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Everything posted by Delw

  1. never seen pimp my boat, sen pimp my ride/car though. Yellows pretty cool its what my son wants My buddy has a nice white gambler I am temped to buy buy Antonhy would be very happy, even though he loves the gambler its not yellow.
  2. I should or at least one fo the hula dancer chicks
  3. I used them fasteners in boats in the past, in your example. there are ones that have a flange on them with 4 prongs stiking out and they will smash righ into plywood with a pilot hole. if those dont work for you the other thing I have dont is taken a die grinder and grind out a square nut into the wood should be a tight fit. then fill it up with fiberglass and cover that section with a small piece of fibergalls over wood to keep it from coming out. MAKE SURE YOU USE STAINLESS ONLY as anythign else will rot out over time. square nuts are tricky to find sometimes but get the biggest ones you can. dont use hex as the wood might wear down and it ill just spin in the wood then you have a problem. also you can get fasteners that are spring loaded and turn 1/2 turn and lock. I dont recomend those on a boat but they do work A buddy built a extra deck on his bass boat useing them and after a while they pop loose( months of vibration on the water.
  4. its a 1997 cajun, I sunk it in a WON bass pro-am at lake Mojave, the deck was starter to rot so thats what started it. April decided that I needed to do the deck work and be done with it. My boy with downsyndrom always gets a yellow toy boat for christmas and he loves to fish, so since the gel coat looks old ( red flake part) I said heck with it I will Gel-coat it that tritoon Yellow ( like school bus yellow) and do the whole entire boat. You know guys a simple job turns into a major operation. I didnt work on it for 2 years starting to work on it now 10 mins here 30 mins there in between loading the machine. I still havent decided if I was running the keyless ignition like Ranger has on the z boats or a key but use the electronic dash thats on the tritons, all the hose connections latches,and prety much everything that was plastic is machine alum even the gas tank fillers ( and those are tricky to make). I am building (almost completed) the second detachable consol so when I take the kids out they got something to hang on to and keep the air out of there face. the front deck has a built in trolling motor pedal section like the gamblers do with some modifications. of coarse its all being completely rewired with a fuse box in the front drivers side rod locker( these rod lockers a 6foot 220lb person could sleep in) so when its done it should be all gelcoat and upholstry/carpet and alum. the guages with have alum bezels also NO plastic anywere except the rub rails and no toggle or flip switchs they will all be push button(lighted like the tritons)with led lights in all compartments. Kinda like "pimp my bass boat" LOL
  5. nice molds Z-bass, thats a good idea with tile causes its cheap and avail everywhere and gives a nice flat finish on the top
  6. what type of bait is it? is it a bigger bait that holds lots of plastic.? whats happening is that the plastic stays hot longer( cause its bigger) and so the salt being heavier sinks too the bottom. you can try to lower the heat temp of the plastic and that may suspend the salt more. if not throw a pc fan on the bottom side of the mold so it will cool the plastic faster. a stand up mold( 2 piece) will disipate heat faster thats why unless the plastic is extreamly hot it wont settle as fast.
  7. Actually I was one of the admins of the biggest pirate board in the USA, back during the amiga days 1988? then we all went to pcs around 1992 with the 386 dx 40's. we shut it down in 94 I think, due to freaking ( freaking was when people would use someone else's phone bill to upload to our server we didnt like that so we shut it down), back then it was legally for elvaulation only, thats how most game companies got there games so popular. one reaosn USR us robotics grew into a huge company fast was because pirate boards needed high speeds 2400 baud rate took for ever to load a 5 meg game our board was a beta site for USR to test all there new modems, we got them all free as long as we gave them a weekly report on the preformance and errors. they finally came out with one that was software modified by the user. we tweak them for the best speed with less loss of packets and sent our numbers back. copying lures? no never EXACT most have slight modifications, got alot of my own stuff too but I generally give it to customers mainly our dropshot and worm stuff and I dont put that online for sale. with todays internet its not worth it to use pirated software. windows xp is the scarey part been tempted to get a pirated copy but just ended up buying 5 copies for back up on the pcs they announced the other day they were not going to sell it anymore and most of my stuff wont work on vista cause its old. this is one reason I need to upgrade cam software. I still have one pc running on windows 95 and useing dos due to its old and wont run in windows xp or anything newer than 95 I think its as you get older you dont wnat to mess with things like that.
  8. Delw


    I guess instead of beer runs at the local conveinance store there will be a rash of microwave runs.
