to ask away over at the forums. You probably wanna talk to Casey Martin he just finished 3rd in the Walmart BFL Super tourney at the Ohio River so I'm sure he's got some ideas. Nathan Firebaugh
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