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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Stay away from roller guides or the teflon ones, once you put those on you are not allowed any mistakes, boats dont like being dragged on concrete Most trailer places carry boat stuff. I believe west marine carries stuff as well.
  2. there really is no cheaper way, its all by volume. I guess if you use lots of salt you could make it cheaper. 1 gal of plastic with 1 quart of softener mixed with salt would have more volume than 1 gal of super soft plastic mixed with salt. the only way that I know of to make baits cheaper is to buy plastic in bigger quanities
  3. about 350-500 per gallon it all depends on how much salt and softener you add. for example if you use the 1 cup plastic 1/2 cup salt 1/4 cup softener meathod you will get more then if you use super soft plastic no softener and 1/4 cup of salt.
  4. JSC dillion case lube is good for archery equipment also, just not on the grips
  5. I use reel magic from time to time, I believe it has silicon in it. does it work? thats a tough question to answer. it works on dry line pretty good if you stretch it. so one day I dunked the reel in warm water. worked the same way. the only problem I have with the stuff you spray on your line is that over time they will gum up your reels. I think what happens is that its slippery and it coats the guides as well to make the line flow through the guides better on a cast.
  6. Pay a flat fee for designing it, Don't get into a situation were you have to pay a percentage cause it NEVER WORKS
  7. i've heard of guys doing it like that and also will alum tubiing and other metal tubing, always hard to explain to people that werent mechanically inclined. These pics will make it much easier for people to understand, nice job.
  8. if anyone has one, could you be kind enough to post the size of the tip. from the outside dia. at the bottom and the outside dia. at the top part of it, then the length of it if possible. if you have a pair of calipers that would be fantastic but a measuring tape would work also. Thanks Delw
  9. are you using Green glitter? if not you are more than likely burning your plastic and its turning. to fix this add heat stabilizer or turn your temp setting down. also in a lee pot you really need to stir the plastic quite often to keep the temp evenly distributed, as lee pots have a serious problem of keeping everything the same temp.
  10. try adding a touch of purple to any red you have it will help big time.
  11. Delw

    TU memebership

    when you figure it out let me know I been trying to give him an infraction for the last week and it isnt working:lol:
  12. Nova I got to be thinking, he mentioned it worked better really hot so he might be scortching the plastic which is a amber/yellowish color. amber will probably work
  13. that is an awful lot of powder to be adding. usually its just a toothpic ful for 1/2- a full cup of plastic I am assuming the lumiate powders are the same thing as hilite and super hilite powder? one thing you can do to increase the color in hilites is to add a drop of color in them let say for example you want the copper to be more copper. and its in a clear plastic. just add one drop of dark blue or black. it will give the illusion of a clearer plastic which will make the hilites stand out more.
  14. I'll be the first to admit that one bait isnt better than the other. both have a purpose. we made these so you could also use them on a shakey head and the head wont split. its kinda like colors is black better than blue?
  15. That 2-3 day shipping note has been a thorn in my side for 3 + years, not everyone gets that note and we cant track it down. it is suppose to say we will ship plastics in 2-3 days, but for some reason it says 2-3 day shipping. it might be a shiiping info deal when it looks up shipping, general shippng is 5 days for home delivery( home delivery is a default shipping), of course unless you pick a overnight or 2nd day air.. As far as molds as fast as we get them done they are shipped, if we have them in stock they ship the same day, lots of times they are not in stock and we can never tell whats going to order first. some things we have lots of stock and some things we run out before the machine is finished mking the last mold of that type. April did call the number from the msg yesterday and got no response and was going to call later and ran out of time. I called this am after seeing this post. April is really good about returning calls, I on the other hand am in the shop 90% of the time and have a short memory
  16. There shouldnt be any problems with vb espeially the new version. what happens is that norton and Mcaffee has certain scripts and certain words they look for and if those scripts match they will pop up an alert. pop up ads are one of those things and so are cookies. just set your settings a tad lower, did you just install a new version of Mcaffee? or windows maybe a new version of your browser? usually that is why its noticeable now and not before. Also some hacks that are used in a forum for making things avail to users will pop-up a alert sometimes. Norton is absolute junk when on a forum mcaffee usually isnt that bad. one thing you never do is use the same pw on a forum that you would use on your online checking or personal stuff. Forums get hacked all the time they are easy to hack for a hacker but unless you DOWNLOAD something your security is not at risk. Like download something from a new user or even play a video that is from someone that you don't know.
  17. Thats what it is all about right there, kid looks like he had fun
  18. dont use any glass unless its PYREX
  19. I remember seeing some baits stacked up like then in a few pics, it was a long while ago when someone first got started selling stuff. he had a few different colors in the same type of stack, hundreds of baits. is the pic still in the gallery? it may still have his username on it.
  20. Delw

    RTV ??????

    they look like 1 gallon buckst to me. and the weight jerry gave sounds about right 9lbs per gallon on RTV plus bucket weigth of around a lb. remember though its sold by weight so it might not be completely full.
  21. aluminum candle molds worth, tall beer cans with the top cut off work, arizona ice tea cans work, goto a local conveniance store and see what the tallest can they have there is, alot of those health drink cans work really good cause they are tall and skinny.
  22. there is no BEST plastic they are all the same, there are some custom plastics out there that are running about 75% more in cost and I dont think they are any better either. all the plastics to the same thing pretty much.
  23. No clue doesnt sound right at all, I have samples from stuff from the last 5-6 years and its still liquid, I have a 5 gallon bucket from m-f from 2002 and its still ok. plastic should be used in 6months as they say that is the longest shelf life, however I know guys taht have had it longer and they are ok.
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