  9. Delw


    Dave again great video, these should help lots of people as a picture is worth a thousand words. a video is worth alot more
  10. Delw


    just thought I would mention this, if you buy a commecial microwave to heat plastic with. make sure you don/t cook at 3 mins , its more like one minute max from what I am told stir it every 15 seconds Delw
  11. Wolverine III this is the one you have right? thats a small bit, I couldnt run that on my cnc if I had too. I think the smallest I have ever run for endmills was like .010 and what a nightmare to get that job running. I never physically saw there scanner just heard from guys who have bought them or no people that bought them, I noticed they are in tucson its only a few hours away I should go check one out. I think I know Matt Dunne and Don Coombs just can't remember from where there name sounds very familiar. The local guys here were trying to sell me a scanner last month when I was looking into a newer CMM but it was like 75k I about had a stroke.
  12. Tub, one other thing, I am not really knocking the machine, I just can't see how a light machine would do that type of work, I am used to machine shop enviroments ie big machines sturdy machines and fast machines. whats funny is after I looked at the wolverine and posted. I walked out to the shop to load the mill, had to also load one of my ominturns. My omniturn has the same table basically as the wolverine III and weight how every its bolted to a 4000lb base that has the spindle built in. its one of the best 1 operation screw machines around. anyhow I took that table years ago and mounted it to a full size hand mill to run some brass mill parts on a 2000 pcs brass job with one tool. had to do some wierd programming to get it to work for a mill but it did,it worked just fine.
  13. I Just looked it up, that machine only weighs 120 lbs my kurt double lock vise weighs near that, theres no rigidity there what does something like that cost? I was looking at the elite on org. post.
  14. Whats a wolverine 3. Dude bobcad calls me every day. the software started at 5k then it goes down to 1k . during the trial period I had some simple questions, it took 6 months to get the right answer with phone calls back and forth. I have the last 3 lastest version, they keep tellnig me I really need to buy the current one. again it started at 3k then down to 1k. but a buddy of mine got it for 375 bucks from the same salemen I deal with.(these are for upgrades not a new version) a mold in bobcad will use about 75% more lines of code then real software, if you know how to manipulate it you can cut the code in half. it takes more work to make the code as well, it has some nice features and thats why I have it there are some things that it does that highend software wont do with out alot of macros. I was told by a internet friend that uses bobcad and is a whiz with it,that this was a mistake in bobcad trying to do something else and it worked well for people so they kept it ( which is a good thing).
  15. it would take 6 years to mill a simple worm in alum with there mills you would have to have a feed rate of about .002 inches per min. which is about 99.998 inches per min too slow. there scanner is junk, bobcad has a jpg covertor which is better however you still have a ton of programming to do and its not 3d. in order to do it semi half &^% you buy a min of a manual CMM and the siiftware to into points or write a small program in excel to decifer the points and input them into your cad /cam program. AATW good idea on the trial version as far as seieng of they will work for your application. bobcad has a 30 day trial , the bigger more expensive programs give you 2 weeks. however I dont reccomend that you set your PC back you can get in trouble for that. shops can't sell there old software or they will loose there seat licence.
  16. LMAO we typed at the same time. yes they work fine I have used them but they were the older all metal ones. heck for 10 bucks its wortha try
  17. Harbor frieght has/had vacumm pumps for 19 or 29 bucks, then you just tap a 1/8 pipe thread into the hole and suck vacum. on alum molds it doesnt always work as planned do to the plastic cools off pretty quick. on that particular mold I think it would be worth a try. one hose on each leg. Delw
  18. vodkaman a 8' x 4' table cnc machine would run over a million not 100,000. the 100k machines are roughly 16"x 20" or 20"x40" used they are about 50kfor a decent one. thats over 10 years old. Jerry all machine built no adays are within .00005 repeatability, the problem is after a few years of running they become sloppy very sloppy. HAAS is the worse fadal is next tahts why these machines sell for 50k when they are 8 years old. a mazak matusra and a few others are built better but buying one of these will cost you about 200k new vs 80k new and they will hold there value for years cause they hold size for years. buying a used machine is like going to the baja1000 and buying one of the trucks after the race to use for a daily driver. your going to sink a ton of money into it just to keep it running. Also running bait molds on a machine is the worse abuse you can do to a machine because the lines are so short and you run fast feeds and there are thousands of them. its esentually running a jack hammer on your precision machine. a typical mold program is about 1/3 of a meg of just lines thats just X Y Z on each line with a number after eash one. think how many pages of just text it will take to make 1/3 of a meg. thats how many thousand lines of code (movement) run the machine for one program Bobby I and shawn are about 300% too cheap on our molds, if we didnt have areospace/or to commercial work to help I am betting we wouldnt be doing it. I know I wouldnt I could guarentee it. even if I had the machine in my house and had no over head I couldnt make enough money to pay for the payments on a new cheap machine ( the 80k+ ones)
