The lures in the video were made from poplar. One was made from 3/4" thick wood and the other from 1" thick. If your lure is sitting on it's side or wanting to come through the water side ways you need to add weight to the belly. Unless of course you have a bill on the lure, then it could be other problems.
Not sure what you mean about sitting "vertical" me that means head at the surface and the tail underwater. I design my swimbaits to sit horitontally in the water, that is the tail and head are level with one another.
If I wanted the lure to work at or near the surface I would build it with a steep angle short bill and weight the lure so that about 1/3 of the lure is above the water when at rest. I have, however, built a swimbait that sits at the surface without a bill too and it worked great.
If I were building a swimbait that sinks I would build it so that it sinks just fast enough to where it doesn't want to come to the surface while being retrieved......maybe a foot per second or slower. Again look at the triple trout, great swimmer and a simple design.
My advice would be to not try and reinvent the wheel, work on proven concepts and build your personality into them.