That's a good tip on the foil AlamOso!
A few bullets concerning the two finishes from my perspective:
1. I cannot say Devcon ever failed me. I had one or two baits do some strange peeling but I have had a couple odd things happen with Etex too.
2. It seems once dry Etex is more difficult to peel off, it comes off in small pieces while Devcon will come off in large chunks.
3. I have some Devcon baits that yellowed some on the bellies but I suspect this was more a result of a paint problem than anything else.
4. Etex is easier and considerably cheaper to use when working with large numbers of baits.
5. I know of several large builders that use Etex as a final finish, none that use Devcon.
6. Etex burns my eyes, Devcon does not.
7. I think it's easier to get a perfect finish with Devcon than it is with Etex.
8. Anglers fishing my baits are reporting that the Etex is holding up exceptionally well for them....thus far.
9. Etex is cool, Devcon is for Dweebs.....sorry couldn't resist that one Skeeter.
10. Have had one bait returned to me with Etex but think it was likely a combination of repeated slams to the rear of the bait but toothy critters and potentially uncured paints.
11. Got tired of having to track down the Devcon, supply was not always available.
12. I have more problems with bubbles in Etex than Devcon.. I know Rich says this is something I am doing wrong but I am a very persistent fellow and still have hassles with it.
Beyond all that, some of you might remember the Devcon Bait test I was running in the window of my truck? Well that bait sat in the direct heat of my truck all summer long and it hasn't yellowed a bit! I will post a pic if anyone is interested.
Etex is my choice for now but I expect any day someone will post info regarding something "better", looking forward to it.