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Everything posted by RiverMan

  1. I gotcha....the tail I have made in the master has a bunch of curls to it so I am thinking that the only way I will get it to fill is to pour it first and then the top section. Thank you for taking the time to help out! jed v.
  2. Thanks for the words of wisdom...I will design the mold as you have suggested. One question....if I try pouring the tail section first, is it necessary the tail plastic still be in a liquid form when I put the rest of it? RM
  3. Hey guys, I have been away from doing anything with soft plastics for some time and would like a bit of advice from the pros here. I am wanting to experiment with some large grubs (like 6-8 inches long). What I'm wondering is if I build a two part mold out of plaster will I be able to get the hot plastic all the way to the tip of the grub tail? I know I can do it with a one piece mold but I want the grub to be round. I don't want to bother with RTV if I can help it because I am totally in the "experimental stage" at this point. Thank you. RM
  4. I don't have this model but just went and took a look at it. It looks to be like you bought yourself a gravity feed brush. There should be a small cup that fits on top and you pour a small amount of paint into the cup and go! I like to shoot the paint at about 40 PSI but you will hear lots of different ideas on what pressure is best. If you are using Createx paints just pour one of them in and give it a try. If you using Wal-Mart water based paints you will need to dilute them to the viscosity of milk.... jed v.
  5. Another brush you might check out some time is the Peak II from Bear Air. I had an Eclipse before this brush and I think I almost like the Peak better. jed v.
  6. I think if you work with power tools long enough just about everyone will eventually get "bit" in one form or another! For me it's only been a 3/0 hook in my palm and a trip to the emergency to have it taken out!! Glad you are on your way to recovery G. jed
  7. Oh no!! You couldn't meet a nicer guy than George.....he is a wealth of information also! Hurry up and get better George!! jed
  8. RiverMan

    A few new colors

    I like the shape of this one, very graceful. jed v.
  9. Hey that looks great, well done. jed v.
  10. You are welcome, the striper guys build some great stuff and there are some very talented builders in their group. There is much many of us here could learn from them...me included. RM
  11. Ask and you shall recieve: http://www.stripersonline.com/surftalk/showthread.php?t=450132 RM
  12. Given the short dry time my guess is that it goes on very thin. jed v.
  13. RiverMan

    Handmade Balsa

    Hey that is awesome!!
  14. RiverMan


    Well done Joe!! For you guys wanting to try and build a stencil that fits the bait, some time ago someone here was talking about using the "dip it" rubber coating that you buy for coating tool handles to make a stencil. I have no idea if it works but thought I would toss the idea out. I very seldom use stencil material but when I do I use a semi thick cardboard material like that used to cereal boxes. I tried a stencil burner and didn't catch on to it. jed
  15. Threaded screw eyes are incredibly strong and so are the handmade versions so strength is not a worry. It all boils down to what you prefer visually.......... RM
  16. And you make some awesome stuff BlackJack, well said. jed v.
  17. I build baits, I sell baits and I make a little money at it. Like Hughesy I am the builder, the painter, the finisher, the web page builder/manager, order taker, invoicer, and package and mail out dude!! I do all of this after working my full time day job and love it! At my current production there is no way I could even begin to think about making it a full time job, particularly if you start considering the cost of health insurance, retirement, etc. I have experimented with various ways to speed things up but what I have found is it's difficult to build a good lure fast. To do things right takes time! And there really isn't enough money in it to have someone else do the work for you. This is why you see so many manufacturers go overseas..you can't afford to have the work done in the USA. However, I feel as Skeeter does, there is always a way if you want it bad enough. For me I have a good day job and for now building lures is something I enjoy doing on the side. Good luck. jed v.
  18. RiverMan


    Hey thanks guys, appreciate it!! Charkins...I am interested in this product to be used as lure bodies. jed v.
  19. RiverMan


    I've done some calling around and it seems that it's hard to find anything above 1/2 inch. Anyone have a link? jed
  20. RiverMan


    Amazing work, don't build lures, build artwork!
  21. RiverMan

    kb latest cranks

    Great color scheme, nice job. jed
  22. RiverMan

    New and newer stuff!!

    Awesome...........wow. jed
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