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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    what type of line

    I fish alot fo tournys and we fish in extream heat. memory is a key issue with me andI respool a min of once a month The best line I have found is p-line floroclear in 6-8lb test for dropshotting and split shotting p-line floroclear in 10-12 for texas rigs and pictching cranking,blades and jerks, trilene has also very little mem. all other p-lin products are garbage( my opinion ) recently cause I spool so much I have been using berkly biggame supreme for everything. its cheap and I can pick it up at walmart. I used to get all my reels respooled at teh local fishing store but they shut down the one at my end of town so now I just do it myself. For night fishing with floresants and black lights the only one to use is trilene its the best, very low mem. out west our style of fishing is completely different and our heat factor plays a big part of line memory we fish in 110? weather a good 4 months out oh the year. Back east I dont think you guys get as much memory as we have in AZ. My dropshot rods with the floroclear I can go up to 4 months with out respooling and I have no memory. Delw
  2. I thought I did. sorry Calhoun wouldnt tell me the chemical make up. its a propriotory oil. I can understand that , becuas ethen thier competators would go and buy the supplies and make it them selfs , they would loose sales. Delw
  3. If you email me at delw@del-mart.com I will send you a few names of my customers that have these molds and sell the baits. Delw
  4. Dont be embaressed, You should have seen me trying to get it off. we had to put those lids on due to the buckets keep getting broke in shipping, it was killing us fed x and the customer. theres a few ways to open the bucket take a razor knife and cut a few slots down then pry it open, get a bucket opener from homedepot one other cool thing we recently found was a small mixer. they are cheap and most paint shops sell them. they fit right in the hole of the 5 gal bucket. and you can use the pour spout. you can also call the manufacturer and they will tell you where they sell them, we are going to buy them in bulk and offer them soon. http://www.squirrelmixer.com/models.html Delw
  5. I know kicken bass works very well. the other stuff I have no idea about. Some plastics will get harder by useing vegtable oils, or any sents with vegitable oils in them. Delw
  6. baby bass is pretty much a three colored pour. Your white base, then a teal green highlight then a blackish green top While it looks easy its one of the hardest to pour Delw
  7. Delw

    Fluke Mold

    The best way to do the tail until you get the hang of puoring is to pour the body then take a tooth pick and run it up the tail from the body. Delw
  8. Delw


    Ive been using paypal for over 2 years, we have had thousands of transactions. Ive never had a probelm from paypal. They have always been kind and courtious. yes I have had to wait on the phone for up to 20+ mins. I have no problem with that. If you think about it they are world wide and get tons of phonecalls every day. one we had a guy order a ton of t-shirts( in the thoughsands fo dollars) with a stolen credit card, I thought something was up and reported it to paypal, they put that money on hold and fixed teh problem. I didnt get charged one cent for the transaction fee. on another note. Last year I fished a tourney at lake mojave. SInce I had a paypal cc card I figured I wouldnt take very much cash. when we goto to laughlin nevada we got our rooms. April decided it was time to eat and gamble a little. our cc card was denied. I was like WTF. We called paypal( they had been trying to get ahold of use. They said since we never used the cc card outside of phoenix they figured it might have been stolen so they put a freeze on it. ( they tried to call but I wasnt home) they had us back online in less than 5 mins. Most problems people have with paypal isnt paypal its self, it usually starts from a email that someone gets impersonating paypal. once you click on it to verify info your finished and have nothing but problems. Always goto a free browser window and type in paypal.com, NEVER click On a paypal email. if they need to get ahold of you or you have account problems it will say so when you log into your paypal account. Delw
  9. Delw

    Catalog on CD

    I been building a cd catalog for a few months now, I found a ton of programs which worked, a good one was http://www.chronsystems.com its pretty easy to use and pretty cheap. Other programs are better but they run about 500 bucks I think this one ran $49 but again you get what you payfor. Delw
  10. Carbs are pretty simple to rebuild, Mercs are a lkittle tougher than OMC's but still easy. You can get kits pretty cheap, usually they are gaskets and orings and a few plugs, needles and seats are extra and so are floats.. If you cant find anything let me know I stock carb kits for mercs and omc.If I dont have them I can get most of them. If you need anyhelp just call me at the shop number after 5pm. Thast teh other part of Del-mart is my boat business Delw
  11. Worm plastic is basically liquid PVC, its not a good thing to breath the fumes Delw
  12. Delw