  19. The injector works but only if you use safety precuations and common sence , were wleding gloves full length. there are a ton of guys doing it. or the other stuff we talked about
  20. spike, the software for cadcam you wont be allowed to use it in commercial or machine shop setting if you get a school discount on it. there is also a yearly maintence on the software) new versions bug fixes etc etc. the yearly maintence runs anywere from 3k a month to 8k a month. cad/cam companies are very protective of this. my daughter was going to goto school to help me with programming, we figured she could get a discount. all was fine and it was a decent discount. but in the agreement and terms it stated no commerical use it was for training only. so the software was at full price of $11,900 and these companies do keep tract of everything.l decent mold software cad/cam will run about 7-18,000 with yearly maintence fees of 3000-8000 per year. training runs 500-1000 per day, just because you spent 10k on software they dont train you. one other quick note, the software doesnt make the part for you, its tons of work. you still need to know machining and how it works. if you dont you just killed your machine and your bank account. the biggest mistke in these schools is not teaching machining before programming, everyone thinks they can program and in reallity only only about .5% that come from programming schools can actually work in a machine shop enviroment with out causeing major damage and problems. I used to train people programming in this state
  21. Jerry no disrespect as we talked about this many times and I can still see problems with whats going to happen. the veteran members will leave again due to too many people seeing what they only want a few to see. Veteran members don't want there secrets let out, as they are worried about competition, these is nothing you can do that Will make them happy. some people don't mind sharing info, others only mind it to a few and yet others only will read it and never share a thing. whats going to happen is the ones that only like to share to a few will thing the private sub forums are great until the number of people get high then they will disappear again. its a clique so to speak. your going to have members putting themselves against other members , etc. Charging people to read a forum, for pleasure or hints and tips etc. will get old after the first few months of payments, even if they are veteran members that post in them. I mean seriously would you pay x amount of dollars to read replies on a month old thread? especially with times being tough like they are for most. and if you really want the answer people can do a goggle search and find a million answers to the question. not to mention someone can build a tacklemaking forum and be up and running in a few hours free verse's paying you know where that will go. the members you have now will pay for the first few months just out of curiosity then they will quit and membership will die down might take 3 months might take a year but it will happen. what you have in allot of forums right now is people showing off there work and then not explaining how they did it, or people showing off there work just to have others buy there products ie self advertising for example, "check out this new paint job I did" "look at these new baits I made" they put a picture up with no explanation on how it was done, not to mention they don't help others. this wont change in the private forums it will be the same thing like now. this wont change and I guarantee you the people that do it wont pay for more than 3 months. The individuals that want to learn and are just starting or are making baits for themselves are the ones that add allot to the forum, more so then the "veterans" these guys are the ones that are showing a bait not to sell it but because its something they created with the help of the guys here at TU, or there just proud of what they done. they have no monetary interest in selling there baits. not to mention some of the creative ways they have come up with in making baits. a forum of this type is made up of 2 groups of people sellers and people that just do it for fun and have no interest in selling. The sellers especially the ones that help people I don't think would mind paying a donation, the ones that don't help people or only do it privately won't pay a dime. they might for a month or 2 but after that they will still continue to come on and just post "hey check out this new bait we have" and never saying a word if someone asks how they did it. so now lets say you split the sellers up and the hobbyist up into 2 separate groups. problem there lies with competition, do you really think seller "A" is going to post so seller "B" can copy his routine or make them faster by using his routine? not on your life. heres and example lets say guy a wants to make molds and asks me all the details on how to do it aside from 20+ years of programming and machining experience it would be kinda cutting my own throat to tell someone a way I program or run a program, set-up the machine what speeds and feeds etc. its tricks of the trade that keep people in business. I have a commercial job that I get over 250 bucks and hour for, its nothing special actually really simple but only really simple because in 20 years I learned a few tricks, no one else in the valley will mess with them. I can set it up on any cnc lathe with standard tooling at any machine shop and make the same amount of money. so now my customer gets a new buyer he sends out the job to someone else for allot less