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Everything posted by Mercury

  1. Gee Kid-, looks like we were posting that at the same time, oops.......
  2. do a search on this site for del-mart I dont have his website samved, but I think its del-mart.com He has his molds on their and also has prices for orderes. I think its about 85.00 for the 4.25" and 100.00 for the 5.25. His molds are worth the money. And will last forever with minimal care.
  3. Teh guys that do tubes wich arent as many as we would like make a jig. This way they dip the jig and make 12+ at a time. depending on how big you make your jig. plate what ever size you want to dip out of, the rods you use, you can drill holes in the plate, fasten the rods to the plate, and now you have a jig. have about a half inch clearancebetween rods so you can remove the tubes after dipping.
  4. I agree, at times they outfish any other bait. (like last saturday) They were the hottest bait going. Even above spinnerbaits and top water. I do turn the salt into powder (lc's salt) I have found food service salt to be right about the right size not to need grinding. But as Celt said, stir your butt off and stir often. (Fireball, hows that gizmo coming for your lee pot?)
  5. Chris take care,If I can do anything let me know. Jeff
  6. I got mine from lure craft. They sell it by the gallon, (or smaller)and it will last longer @ 3/4 cup per gallon of plastic. Calhouns sells it by the 5 gal bucket or larger, and it will be 3.00 a lb. (thats what chris said) It would last for ever and half of another life time.
  7. I would still check the food distrobution companys. The ones that supply the food to resteraunts. Salt is verry cheep. You can get the salt at sams club, cost-co, etc.
  8. Hey KidLizard, try logging into the forum. Someone else said thats all they had to do to see the pics.
  9. I have the LC's bakers salt. But it still is not fine enough. I still use a blender and turn it to powder. When loading the salt level to a high %, it doesnt pour well. popcorn salt is just plain cheep. Buy it buy the tons for a few $$. Lure craft does charge you a pretty penny for the salt and then to ship it. Buy 25# of popcorn salt under 10.00 I think. Get it localy and faster. Talked to a few guys that would order it from the food supliers and get some steaks delivered as well to make a 25.00 minimum get free delivery and have a bar B Q the same day!
  10. This may not quite fit here. But I have been working with some small swim baits. The start of the tail section wouldnt quite fill even when the plastic was at a good pouring temp. This was made even worse by going to calhouns plastic. Until talking with chris about the plastic softener. This did make the plastic flow better and then fill the mold like it should. @ 3/4 cup per gal. it now flows like a dream. Between this and tiping the mold, and start your pour from the tail you should correct this problem. Good luck and let us know how it turns out. Jeff
  11. Dont I wish!! But I can get a buck @ 40 yards! and a squirrel at 15 yeards.!
  12. I have used LC's softener and their is no problem with it at all.
  13. Nah, dont do ducks. I am a archery hunter in the deer season. Out of state tags are usualy a arm and a leg. Ever see someone shoot a bow with 1 arm? We have great catfishing here, as well as several good smallmouth lakes and largemouth population is good too. We need to set somthing up. I know its not as quiet as the merced river, but its still nice!
  14. Well are you on a network? or what system are you using? browser? More than likely its a setting either in your firewall if you have one, or the browser settings.
  15. Hey, now your in Mo. right? We are close enough oh the weekends we can pop over. Or you can feel free to come over. As you know we have a place on the Illinois river. Let me know Nate.
  16. Im jealious Chirmy! When I go back to cali to get my son I hope to stop by and say Hi to Chris. Have fun on the water!
  17. Bass, Hell its as big as a mailbox! A limit of them would be great around here.
  18. Hey rookie, thoes are sharp. Some people that make molds dont get a clean pour. But you have a good mold on your hands. THey look really good. Looks like a winner mold. The pour looks good too. I would keep a recipe book of that color. Never know when that will come on handy again!!
  19. But if "harder" means its more brittle Im not sure that you would want to use it. A better material should be the resin sold in the craft store. It is more durable, but is more expensive.
  20. The anise, its like black licorish. (sp) The threadfin is lile LC's shad, But much stronger. (MUCH MUCH STRONGER) Minnow wouldnt be bad, B ut I have found most will bite easialy on the shad. If you are looking for what Chris and I are using look for the bass scents in pro cure, then you will find the threadfin sauce. The sauce also has other "bite triggers" in it. My guess is the oils do not. Its just the fish oils verry concentrate.
  21. The big thing about the butters, they are made for hard lures, or to fill inside of tubes. They melt slowly, giving a hard bait a scent trail. oils and scauce are made for soft plastics. Chris is right scauce has sea salts in the mix, plus the added water makes them pop when added to the hot plastic. But for what it adds to the plastic I will put up with the few seconds of poping. After I run out of the garlic, I will be buying from PRO_CURE for that too. Awsome stuff all the way around.
  22. I agree, the plastic is Clearer when cooked, easy to work with after softener is added. and much more affordable than anything else.
  23. Yeah funny thing about the FLO collors, if you add them to hot plastic, they like to clump up and not mix. Salt can go at any time, but for the plastic to stay a liquid the longest add it before or durring heating. If it didnt darken the pink, I doubt that it was scorched. Maybe over heated, but not by much. If the glitter didnt melt away to nothing, I doubt that you did it really bad. But if you make it like I do, with red and mix in white, I would add it after it was cooked.
  24. Oh Chris, Dont be jealious of the future ex wife of Cool Lures..... She isnt that bad. I like talking to her better than dave. Well then again it might be that voice issue from before... LOL
  25. Pro cure is http://www.pro-cure.com/ 6 drops in 6 oz is a good start. burnt, scorched plastic will be as mundane as discoloration. Darker colors might not really show this. with fresh plastic, I would try it again. Heat the plastic for 2 min, stir, heat for 2 min, stir, repeat this until it is cooked all the way through. plastic will be clear. then add your color. I have had greens/black not change color. But florescent yellow has turned orange due to over heating the plastic. heat stabilizer has helped solve this problem. Keeps bright colors bright. As far as worm oil, its a packing tool. I dip the heads of the lures in it, then open the bag and insert the lures into it. The oil keeps it from sticking to the bags. it adds nothing to the worm but it does feel neat in the bag. You can add scent and get the same affect. Dont get me wrong, I use it and mix it it with scent, and even use it to thin the colors with when needed.
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