    Resin Molds

    fiberglass will crack over time if the fiberglass resin is to thick, try putting some fiberglass matting in there. example. put down a thick coat of resin, then matting then resin again. fiberglass isnt suppose to be more than a 1/8" thick with out matting or it will crack from the heat and cold. I re fiberglassed my old ranger the complete hull both top deck and bottom in 45?-60?, I had to do all kinds of patching to it. Delw
  13. The best charger on the market in my opinion is the ProPak made by cul-m-rite http://www.culmrite.com I have sold a few of these and know alot of guys that have them, besides them working better than most chargers they also weigh very little and are about the thickness and size of a medium sized phone book. they are also the lightest I have seen, a 3 bank weighs less than 12lbs. Three of the guys I have sold them to fish everyday. Whats nice about these chargers is that if your fishing out of town you can be on the end of 10 boats(where teh current is low) and you will still get a true charge. Rick also stands 100% behind his product should there be a problem. we dont have them listed on the site yet(just his scales) but if you want one email or call me. Delw
  14. Exactly like senkosam says. one thing to rmember when using the mircowave is that everything cooks from the center out, so you must poke at it with a knife and get the liquid(hotplastic) stirred up into the cold plastic(chunks) if you dont you will have some burning problems Delw
  15. We got in some calhoun tube plastic that is suppose to be awsum. its harder than the real soft stuff we currently stock. I havent tried it yet or even put it on the website as of yet.
  16. Theres a few things that cause this problem and pretty much only certain times of the year. First of all a microwave isnt the proper way to heat plastic., even though it works perfectly a microwave cause's steam ie moisture. Some ways to make it less bubbly is to make sure your plastic is at room temp, dont set the plastic ona concreet or tile floor , cold counter, out in the garage etc, if its not kepts at room temp or warmer when it cooks because its colder it will make more moisture. if you have high humidiy you will get alot of little itty bitty bubbles. second. stiring the plastic. do it slow extreamly slow and for a long time. the faster you mix it it will create bubbles. drill motors on high speeds with a paint sprayer will cause major bubbles. you need to go as slow as possible. third. never shake the plastic. for one it creates alot of bubble and it doesnt get mixed well either. never use wood to mix/stir plastic, I dont know why but when useing wood it creates bubbles. again plastic must be kept at constant room temp the higher heat the better 70?-80?, it must also be kepts off a contrete floor. keep it aways from a window or direct sunlight. keep the plastic from getting cold then hot then cold again. Ie putting it in the garage and only putting it in the huse or a warm place when your mixing it. temp. changes cause condesation in oil based products as little as 15-20 degrees difference will cause condensation( example garage cold at night and warm in the day time will cause condesation). If the plastic must be kepts outside in the garage try setting it on a pice of carpet aways from the walls. or better yet on carpet with 2 1"x1" or 2"x2" on the carpet and the buckets sitting on that. that way the warm air will circulate and keep the bucket the same temp both on top and bottom. Delw
  17. Your not knocking me at all, I do it for one simple reason. so teh plastic gets stirred and mixed well rather than shaken and I get 50 phones calls saying the plastic is too soft, or its full of bubbles. open the bucket mix it with egg beaters then dip a coffee cup in it to get the plastic out.
  18. Dutchman I am going through a long list of emails now, I am way off on replies due to reason that were stated above. I am using my home del-mart@cox.net and will finish with these then move to the delw@del-mart.com . shoot me over that email at del-mart@cox.net and I will get it answered. I dont know your real name on the email or I would do a search and answer it immed. Frank BTW you didnt order a a t-stik you ordered a 5 1/4 stik mold and a thin senko type mold that looks like a tiki stick, we talked about this on the phone 2 times thats why the long delay cause as I told you I had to make it.the 5 1/4" was ready the day you called like I stated. I also told you not to pay for it until it was made Like I do with all my custom molds. You had no probelm with that at that time the t-stik I have on my site is a BAMBOO stik, this one has the fat center section. Why I put t-stik on it I have no idea maybe just a typo. the one you wanted was different than what I have in stock. heres a little info about custom molds, Yes I try to get them shipped out as soon as possible, some are way out there and some get done rather quickly, it all depends on how busy I am with the production stuff( thats first prioity) Ive on many occasions had to pull custom stuff out due to the production stuff has run low or out of stock. I try to ship out as many custom molds as I can it can range anywhere from 2-5 per week. Most of them have been all drawn up as I get them this takes anywhere from 10 mins to 10 hours, while it might look like a simple worm to some. cnc-machining isnt all the simple when you get down to it. Lead molds weve tried using the do-it blanks but with no success, while we can make them using do-it blanks set up time is 2-5 hours I dont think people want to be charge $50 per hour for a set up time so we stopped using them. Then I tried some other ways that worked so so but they were still expensive and time consuming. I am still working on ways to cut the costs down. The phone: If I am in the shop working I cant hear the phone, or I cant get to the phone in time. the shop phone is at the shop, and if I am the only one there I dont get to it that fast. the main phone is at our house where april is till about noon, she is pretty good about answering calls, then she comes down to the shop and helps down there. best times to reach me is after 5pm az time and that would be at the shop. I am usually there till 10pm-12 midnight. and I forgot to mention as some of you know I tend to talk alot on the phone. Hopefully when we finally get all moved in both phone numbers will be down at the shop and it will be easier to contact us. we hopefully will be a little better organzied. We plan on getting a new machine( used but new to us) as soon as we can but 30-100k doesnt grow on trees, not to mention the tooling that is needed to make the molds if anyone has any questions feel free to email me. I should be caught up with all my emails in the next day. Delw
  19. Delw

