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Everything posted by Mercury

  1. Ok, Im just north of Peoria. Just currius. Jeff
  2. Just currious but what area in IL are you from?
  3. The Chartreuce will bleed to other colors. But the Flo yellow doesnt bleed nearly as bad. Flo blue will bleed and tint the other colors. I dont use flo pink or flo red so I cant say on them.
  4. The florescent colors are a big time bleeder. More so than any others.
  5. I highly recomend treating the cavitys 2 or 3 times with thinned devcron 2 ton epoxy. But it is much easier to work with than p.o.p.
  6. I use a small block of "scrap" plastic and wipe the pour spout to stop the drips and dribbles. If you are using a cup from a hot plate or microwave both have the same drip off the pour spout. And POP the Pyrex cup can and will blow out from time to time. Extream heat/cooling can do it. As far as a small cup I use 4 -1 cup and 2 -2 cup pyrex cups. I would recomend having a small aluminum plate go between the hot plate and the cups. Even heating so you dont have any hot spots would help you from "blowing" a cup. A year ago I had a hot plastic injector blow the hot plastic back ontto my hand and gave me a burn so bad that I do use gloves while pouring. THe Mechanix gloves I use protect you against heat if the cup is hot and if you get plastic on your skin. Jeff
  7. As far as user ease its calhoun plastics. But it does have its quirks too. As far as color goes I do love MF's pearl white. BRIGHT beyond compair to LC's,
  8. Just currious, but how much flow do you get from your vent? I flow 275 cfm and it does fine. Also how close is it to your work area? If it isnt close enough it wont work well. I have about 30" or so from the work area. Also it is vented to the outside.
  9. Havent thought about it but it s a good option. Jeff
  10. its a repair powder that you mix with water. it patches plaster, wood, fills knot holesand molding strong figures. Might want to look for donald durham company from des moines, Iowa http://www.waterputty.com/ Heres a link for them. Jeff
  11. Pop I found plastic containers at the dollar store. All I look for is one that has a flat bottom. This way it gives you a nice surface to work with. Once you get the mold out of the container, do your tweeking if need be. Let it sit for a day and then pop it into the oven fi drive out the moisture. Jeff
  12. pop if you can flex the pan you can pop the mold out. I am working on a tutorial for making a water putty mold. Be sure that you seal the mold after it has finished drying. I apply no less than 2 thin layers of thinned devcron. Durhams will suck up what you put on it at first, then you get a good shine coat for beautiful baits. I hate p.o.p. molds, the weight of Durhams as well as the ease of use is great. Oh one other tip. If you have to shave any part of the mold due it before it is totaly set. If it has cured you wish you had done it before it set up like iron.
  13. It does depend on the plastic used and all, But a good rule of thumb is 2+ mins it should be nearing the thickening stage, by 3 mins it should be close to the pouring stage. But it does depend BIG time on the power of your microwave. I have one from wal-mart (magic chef) that was like 35.00. 3 min's to 3:30 is good for me using 8 sz of 536 or calhouns. After a while you will get used to your microwave and know how long is just long enough. Jeff
  14. If you were using a HOT POT, JD has your answer. The lower the put gets you will have to lower the temp. Heat stabilizer may help it, But is not a cure all.
  15. Ok Magic Bob and all Stick bait lovers. Did you know that a simple O Ring can be rolled over your bait to the point that you would normaly insert the hook, Insert the hook between the O ring and the bait, You have a solid anchor to hold the bait and increase the longevity and it helps the bait last through a few more Hawg Crushings. Just a FYI, Well Chris was it just a smoke screen that Gary was fanning around?
  16. I havent found a salt yet that will keep a color from washing out when added to a bait. You must add more color to it. Even if it is ground, large crystals takbe salt or what ever. The smallest pieces of salt stay suspended longer so you dont have to stir your brains out. Just guess the intrest you would get with a "color safe salt" Ok red, ya gonna tinker with that one?? J/k Jeff
  17. lol, I think chris did, I know I have picked it up at sams club/ costco. POPCOR SALT:: Butter flavored (what I got) will and I mean will turn your plastics a Killer orange shurbert color! Like 4lb for 1.50 or somthing like that. Ended keeping 1 box and giving the other to my inlaws. THe kids think they are getting away with somthing getting into "dads stash of good salt" Jeff
  18. Sorry to say most of us have used LC's salt. They say it is fine pieces, NOT>>>> popcorn salt has given the best results(stays suspended longer without as much stirring) LC's salt will settle as soon as you stop stirring. I have some and grind it in a blender before use to make it more refined. Any salt will give a washed out look to a bait unless you add more color to it. Go and look for POPCORN salt in the search field. O know you will get tons of answers from it but you need to weed through the information.
  19. I wouldnt recomend a Lee pot for sticks. The salt settles in them and slows your progress. Fireball was working on a stirer for it, but no word as of yet. The salt would stop up the pour spout and not let you pour. This is just a few of the things I have seen dealing with a pot and pouring. Most recomend a pyrex cup (I do too) but it is down to prefrence. Jeff
  20. Give it about 24 hours and it will be as hard as it gets. I add about 1 1/2 cups of softener to a galon of plastic.
  21. Looks like a great start... How could complain?
  22. Man just guess, no more mixing the dyes.... Man that would be sweet. By the way Chris I tried to call you tonight, But the line was buisy. I will try again tomorrow if I get a chance. Jeff
  23. Hmmm, sounds like someone has the Itch..... Wach it, It gets to be addicting.... Jeff
  24. The Pearl white from LC i add it at 1/4 tsp per cup. It is a prefrence thing as always. If you get MF pearl white it isnt even close to the same as LC. Its TONS brighter. A Half pound will last a Long Long time. Jeff
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