That's hilarious! Man can I ever related to ALL OF THAT travis. If I had a dig camera handy I would snap a pic for you of all the "misfit" baits I have...there is literally a 100 or more, might be 200 for all I know!
About two weeks ago my new Iwata airbrush arrived in the mail, woohoo! Well during my lunch break I hurried home and decided I had time to paint one bait, you know, try out the new brush. So I fired up the compressor, attached the brush, the paint, set the pressure and was ready for my first attempt, this is gonna be great! I aimed the brush at a practice sheet, pushed the buttom and poof, blue paint everywhere!! I still don't know what caused this but blue paint went everywhere.....I mean everywhere! So, I spent the next 30 minutes cleaning blue paint off the curtains, table, floor, dog bed, houseplants, and several pieces of was horrible on the wall, took forever to get cleaned up.
Ok, now I have maybe 15 minutes of lunch break left, time to clean the airbrush, forget trying to paint the bait! I carefully take off the end piece, then the next cone piece which is real tiny, loosen the nut in the back and out comes the needle, great. Rinse everything off and begin reassembling. All goes well until I get to that "tiny cone piece" that fits over the needle, "oh no, where is is it?". The very first damn time I have used this brush and I lost part of it! I look everywhere, floor, sink, floor again, nothing! I can't blame it on my wife, she's not here! I then figure I must have washed it down the out to the garage I go to get some tools in hopes it's stopped in the water trap. Open up the sink, disassemble the pipe and water starts spilling everywhere! With one hand holding the pipes together I reached for a dish and quickly slide it under the mess managing to catch half of the water in the dish, whew. I remove the trap and dump the rest of the water in the dish and to my delight, there's my brush part!!! I grab the part, carefully set it aside and dump the water in the dish down the guessed, hadn't reattached the pipes and the water ran right out and onto my feet!!! This is the honest to goodness truth!!
Yes, building baits is a labor of love.......................