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Everything posted by alsworms

  1. Welcome, Allen. Glad to have you!
  2. Jigs are listed under wire baits, so I'd put them in there.
  3. I'm almost positive Lure Craft has them in 7 inch. Maybe give them a call? (260) 829-1274
  4. So many things have changed since I poured, but I always read that all flo colors need to be added to cold plastic.
  5. X3 and also make sure you mix the colorant really well before adding to plastic. Many of the flo colors separate badly.
  6. Frank nailed it, and I also forgot to mention that salt will do that too......to some degree. The more salt, the more opaque the bait will be.
  7. Pretty much nailed it, but I used heavy salt for the body and no salt for the claws.
  8. Another thing I might add is if you look towards the top, there is a sticky entitled, "List of lure mold companies." Many of those companies also sell colors, glitter, and another additives you might need. There is a huge selection of companies you can try now. When I poured, there were maybe 2. LOL
  9. alsworms


    For me, I had a miserable time making a decent PB&J because I couldn't find the right brown. Then I tried MF cinnamon and nailed it. So just a light purple top and the cinnamon bottom did the trick for me. All other browns would overshadow the purple.
  10. Looks to me more like a pearlescent. More transparent than regular white. I think just white wouldn't show the flake very well. Also looks like it's holograph flake rather than just silver.
  11. MF makes a fluorescent pink that is translucent. You just need to make sure you shake the color a bunch and add it before heating the plastic.
  12. alsworms


    I'm hoping once the surgeon sees the MRI, he can approve of injections, but according to the spine specialist, there is not enough room to inject. He's thinking he might be able to inject over and/or under the 2 vertebrae, but that all depends on the surgeon. If that isn't an option, they will have to remove portions of those 2 vertebrae. Just playing the waiting game for now.
  13. alsworms


    Nice catch, Dave, and glad to hear recovery is going well! Sadly, I can say I will be able to relate. Just had an MRI done on my back and found out I need surgery. Lumbar Stenosis, which from what I've researched, is a nice way of saying crushed vertebrae. Going in next Wednesday to found out when the glorious event will occur.
  14. From what I saw online, it looks like green pumpkin laminated with lime green.
  15. Good call,and I also have to mention minnow silver works GREAT with hi-lites.
  16. I used it all the time. It's a clearish color with tons of tiny silver flake. Needs to be shaken quite often as the flake will separate.
  17. Great point, and exactly why I quit doing it. Decision time: do I quit the day job and do this full time? In the end, too risky for me.
  18. That's about what I did, then I read members on here talking about curing for 3 to 5 days. I think it depends on the plastic being used. I can say this for sure.... There were many times that I poured, packaged, and shipped on the same day, and for the life of me I can't ever remember a customer complaining about bends in them.
  19. Exactly what I was thinking. Something else going on. I don't think I've ever had an MF jug hard pack. Then again, I used the super soft formula. Might be different with regular.
  20. That's funny. For some reason, I always think of aluminum molds as "unbreakable." I guess if they're dropped on a garage floor, lights out!
  21. And there it is. I go into our post office every day, and it's been a madhouse lately. I'll bet you won't have the same problem in January.
  22. I made countless PoP molds that lasted several years, provided they were coated from time to time. I used Minwax Polyurethane, but some guys have different preferences. Once the baits started getting a little sticky, I knew it was time to coat them. Usually let them sit for 48 hours and they were good to go. Oh yeah.......and don't drop them. I've done that too.......more than I care to say.
  23. I looked at my recipe and it read 6 drops black grape and 5 drops red in 4 ounces of plastic. Now this particular plum looks a bit more red, so I believe Monte nailed. Go more on the red side.
  24. Welcome, Joe. Great to have you!!
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