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Everything posted by RiverMan

  1. Addicted is when your wife writes off the living room, the front room, one bedroom, and all of the garage as a "business expense"! Oh, and being the "top poster" on this site is probably not a good sign either, lol. And how does all that sawdust get in the house? jed
  2. Gotcha thanks....hope we see him soon.
  3. Geez, not sure how I missed the pic of this lure, this is awesome!! well done.
  4. Have tried writing Shawn a few times and he hasn't answered, anyone heard from him? jed v.
  5. I have fought fish eyes and dimples forever. I think the fact that I'm building big lures is part of the problem. I have found it helps to keep the temp a bit low (around 75) during the first coat of clear and to experiment with various woods...the harder the wood, the less bubbles. I will also add that at times it appears as if some interactions are occurring between the paints to cause the fish eyes. I don't think a sealant is the entire answer because I have tried them all!! It's a hassle for sure and if anyone could find a way to get rid of them I would be very interested. RM
  6. Have you tried the "aqua flow" airbrush paint they offer? thx. RM
  7. I just ordered a replacement tip for my airbrush and four 2-ounce paint bottles...you could fit everything I ordered into a sandwich bag. BearAir charged me 16 dollars for postage!! I could send the same thing anywhere in the world in a flat rate evelope through the USPS for 10 dollars! I was robbed! RM
  8. You know one problem I had with spray on adhesive Dean is that it wouldn't cure under the foil. I would spray it on, attached the foil and an hour later it was still not dry and the foil would slide around. Have you had this problem? jed
  9. Use the foil tape finlander...it's much easier. They use the tape for duct work around furnaces and such...I buy it here and about any hardware store. There are several kinds tho and some work better than others. Make sure you burnish down the edges really smooth before clear-coating otherwise you won't have a smooth finish. RM
  10. You have more than thanked me and you are welcome. You have earned all of what you have achieved on your own. jed v.
  11. Anyone using the slip mold method have an idea of how many pieces a mold like this will produce? How well does the process work? Is it hard to get the pieces out of the split silicone? thx RM
  12. I don't have a moisture trap on my set-up...I just make sure I empty the water out of the bottom of the tank after EVERY SINGLE USE. After a couple hours of spraying I will have about a table spoon of water. jed v.
  13. RiverMan


    What if you put a piece of foam in the hole and fill it up with your favorite scent!! jed v.
  14. Where you at BlackDog? I'm in northeast Oregon and have used lots of those in years past. I think you can indeed mold them but once you go through the process you might question why you did! If you go the silicone route you are probably looking at 40 dollars minimum in materials (silicone and foam)...............you can buy a whole bunch of okies for that. If you go ahead with the process I would build a two part mold and add a stainless steel rod through the center as Husky as suggested. RM
  15. RiverMan


    Trippy design...no one can accuse you of copying their stuff!! jed
  16. Anyone actually using this type of frame? I'm curious as to how well the curved angle fits up against the lure. jed
  17. I'm doing the same as Andrew only I generally just wear a simple cotton respirator for all of the woodworking. The sawdust is a mess tho and a nice dust collection system on everything would be nice. RM
  18. To be honest I try not to use stencils as I find the look of stenciled paint to be very "unnatural". But some patterns just look better with a stencil and there is no way around it. I like vodkamans idea of using a curved frame. RM
  19. I drew mine out on a piece of cardboard......it was from the side of a cereal box, Wheaties I think, lol. I then cut it out very carefully with a sharp pair of scissors. The trick is to go slow!! Take your time. RM
  20. I have seen a few pics of some in the past...they can be built from wood, another project I want to do but haven't found the time. RM
  21. It's funny you wrote that. I finished the two part mold last night but haven't put the sprues in yet. I was looking at the mold and it almost looks like it would make more sense to put the main pour sprue in the middle of the first bend of the grub rather than at the top of the biggest part of the grub........did that make sense? lol. RM
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