I really don't know how to handle getting a rally for the western guys. I am not familiar with anything outside of the Mason Dixon line. But I do think that we could get a pretty good get together by using a state such as Tennessee as a starting point. Most of the southern states share a border with this state. It appears to me as a good central point. We could do it on a weekend and spend a day somewhere sharing our baits and how we do them. The next day we could have a cookout and go fishing or just spend the time shooting the bull at one of the lakes. Old Hickory has some nice park areas around the lake. They are real close to some really nice towns like Nashville, Hendersonville, and Gallatin. Hendersonville and Gallatin are about 25 miles from Nashville and about 5 miles from the lake. There are allot of nice hotels in these towns and usually have vacancies without problems. I suggested the magazine folks because it would be a way to get TU and our craft showcased. I think that allot of the people that get on the site as just guests would be curious to see who we are and participate also. To me it would be nice to have a good time and promote the site. Spring would be good because the fishing is good and the weather would be better for those who travel. Or heck, summer or early fall would work too. I would definitely make the trip. How bout it????