You know you bring up a good point and I have not experimented with it enough to know how much the lead placement will effect wobble. In recent weeks I have been building gliders and wobble really isn't a big part of the action for these lures. That being said tho, I have had some problems in the past with baits wanting to sit at a slight angle with the lead being drilled straight in which doesn't make one happy after taking all the time to shape the body. I have also had baits that ran perfectly while testing with weight rubber-banded to the bottom but wouldn't do anything but roll once the lead was drilled in. You must be very careful to not change the center of gravity on the lure or it flat won't run. From my limited experience, the lower the weight is kept the less likely it is that I will have problems getting the lure to do what I want it to. If you look at the guys tho that build alot of baits like skeeter, chip, and others most of them do drill the lead in and it seems to work fine for them.
I'm curious as to how well your router is working for the slots. It seems like it would be tricky to get the slot on a bait with an uneven this true? Also, have you had the bait go flying across the room while trying this? Thx.