Rookie.... here is the deal on the brass wire. When Rick won the tournament with the hunting bait, he originally said that it was an old BIII that he had gotten from Van Dam. When asked about the bait, Clunn said that the bait had a rare characteristic..... it hunted. This started the hunting craze that is still going on years after the tournament. That is all that I truely know. As I saw pictures of the lure I started to believe that the bait was actually made by Jeff Thompson of Ky. Jeff is the baitmaker for Tim Hughes that make up H&T baits. The bait would have been made and painted by Jeff because he had not yet teamed up with Tim. But I cannot be sure if the lure is Jeff's or not. There are some other things about the lure that Rick used to win that tournament, but I won't share that information. So because of Rick saying that it was an old Bagley BIII everyone wanted one. At first on Ebay the BIII's were selling like mad. Then, the now popular BII started selling like mad. The rumour was that it was the old Brass Thru Wire construction that caused the bait to hunt. I saw 2 very old and chipped up BIII's go for over $125 on Ebay. I thought it might be the wire also. That was the buzz. But I have never seen a BIII or BII old or new with thru wire construction. I have been told by MANY old Bagley fishermen that Bagley never did make a true thru wire harness for those two baits. So I spent months learning about the old Bagleys. I have bought 4 Bagley square bills that were made in the very early 80"s. I couldn't stand it so I cut two of them in half. One of them being the oldest of the 4. Guess what.... no thru wire. The other one wasn't either. How do I know the baits were that old... easy... I sent them to Bagley and they dated them. I also have some of these baits where the lips were punched out of lexan stock. The lips are not injected. Now that is old son. I had them x-rayed. No thru wire. So all of you guys that killed your bank account on a thru wire BII or BIII.... I am sorry. I have bought many so called handmade and custom thru wire harness baits. I have yet to see one with a harness in it. NONE of them have been true thru wire. I cut them all in half to learn. I learned alot. I do make a true thru wire. But it takes alot of time and patience to make right. Some have tried to drill from nose to tail all of the way thru the bait and insert a straight wire thru the hole to make the bait a thru wire. But believe me, it is not the way to go. There is alot of flaws that can become of this. Seems I have a little Blackjack in me . Trust me... it is not the wire harness made of brass or anything else that causes a bait to hunt. I promise that you can mark that myth off of your list.