money the job is 45 days late with 50% scrap. I get the call to do them again ship the job in a week no problems. now I have the new buyer telling me to call this other guy up ad tell him how I am running them so the new guy can run them. If I do that I loose 3k of easy work. while some people might not understand how business work you pay for experience. a business has hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in equipment, and experience if we give that to someone else your out of business. people are in business to make money not help the competition take your business. anyone can pour a bait and sell it, only a few will do better than others cause they have the knowhow in order to do so. you can bet zoom doesn't tell berkely how to make there production faster its going to be no difference here. allot of successful bait business are very secretive, unless you work for or are best friends with some major companies you wont see how they do there process. I keep my front door lock at our place, we dont let salesmen in even my friends don't come to my shop walk in cusomters have to make an appointment. and April meets them at the door or covers my desk up. My best friend doesn't see the custom baits I am making for people. all this because a few times people have walked in and low and behold a major bait manufacturer got ahold of one of my customers designs through someone that walked into the shop and told a friend what he saw, and a few times I expained the process to friends only to see them come out with one of my customers baits. I read this site cause I enjoy it, sure I have an ad on it and have customers that have come from it, if the ad was gone tomorrow I would still be reading and helping those who need it, I have been on this site since the very beginning my only concern is that it will drive people away, will I continue to be here heck yeah even if its only you and I. I am on over 20 sites regularly I own over 6 successful forums, none have to do with tacklemaking only one has to do with fishing( aside from my del-mart site). My Arizona bass fishing site only a few people know I am the guy thats makes the molds. I have never advertised on my own site or any of the sites I own. the fishing forum I help everyone that has a problem with an outboard motor( cause thats what I am good at ) I don't do bass boat work anymore and haven't for the last 3 years. I am not trying to say its just me but there are lots of guys that will help people even though they don't make money off it or they do. some people are just helpful others are not. there has to be another way rather than charging people and have special groups. you know I will support you in anyway I can. and when typing I came up with a few will tell you about those later privately. the tackle scout is a fantastic idea and we talked about this for ever I am glad to see your going to finally do it. its cheaper and easier for a person to sell there baits on this then to make a website and pay hosting every month. also having a bunch of guys selling baits in a mall setting will give the customer something to look at like colors sizes etc all in one area. also you might want to consider charging for x amount of space in the gallery, this will give people something and they get to show there baits off. they would have to pay other hosting companies to host pictures so why not pay TU. this one is touchy but let the mods use there own judgement, sellers who come on just to show a bait off that they did and don't help anyone or answer the questions people have on how they made it just delete there post if they get pissed so what its not like they have anything to offer other than promoteing there own business anyhow. so who benifits? battle of the baits is cool always was Lure swaps are cool and even better the way your going to handle them. put a donation button up, its a great way to help pay for the website. BBC does it and its pretty succesful. this one I do have a problem with and I will try to explain. .its been my experience that very few fishermen are computer literate let alone forum setting literate. so people are going to ask the same question over and over, why not answer them it doesn't take but a few seconds and it really ain't no bother. while you might think its clutter there are allot of things that get said in a conversation like this via replies maybe something that would have never come up in a search ? and if you really think about it you would have 0 posts anymore. cause everything has already been covered. We have the same problem on my fishing site. we have a few guys that tell the guy to do a search, will heck he doesn't know how in the first place. it would be kinda like you asking your buddy for a so and so's phone number and he tells you to look it up yourself. My opinion and my opinion only its being a tad rude to people. besides if people help people they will stick around longer and might have something to offer in the future, if someone gets a rude tone or they think its being rude there gone and not coming back. I realize that your trying to make it organized or make it appear more organized but this one might not be a good idea. and lastly you might want to change your poll answers a little it might make people feel cheap. while I will continue to support tu like I have been, I just disagree with some of the things like I have mentioned in my novel Delw