    Fat Ika skirt

    Ika's and grubs from yamomoto are all soldered on to the skirts. Ive tried the tube idea with the Ika's and I didnt get the same results as teh ika's Like you said they flare out. I make the ika body's(another thing I havent put on the site ) The skirts can be bought from yamamotos in quanity. What you do is take a knife blade(flat) soldering tip on a soldering iron and hold it between the body and the skirt, hit the hot button and let it melt a tad then slide it out while applying pressure to the skirt and the body. Its extreamly easy and extreamly fast. If you dont want a double skirt take a razor blade and cut it in half. Delw
  20. Ive had a few customers that have had good success with useing a rectangular piece of metal, they first pour like you would for a laminate, makeing sure there second colors is extreamly hot, they then stick the rod down the center spin it a few times. one other way is take a varible speed drill and put a retangular piece of metal in the chuck then turn it at a slow rpm for a few mins. Granted the only way to make it really work is with a injector. Its tricky to do and no 2 look the same from what I am told. Delw
  21. Make sure the bottom of the press( where the bait sets on) you made has a soft wood in it ie pine or balsa. with the grain going the same way as the blades. Cardboard from the back of a cereal box works great. the more salt you use in the tubes the easier they are to cut. use worm oil on the blades and it will prevent most sticking. One other thing is let your tubes sit overnight before you cut them, when they cure they are much easier to cut.
  22. Skeeter. I heard that the bottom hull was used on the new ranger z boat, I dont know if tahts true but its something I heard. That hull takes a pounding. I sucked a ice bag in sunday and got a 1 second over heat alarm before I was able to shut it down the rod went through the block. Our lakes due to all the rain are cover with junk. Delw
  23. These fish, are found at the deepest parts of the ocean. some of them are pretty cool looking and some are extreamly toxic. The second to the bottom one is one that has its own light source that it use's to atrack bait fish so it can eat. Delw
  24. There is one glitter brand that you can buy at a craft store that is as good as anything you can by from anyone else. Only problem its expensive. Its the brand stampendous, I get it at crafts mart when I need it or want to try another glitter colors. They litterally have 100s of colors and a bunch of different size's, They also have some of the fiiest glitter I have seen alot smaller than .008. Its doesnt curls or melt and bleeds very very little but only on certain colors. I think a 1/2 fluid oz runs about $6. However they have some awsum colors Delw
  25. One thing about lighter fluid and keroseen You MUST add a drop every 2-3 months if you dont you will destroy your bearings, it doesnt last as long as the rocket fuel or good reel oil Ive done this on a few curados Delw
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