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Everything posted by Delw

  1. you need to build one culchie , a big piece of pvc pipe will work, use a thing dremel saw for the cuts it will hold the blades in just fine. another way is to use the pvc pipe and get carpet blades, you will however have to grind the center of each carpet blade out, so they will stack nicely and won't cut the center.
  2. Hawg, glad you didnt take it wrong. its a very nice site like I said above. Thats good advice DP. Ive been buying domains for years, the one thing I learned is I only buy through networksolutions.com. yes they might be a little higher but I know what I am getting. iv'e had some friends buy cheap domain names from other sites only to get reemed when they move the site to thier own hosting or chnage something. its very important to read the domain name contract, cause there are alot of extra charges that pop up in some of them. with network solutions there isn't.
  3. Nice site hawg, Here is some general things to think about especially with free hosting sites. If you guys really want to sell your baits the last thing you want is a free site. You don't want ad's all over the place, and you don't want music. You also want a site that loads quick with out typing in or clicking multiple pages to access it. Most buyers are impulse buyers ie they want it and want it now. waiting for music to load up they will turn the website off. if they don't have cable it will take a while to load my dsl line( I have the fast one) doesnt load very fast when music is involved. if you have pop-up ad's on your website they will also turn off customers. for a free site thats fast, you can use your cable account if you have one.( they give you like 7 email accounts with 10 megs per email addy, thats alot of space to build a site and it works with paypal. however the address is very long for guys just to type in. this is why if your serious you get a .com name and a simple quick catchy one. and you pay a cheap price for a server. I am on the web alot and won't even visit sites with pop up ad's or advertisment all over the place and sites that requier you to click a link to by pass an opening video or song. its not worth my time. Don't get me wrong some of these sites are extreamly nice, but I would rather see the product than listening to music or x'ing out pop up ad's. Hawg, I wasn't critisizing (sp) your site in away shape or form, you just happen to be the forth one in the last 3 days that showed a site 3 asked what would make it better so I made a suggestion to those three, and then saw yours and thought I would mention it. those pics are very nice looking BTW. and your kid did a nice Job. Delw
  4. Just download os commerce from the os commerce sites its a free shopping cart. DOnt worry about post nuke as you really don't need it unless your going to have something other than a store. If you use credit cards make sure you get a secured cert and server otherwise don't waste your time with the credit cards. a secured cert runs about 100 bucks a year. for your website you want a shared server with mysql database's. get cpanel hosting free shopping carts are with php4 about 40$ per month however if you install your own you can go with a lesser amount. Remember in shopping carts you get what you pay for, while os is good it has its problems, DONT run the hacks for it and you will be just fine, Run it bone stock with only color and template changes. running hacks will get you nothing but problems with hackers. the best shopping cart is x-cart but its expensive I use alphaomegahosting.com for hosting In my opinion they are the best I have had them for 8 years now on 11 websites, we finally got our own dedicated server due to the amount of bandwidth all the websites use, you wont use a 100th of what I use so its no biggy. if I have a problem I jsut shoot them an email and its fixed or at least answered extreamly quick. again you get what you pay for in hosting, Alphaomega may seem a little higher but when I have a problem its fixed wether I caused it or someone else did. and over the 8 years I have managed to cause many problems. If you go with alpha omega they have preset shopping carts ( 1 or 3 different ones) were all you do is click install and its set up then you have to make any changes you need. if your over whelmed with postnuke, have someone else set it up for you. yes its free, yes you can make a functioning site with it but you still need a shopping cart. Post nuke was just a nice little toy to have as an addon. you don't need it. a shopping cart will also overwhelm you, if you don't know html and PHP code be prepared to learn quickly, if you are not able to then have someone do it for you cause you will pull your hair out, especially during upgrades. If you can follow directions easly you shouldnt have a problem. plus once they are set up they run fine anyhow.
  5. Delw

