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Everything posted by alsworms

  1. Interesting color. I couldn't find a big enough picture, but judging from what I saw, I'd start with like a minnow silver with gold hi-lite and either a black or very dark brown back.
  2. MF Manufacturing http://www.pouryourownworms.com/
  3. Great to have you back. Love the name!
  4. Yeah on second glance, could be violet hi-lite. Be a good idea to get both. Not too expensive, and a little goes a long way.
  5. Yup.....it's smoke with blue hi-lite. Not sure about any of the newer companies, but Lure Craft and MF carry the hi-lites. btw......once you discover hi-lites, it will change your life. LOL
  6. Another thing I forgot to mention is I preferred the slightly bigger version. I believe it's 3 and 3/4. The 3 inch is nice, but some found it a bit too small. They're cheap, so it might be a good idea to have a couple on hand.
  7. Nothing wrong with silicone molds, brother.
  8. Had several of those molds and loved them. Easy to pour and a little plastic goes a LONG way. I didn't mention it earlier because I thought you wanted aluminum or injection. Lure Craft has an insane selection of reaper molds.
  9. Softener........ Kind of hard to judge with that small amount of plastic. I usually had a couple softened gallons set aside and used it as needed. Not more than a couple ounces of softener is needed in a full gallon.
  10. Welcome.......glad to have you!
  11. Welcome! And do be afraid to fire away with questions. Tons of knowledge on here!
  12. A picture of what you're trying to make would help.
  13. I'd like to be really cool right now and say, "Of course I meant 10mm OD," but I honestly had no clue what 10 meant. LOL btw......good tip, BobP. I just might have to consider trying these myself.
  14. Moisture must be taken in somewhere because I've never heard of bubbling problems with MF
  15. How well did you mix the plastic before you poured? Some brands separate really bad. Look at your jug and see if there is hardener on the bottom of it.
  16. I never used them, Ben, and honestly didn't know they came in different sizes. After a little research, size 10 is popular.......if that makes any sense. LOL Hope it helps.
  17. No disrespect as I used MF plastic for many years. You make a GREAT product. The problem is not with the free samples. The problem is most companies offer free samples in an effort to receive future orders, which would then be spamming and/or self promotion. As mentioned, there is advertising space here on TU.
  18. The post was reported as self promotion and removed.
  19. Can't believe it's still going. Look .......I've been screwed before and I know how you all feel. You end up with no money and no product, and you want to TELL. THE. WORLD. The problem is TU is not the place for that. Picking and choosing which comments to keep and dump usually creates even more drama. I'm sorry some of you don't feel that way. As a moderator, it's not my job to help you all decide which supplier you purchase from. It's my job to keep some kind of peace on here. That can be difficult at times. I'm truly hoping that Bear comes through for you all, whether it be product or refund. Now let's move on
  20. I removed the thread because of childish bickering. Simple as that. I think by now most members are aware of Bear's situation and his service. No need to keep pushing it. I'm sorry that many people had bad experiences with Bear's. I really am, but TU is a place to talk about tackle making, not the continual slandering of its members. Take it up with the supplier. No Bear is not a paid sponsor on TU, and no.......I don't know Bear and have nothing to do with his business. I would have removed that thread had it been directed towards ANY member. Now then.......we should let cooler heads prevail and move on to bigger and better things in 2017. Peace
  21. Not trying to start a plastic war (as we've had PLENTY of those,) but bubbles are usually caused by bad plastisol, a bad batch of plastisol, or somehow you are allowing moisture in the mix. You might want to check with your supplier.
  22. I never used pyrex cups on hot plates. Just used tin cups, but I've heard horror stories about pyrex cups exploding on hot plates. Someone please chime in and correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always believed: pyrex in the microwave = good. pyrex on hot plates = disaster. Just my 2 cents.
  23. See......now that pic is much clearer. Nice lookin' color.
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