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Everything posted by RiverMan

  1. I don't think it was the paint because I heat set it and it dried overnight. Beyond that, the first coat of DN went on just fine. I think after reading the responses above a couple things are going on. One is that the stuff is maybe not as "fresh" as it could be and secondly I probably over-brushed it. The worst part is the lure is probably ruined. I tried lightly sanding it but it still has a very uneven surface which I just applied a coating of etex to in an attempt to save it. I'm not sure at this point if I will try DN again or not. If I do I will either try spraying or dipping the lures. thank you. Jed
  2. Dano, You know, it was almost like the stuff was starting to dry while I was brushing it on. A few strokes with the brush and it left a rough surface. The container has only been opened three times briefly for me to pour some off which I then applied with a brush. Maybe the stuff I have is too old? Or maybe it was drying in the open container before I could brush it on? I have no idea........... Jed
  3. You did a great job on that, very nice. It is supposed to be a perch right? Just kidding ya........
  4. I am giving the DN coating another try and although I had high hopes for it I am running into problems again. I am using the coating over the top of heat cured createx paints. The first coat went on fine. I waited 24 hours and just now applied the second coat and it is orange peeling on me. Just about the etire surface of the lure looks like a gator's back. I have no idea why.....this stuff seems to be way too touchy. It's a real bummer because the lure I am coating is very nice. I am done with DN. Jed
  5. I have some baits that yellowed done with Devcon and others that are 5 years old that have not. None of my baits done with Etex have ever yellowed. RM
  6. Man I wish I could be fishing...............smallies are still at least a month off here, maybe longer. Very cool you got one on your swimbait!
  7. RiverMan

    Snackjerk Diver Wave

    Interesting lure, I like the design.
  8. RiverMan


    very nice
  9. RiverMan

    Sexy 7

    Good looking baits
  10. RiverMan

    trout swimbait

    Tim, I have not done a video of this particular bait yet because the waters near me are all blown out with rain/snow right now. I should have one soon. Thank you for the kind words by the way.......you too FF. Jed
  11. RiverMan

    trout swimbait

    This trout swimbait is just over 9 inches in length and made from resin. Hope you like the lure.
  12. The oil based sealer should be ok so long as you let it dry completely. Try this instead: seal with a sanding sealer or polycyrlic, two coats. Once dry then use a white primer of some kind, rattle can or dip, makes no difference as long as you let it dry completely! Now, put on some latex gloves and then with a clean paper towel and a dab of rubbing alcohol, clean the entire surface of the lure. Only touch the lure from this point forward if you have latex gloves on. Paint, let dry overnight...........do not touch lure!! Clearcoat...............if you put a second coat of clear on repeat the cleaning with the alcohol. You can save these lures by letting the cleacoat set up completely, clean rubbing alcohol, clearcoat again. RM
  13. RiverMan

    Taste the Rainbow

    I think it looks great!
  14. Yep, clear lacquer.........you can buy it in a rattle can. RM
  15. Are you sure the pin holes aren't in your mold?
  16. I tested the lure this morning after moving the tow point both up and down. Moving it up may have helped some but very little. Jed
  17. Dave, Some time ago I set aside a swimbait that had too much roll to it. Well, after reading your theory above, I pulled the bait back out and intend to do some experimenting. Before I start messing with the weight I thought I would experiment with the tow point location. If I understand your theory correctly, the tow point should go up some but I will experiment with moving it both directions to see what happens. Jed
  18. RiverMan

    New Perch Swimbait

    Rod, The lure has a great action at virtually all speeds. It is a much different lure (larger, heavier, different joints, different materials, etc.) than the production swimbait I made so I can't really do a comparison.
  19. RiverMan

    New Perch Swimbait

    This is the first of a new perch swimbait I have been working on for some time. The lure is made from solid resin and is 8 inches in length. The lure has a great swimming motion from slow to fast!! Hope you like it.
  20. RiverMan

    New Perch Swimbait

    This is the first of a new perch swimbait I have been working on for some time. The lure is made from solid resin and is 8 inches in length. The lure has a great swimming motion from slow to fast!! Hope you like it.
  21. RiverMan

    Blue Back Herring

    very nice, clean job........looks good
  22. Make sure your paint is mixed well........... Keep the brush moving................ Light coats............................. RM
  23. I have done several thousand lures with etex and have yet to see one of them yellow. Ironically, I had a customer write me this morning to say he has a BeerBelly Glider that I did several years ago with 30 musky on it and it doesn't have a single crack! That's tough! When I first started I was using Devcon and although I did like it, several baits yellowed on me along the belly. Etex will fisheye (dimple) if everything isn't just perfect.....usually it is a contaminant of some kind from your fingers but it can also be caused by unsealed wood, resin that hasn't had a chance to degass, or uncured paint. I haven't tried the high build flexcoat but I have heard good things about it. RM
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