  22. this may help, I posted it a while ago on my private fishing forum Tools and Supplies Most of the tools you need to recarpet with are standard Cheap tools that you can get anywhere for a couple of bucks, Power tools :bow: are nice and well worth the price but if your only doing one boat you can get by without them. Tools and Supplies that are a must Carpet Knife not a cheap plastic one or a utility Knife, They just wont work it so dont even try. pack of 100 carpet razor blades You want to have a sharp edge everytime so you will place them after almost every cut when trimming. 2" sturdy scraper 10-20 cheap 2"-4" paint brushs plastic quart containers 1+ gallons of acetone for clean up lots of rags Shop vac 12" and 36" metal straight edge Pop Rivet gun get one that will use different size rivets Electric Drill will be needed to drill out rivets for hinges and trim piece's Tools that make it nice Quality Gasket Scraper Cheap spray gun used for glue Harbor frieght has a one pint alum gun for about 20 bucks. Hand Held Belt Sander coarse sanding belts disc sander withy some 80 grit sanding discs Carpet I am in the process of Recarpeting the Cajun again, since the last carpet didnt last but 5 trips before it showed signs of high wear and basically looked like crap. This carpet was bought from home depot and was made by land and sea and is made for boats. I dont recomend it at all. since it was my own boat I figured I would try this carpet because one I could get it cheap and very fast. DONT GO CHEAP OR FAST because you wont be happy with the results. This Carpet lasted 5 trips before it became seriously worn and looked like crap. I belive there is a total of 8 trips on it now. The Boat is always kept in my shop so sun and weather dont hit it unless I am on the lake. you can see the glue that seeped through the carpet Backing. The few other boats I have done for people I used Quality carpet bought from a few different places. it made a world of difference. while the cost was about twice as much and the time getting it took longer it was well worth it. The backing on land and sea carpet absorbs the glue no matter why type you use and will mat the carpet down as soon as you step on it. Different Types of Backing There are 2 different types of carpet I have used as far as backing. In the picture below on the left is a backing that will asorb cement wether it be Contact cement or Speadable indoor outdoor carpet cement. The backing on the left is very brittle and peals off extreamly easy,It will also peal off very easy if used with contact cement. It will litterally leave the backing stuck to the floor and the carpet will come up. This backing also leaks through and soaks the carpet leaving it a matted mess. The carpet backing on the right of the picture is a semi hard stretchable backing that will not separate or let cement leak through to the carpet. Home Depot Land & Sea Carpet backing on the left and Carpet from Mesa Sales on the right The carpet itself I wont go into this to much except to say you want a non looped carpet so hooks will not get caught and tear your newly carpeted boat. 20oz. Carpet is mostly used for bass boats, anything more and your decklids will be extreamly tight to close if not close at all. The 3 carpet places I have used are: Mesa Sales In mesa AZ has a real good selection of carpet in different widths and colors, The sell everything you need to apply it and all the tools needed as well.They are also extreamly helpful and very nice people Bass Boat Carpet (internet sales) The carpet Barn was another place I used when they were here in glendale. I believe they moved to prescott az. They had a huge selection of carpet and everything you needed to apply it. How Much do you need to order Thats the million dollar question. The way I have done it is if the boat is total length of 18 feet I order that +5 feet, now that being said Rangers with lots of compartments and dual consols I need about 10 extra feet, It also makes a difference as to what width you get as too how much extra you need. and if your doing inside rod lockers and some compartments make sure you get lots extra. try to buy the carpet all at once. If you need more chances of getting the same lot number is really hard. ( each lots number will vary slightly in color). Also if you want a PERFECT job make sure you run all your carpet the same direction of cource this will require you to buy more carpet. Carpet Glue basically 2 types one is a contact cement and the other is a speadable slow drying type. Both have there advantages. if you buy contact cement, buy it at a carpet store it will be alot cheaper, painting it on you will use about 3-4 gallons for a 18-19 foot boat including all compartments. spraying it on you will use about a gallon and a half to 2 gallons( probally less). Contact Cement: If and only if you have someone that is compatent to help you use this stuff, its fast, its easy and it drys quickly. Its easier to be sprayed and you will use alot less, painting it on with a brush works very well also, however you use alot more. very easily cleaned with Acetone. Indoor/outdoor carpet cement Roberts indoor/ outdoor carpet adhesive 6700 I have use this in the past with great results. Its very easy to use and once you get the carpet down you can move it and stretch it to fit. using this cement makes it alot easier for one person to do the job. you should let it set for 24-48 hours before you use the boat, I would recommend 4-5 days and a few of those days have it in the heat so it will completely dry.
  23. One of my favorite topics, and I am on my second full size bass boat going through a complete upgrade from gel-coat to new motor.
  24. Having Carpetted many boats dont use marine glue, use contact cement and a small air sprayer to apply it. also only use a CARPET knife to cut the carpet nothing else and make sure you change the blade every time you hit the deck of the boat. Blades are cheap dont use a dull one. Dont buy land and sea carpet its garbage. I have some pics somehwere of my 7 year old daughter recarpeting a ranger.
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