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Everything posted by woodsac

  1. Not exactly...but a friend of mine did just recently do a shoot on ESPN2's Bass Tech. After the shoot, he handed out a few packs of my baits to Skeet Reese and Gerald Swindle
  2. If you're using regular Calhoun's and not the tube formula, you shouldn't need any stabilizer. But for just a single cup at a time I would think no more than maybe a tsp? I add about 1 oz of stabilizer to a 5 gal bucket
  3. It's better to add it before heating. Start with a smidgen or a dash Just a little bit. Less than the size of a pencil eraser. You can always add more after the plastic is cooked, it's just a little harder to get it mixed up.
  4. Don't worry...it's normal They all look like pearl white until they hit the plastic. Even then, sometimes the color won't be visible until after you've started to heat the plastic and mix up the powder. Remember, a little bit goes a long ways!
  5. Cotton, welcome to TU Boy, you're busy today! I just got done reading your posts over at calfishing You just became part of 2 of the best fishing related boards on the net! P.S. If your lure is running to one side, bend the line tie to the opposite side. It doesn't take much...a little at a time.
  6. Well that's shocking right there! Shockingly good that is
  7. It's no trophy, but it's a good comparison to what I've been catching with these baits. These things are great for the tournament guy too, not just the trophy hunters! The other 15 or so fish I caught this day only went up to about 15" and maybe 1 3/4 lbs Great job Matt! I'll be picking up a couple of the 'baby bass' soon
  8. Just make sure they aren't in direct sunlight or exposed to extreme temps for prolonged periods.
  9. General concensus is that the stuff sucks! Both for manufacturing and personal use. Just being honest from both talking to dozens of people and reading. I have not used it, but it was big talk for a long time when the 3X stuff came out. A lot of guys are really taken back by the 3X stuff when they 1st see it. But I don't know a single person in the club I fish in that has ever continued to use any of the 3X products after trying them! Sure it stretches and doesn't tear, but it also causes more lost fish than a dull hook. Skin hooking is next to impossible, and it is the stickiest plastic in the world!!! Everything sticks to it, and it sticks to everything else! Forget about flipping or fishing near timber! What ever you do, don't let your bait touch the ground. You'll spend the next 15 minutes trying to pick rocks off of your bait instead of fishing!
  10. You might try "vinyl plastisol" or "curing liquid plastisol". A long shot is "PVC plastisol". But I'd hate for you to get the wrong thing because pvc is toxic. That's why we highly urge everyone pouring to wear a respirator!!!!
  11. woodsac


    You probably won't be able to purchase it through the walmart site. You have to be 18 years old, so you're required to go through the check out. Look in the paint department or wherever the store you're in sells super glue or adhesives. That's actually what Devcon is.
  12. You can get them from Bob or Del. See the top sticky for links to their sites.
  13. I'm kinda curious why you're soaking them in worm oil? It seems like I'm reading this a lot lately. Worm oil is not necessary! I never use it. But that's just my preference. I have worms in bags that have been there for a year without oil with no problems. As long as your worms are stored inside of good quality air tight bags and kept out of direct sunlight, you shouldn't have any problems. It sounds to me like the worm oil is penetrating the plastic (which it should do) and causing the colors to bleed and change. I do however add a little bit of scented worm oil to each cup of plastic. Just to help get rid of any plastic scent. I then add scent to each bag before bagging the worms.
  14. Yes I've even poured into uncoated wood. But make sure you coat it to get a nice shiny surface and to keep the wood from taking on moisture.
  15. woodsac


    I know some of the guys use Rit Dye. Check out these links for some good info http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=1049 http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=2375 http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=2900
  16. Lure Craft sells a few ring worm molds. I don't the sizes off hand. You'd have to dig through their catalog. There's a link to their site in the sticky at the top of the soft plastics page.
  17. At one time their website used to say that they milled their own molds.
  18. lure_learning Here is the thread you are looking for. The TU search feature works fine. But you have to use words that are very specific to your topic. I told the search to look for all terms. I searched for the words red+problem. I also told it to only search the soft plastic forum. http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=3745&highlight=red+problem
  19. woodsac

    worm oil

    What colors are bleeding? Red, chartruese and a couple of others bleed naturally
  20. Have you checked the sticky 'Cookbook' at the top of the page? There are a couple of camo recipes in there. But I'm not sure if they're what you're looking for?
  21. woodsac


    Save the link that Basscat gave you. At anytime, you can simply click on the word "Forum" in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Don't click any of the dropdown boxes, just forum to open up a listing of all the boards.
  22. Another member recently said that he coats his plaster type molds with WD40 Just a light spray and he's never had a problem with them sticking. For repair, I would try some devcon 2 ton epoxy.
  23. Pop, Frank doesn't have salt. He has clear flakes. A lot of the guys are substituting some salt with the flakes. It's not as heavy, but it adds weight and helps the colors stay true, not wash out from the salt. There are quite a few threads about them.
  24. I tried it one time...never again Every time I held the dropper over the cup, the dye would drip off of the end before I could finish adding my drops. Really makes it hard to keep count on those important recipes
  25. There is no 'best' place. Lots of good suppliers. Do a search and you'll see that all the same suppliers are referred to time and time again. The bottom of this tutorial has most of the major suppliers listed: http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/kb.php?mode=article&k=22 Most of us use all of them at one time or another Just choose the one that can offer you the most supplies that you'll need to get started. That will save you money on shipping.
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