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Everything posted by Mercury

  1. Mercury

    Blade size

    Ok guys I have a question for the SPINNER DUDES. On a 3/8 and 1/2 oz body( bananna style) what size and style of blades do you perfer to install? I take it the swivels are the ball type, Do you retrieve the colorado faster than the willow blades? Just currious what you all have to say on it. Thanks Jeff
  2. Looks like im going to sams club to see if they have any in stock. I also read that food distributors have it too. Just find one localy and see what they have to offer.
  3. I have been using the LC scents and the shad is verry lite, Not at all like the garlic, when I open the tacklebox it just smells of garlic. I hear you about the smell coming off of it. But does the level of scent last for a while? The garlic seems to last for months when in a confined area out of the bag. Whats the price of it? LC's is like 3.00 for 2 oz.
  4. Yeah Red I hear ya, But gosh darn, I dont wanna loose that thing. Before seeing some of the actual work first hand that you guys make they really do blow the mass produced lures away. Almost makes me want to start making a few hard baits. Well ok, i laready have started to make a few of the spinners since I have the stuff hear to do it with. I poured the bodies yesterday, will paint them this morning, and get the hardware for them before I go to work. Honestly seeing the trophys cought on what we make will be a good thing. Good idea red.
  5. Not to take anythign away from RED's good promotion, but today I went out here on the river and had one of FAT- RAT'S spinners. The one that FFT auctioned off, Well this LMB tried to inhale it. Well here she is. BTW i have that same popper from red, I thought it was too nice to try and feed to a fish! The same goes with the other lures from the swap. Looks like im starting my hand made lure collection now. BTW, i also used the molds from DEL MART, man the plastic comes out of thoes molds so sweet! We really have some talent running loose here.
  6. Yeah, I have a 250 cfm vent fan really close to my workspace, It gets worse if you add crawdad or garlic scent to the plastic too. I had to open the windows when I did it inside and it still filled with smoke and stink. OOPS
  7. Yeah I am trying to make a shopping cart/gallery and have it saved as a template but can not make it into a actual page. A steep learning curve is a understatement. I have used about 1% of what it can do.
  8. I know what happened, you may have cooked it clear, BUT you have to cook it thin. It can come out almost like water. I like to use a microwave. it can cook down 4-6 os in about 4 min's depending on the power of the microwave. If it was kinda like thin jelly, lumpy and ugly, thats what the problem was. It takes sooo much longer to cook it in a production pot or on a range. Just melt it down again and try to cook it til its really thin. almost like maple syrup. That should solve that problem. Good luck.
  9. now Bruce,,,, 3" baits hardly is a fine pour.... Oops, i forgot you can do thoes monster baits! 3" would be a fine pour'd bait for you! I do most now with a microwave and a pyrex cup. De lil colors in a bait are a little easier to add this way. Oh hey I have some other questions for you about your website building since you also use dreamweaver. Im starting to run out of hair to pull......
  10. adding small detail to the lures, Or fine pours. Nothing that uses sharp objects attached.
  11. Well RED the plastic one literaly blew back in my hand. THe heat softened the plastic and let the freshly heated plastic flow onto my hand. That was one month ago. I still have the discoloration from it, and have gone to ebay and picked up several glass types. A 20cc and a 50cc. Each were about 10.00 plus shipping. I havent used them I have the website thing going on at the moment and haveing a grand time pulling my hair out. so I havent used it yet. Just a work of advice. Make sure what ever one you buy, make sure the metal can be removed from the actual syringe if you need to microwave it. I have one with metal and one without. Somthing I have seen was a aration syringe, Large tip and good barell size, easy to clean and clear any solid plastic from.
  12. Hi dick! nice seeing you around! thanks for taking the time to talk before. Glad we have someone like you around.
  13. I guess just nothing new to report? I think we were just in diffrent parts of the forums the past few days. and raising some ummm H E L * on the OTHER site as RED calls it. But not saying that were not here...
  14. The only thing I have a problem with is the holding a fisha nd taking a pic at the same time. Yesterday I had some nice slabs attacking the small split tails i make. Unreal action on a ultralite setup.
  15. But what about crappie, catfish and walleyes and other types? Over the past few years I have found their are some definate diffrences to the way you target each type of fish. Yes you can catch channel, blues and flat heads all on night crawlers, but if you want ONLY blues, or channels and most definately flatheads a diffrent mindset comes into play. Does anyone here go for smallies, saugeyes? I know a few have mentioned muskies. My only muskie was a 3" fry that attacked my 4" huskyjerk 2 years ago. So dang small he didnt even have pigment built up on his sides yet! This year I am doing things a bit diffrent since I have the website starting up. My digital camera will be following me evreywhere as long as batteries hold out to capture the fish before they go back in.
  16. I dont know if any of you have dont this, But I have also used a stinger hook with tube baits. That has also increased my success at times with tubes. Notmaly its the 3 1/2" tube that I did this to.
  17. Mercury

    Hey Celt!

    cool beans thanks
  18. Mercury

    Hey Celt!

    I was thinking if i dip it, the hook will be covered too. (dont want that) Soo does he powder coat it? Hmm, how does he keep the hook clean and the wire form clean too? I dont have my airbrush anymore, sooo thats out of the question, Oh I have what I thought was white powder coating ended up being a clear glow coat. Im thinking of doing inline spinners, I have good luck on thoes.
  19. Mercury

    Hey Celt!

    Got a question. Afer seeing some of your work I thought I might try and make a few spinners from the molds and stuff I have. Q1, Powdercoating? is it possible? Or do you use a air brush for liquid based paints? Give me a few days Im sure I will have more.
  20. Well I guess 2 things. 1, Who would look down at 5 gal's of product? 2. They must be pretty sure of themselves to give out the sample AND pick up shipping! I think I will be calling them SOON! Thanks for being the guinnie pig!
  21. I agree that the shad is verry lite smell. If you cant smell plastic with it, it should be ok. You say this is softer than 536, Is this before you add the softenter to it? I like the 536 personaly. Is it easy to pull apart? Comparing to 536 that is. I wouldnt want to have a bait last for only 1 fish.
  22. Is their odor after the plastic has been cooked? Or is it while its cooking? Processing odor is no big deal, I just dont want to put a product out that will stink if a bag is opened.
  23. Bruce, NP, I knew the baits looked familiar, but didnt know where they came from. Like I said Im in a crash course in web stuff, That school of try, fail, try, fail, cuss a bit, try again, Pull your hair, try, fail. Now Im getting a handle on things. But I still have no idea of the stuff you were talking about earlier. I guess in time. But anyway, its starting to come together. ANd i got some links to work. Any tips would be great. BTW it is dreamweaver that I am using the 60. version. We might want to take this to a diffrent posting string......
  24. actualy I didnt set up the site, I had a buddy of mine that does web hosting (he set up the main page) look at a site for fishing baits. The only one that came to mind at the time was yourse. The pics are coming off, This is my first attempt at it and had him set a main page. I guess he used your pics as a place holder. They will be removed. I was trying to get pages to link together and am having a impossible time at doing it. Thats why i was asking you about your website before. Sorry that happened, Im trying to get that taken off. Please accept my appologies Bruce.
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