I do not cook or reheat plastic in the hot pot. I only use it for pouring.
I cook and re heat in a pyrex cup, then pour it in after I have it turned on for maybe a minute. Constant stiring is a must as you know.
But after you turn off your pot and let it cool I take it appart and remove the plastic ingot.
Shoot speaking of ingots someone here gave this as a tip a while back.
""Use a plano container, after you have cooked your plastic and have it colored you can then pour the plastic into the plastic box and then have yourselves pre made plastic ingots.""
When you are finished with that color, pour it into the plano box and use it another time. THen when you go to clean it its nothing more than a thin film on the walls of the pot now.
It peels of easialy with your fingers rubbing on it.
Hope that might help a bit.