    newb dye ?'s

    I think they are about 50-50, if you don't want them transparent add some white Like you said, how ever just a very very little bit, also on certain translucent dye's white will make the color change dramatically so be careful
  6. white pours nice, but you need to pour a little differntly, keep the plastic cooler than normal , don't add flake if you do run the plastic cool not pipeing hot and don't reheat, like others said anis worksbest mainly cause its clear
  7. This thing is pretty cool looking, my version pours pretty good. I am going to wait till I see a sample to see if its close to the size. I looked all over for samples and had no luck, I did had someone in Japan send me alot of samples baits the usa have never seen WOW very creative stuff over there.
  8. Try an ounce and go from there. salt doesnt pour very well through a lee pot especially that much, also you will have to make sure its constantly mixed as the sale settles to the bottom pretty fast when its hot. best way to pour is with a pyrex cup out of the microwave, mix it very well with a spoon every 2 cavities.
  9. cool man thanks. Delw
  10. Creative programming
  11. I looked today at the local tackle store I didnt see them Delw
  12. yes I can, already drawn it up(last night) just waiting on a sample to get sizes
  13. As bbc said, using different plastics brands get different results, I think we had a thread going on that and how much softener per brand. the formula I have is pretty much for calhoun only and needs to be adjusted per brand and type. If I remember right lurecraft 536 doesnt require any softener - 1/8 or less cup ( providing you mix it extreamly good and you have no settling on the bottom f you have settling on the bottom you wont use any softener at all) and MF super soft requires about 1/8 cup. 1 cup of plastic 1/2 cup salt 1/4 up softener is the forumla for calhouns soft plastic. it doesnt cost any more to use this one versus other brands as your getting more volume of the plastic forumla which equals more baits. remember the salt is for weight so that will always be the same( providing you are happy with the sink rate) just adjust your softener. are you checking these when you pull them out of the mold or the next day? this also makes a big difference. for best results check them 6-20 hours after you pour them
  14. thats a cool looking bait, yeah its possible with some modifications, you wouldnt happen to have a sample of one of those would you? Delw
  15. Delw

    Creature Mold

    its hacked up to make it pour, I don't even have a org file of it or a bait laying around. still need a sample and how many cavities and the details of your machine. you can email them to me if your interested as this isn't the place nor thread.
  16. Thats the problem a lot of guys have is they sold them cheap then when the went to sell wholesale they had to cut the price in half. we have had some major stores asking to carry our molds and pouring supplies but we can't due to there is no room to cut our price for wholesale. they said the would buy them for what we sell them for but then I would have to take them off line or mark them up 50%. when ever you make your own product you take your material and time and than multiply it by 4 that is what retail should really be. some people who made there own product ( I did all there machine work) before I got in the worm business told me how it worked ( I was starting to build hydraulic Jack plates and looking into automatic trolling motor mounts) this was 8-9 years ago. yes we still make the fully ribbed ones, same price, just state it on your order as no one really wants that style any more its a confidence thing
  17. Saint I hope to heck your not selling your sticks to the public for $3.75 if you are you are not making any money at all. Never sell yourself short on stik baits. Yamamoto sells them for 7+ why should you sell them for half price. sell them for a min of $5 to the public, you are just hurting yourself in the long run, the store will probally sell them for 5-7 bucks also. your about right on selling them to the store for 3.00-3.50. I know stores that buy them from customers for 4.00-4.50 and sell them for 7 Bass fishermen are cheap but they will still pay you 5 6 even 7 bucks a bag if they like what you sell. cause if they don't buy them from you then they will just have to buy them from yamamoto for 7. I hope that makes sence
  18. Delw

    Creature Mold

    yeah I can make it, depends on how many cavities you want. send me a sample and I will quote it
  19. add white to make it more opaque and to less plastic
  20. Delw

    Creature Mold

    My bad, I don't think its a gambler bait as I couldn't find it on there website. I always thought it was a gambler bait cause the guy that sent it to me sent me a few gambler baits. you might want to try tacklewherehouse (sp) or bass pro shops to see who the manufacturer is or see if they sell it.
  21. Delw

    Creature Mold

    I believe they are made by gambler lure company you only bet for a mold will be http://www.lurecraft.com or make one yourself. it will be a one piece mold, meaning that there is a flat top thats one mold that won't pour in a 2piece mold. I have one here for my own personal use. the only way to make it pour is to pour the tail and wings open then close the mold and pour the body. Delw
  22. Delw

    Creature Mold

    are you maybe talking about a brush hog?
  23. Delw

    Creature Mold

    We'll thats about a third of the baits in production. with no picture it would be like pulling a needle form a haystack you will never get a right answer. but you will get 1 million suggestions. so I will start with mine..... a lizzard it has 4 legs and a tail might help if you posted a picture
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