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Everything posted by Delw

  1. I wouldnt mess with a plastic injection system again.. see the hard plastic doesnt cool quite a fast as the worm plastic... and it burns a whole straight to the bone... Ive never been seriously burned in my life,Till i started playing... Also think about it if your mold gives out with even 2-10 psi of pressure your going to hurt yourself very badly, That crap will go everywhere... and steel or alum is the only thing I would trust for hot anything under pressure even the slightest pressure... Dont forget plastic just doesnt come off like water..When you try to rub it off its burns more areas.. I might sound a little cautious, but when you finally get a chance in your life to fish every day and all of a sudden you cant hold a fishing pole for 4 weeks due to burns .. you learn.. it took over 3 months to get the feeling back there and the skin back BECAREFUL RED Ps.. haha I love the msg that comes up when I typed "becareful in caps Thats funny Delw
  2. I use a spinning rod.. The wind here is killer most of the time so we cant hit bottoms with alot or weights except 3/8 and 1/2 on calm days we cany use 1/4 and 1/8 using floroclear also.. Delw
  3. The blanks I was looking at were gloomis and st crox... thought about a allstar.. Ive taken care of all the guides and other stuff... I use 4lb -6lb test line with a 1/2 brass dropshot weight. I do both verticle and casting depending on the time of year.... The above 3 blanks I can get already... was just curious about these rods mentioned above.... Delw
  4. Bruce... I am going to take your word for it.... Which one should i buy for a dropshot rod. I want a 7 footer has to be a black blank... give me some ideas guys... ? XMB842 7 1 6-12 1/8-3/8 .475 4.5 Fast Lt $90.00 XMB843 7 1 8-17 1/4-5/8 .480 5 Fast Med $90.00 Ive built rods lots of steelhead rods but since I dont fish for them anymore and just bass(due to being in az) Do you sell just the blanks ? do you take paypal on those rod blanks? just found your site(guess I had to click on it LOL) Delw
  5. I have a hard time pouring anything but straight tail worms with 2 colors... I use pouring pans and sometimes a lee pot pour my first color about 3/4 of the way then finsih with my second... I have noticed that if the top color(last one poured ) is a little to cool then it seems to blend in to the other color more than I want.... if its to hot they mix.. you have to get them just right, which it will take some experimenting.... but try to keep the temps at the same temp.. I have been just trying this so I am by no means even a novice.. Ive seen some of these guy's baits and they are awsum Delw
  6. what brand blanks are those? I am looking for identicle diawa procaster blanks about 12 of them, or I am looking into some gloomis blanks about 12 of them but over a long period of time.. Delw
  7. ALso dont forget when adding salt(which is white) you need to add more color... I got the blue fleck down perfect for the senkos but now I cant find the recipe, I will dig it up... The other day I was playing around and slipped and came out with an Identicle junebug color for just worms with out salt... 40 drops of black grape and 55-60 drops of red(lure craft colors shaken very well ) in 1.5 cups of m-f plastic Delw
  8. Delw

    lure craft

    www.lurecraft.com look under the links I believe they have the names who sell molds also m-f manufacturing has molds as well... I have never used them so I cant tell you.... As far as the best senko type mold I would say Del-Mart Molds, but then again I am partial cuase we make them. Delw
  9. Delw


    I use lurecraft salt for mine... lots of guys use popcorn salt due to its finer.... best thing is do a search for stix or senkos .... lots of info on them in here... look in the softplastic section. Delw
  10. Delw

    Is it just me

    or are you guys tired of pouring baits and working ? Seriously I kinda got tired of pouring, maybe cause I poured so many I just want a break? or that it is 110 plus here in AZ. I also noticed fewer posts it has to be the summer and like someone said earlier on another post people arent buying on ebay right now.... Delw
  11. Delw


    Lots of people make senko look alikes... m-f lure craft and calhoon plastics are most commonly used, I use lurecraft salt some people use others.. use the search engine and type in senkos or stiks start with about a 1/3 cup of salt to a cup of plastic... and mix it very well... Delw
  12. Delw

    Hi Guys LTNS

    sorry I havent been around for a bit, I been reading alot but not posting that much.... Obviously summer is here kids being out of school, lots of boats to work on and molds to make... not to mention FISHING I got some updates for my software and things are going a little easier, so again I have to get caught up.... Didnt mean to leave anyone hanging . I emailed almost everyone I knew(which isnt much) about this board. I dont want to hit the guys whohave boughten molds due to the fact I dont want them to think I am spamming them... How ever guys that call and the ones I chat with I tell about this board. so hopefully your membership will go up.... Would be nice to see a big tackle board again. I learned alot from you guys.... Delw
  13. Alot of people have molds for sale lurecraft,M-F, jansnetcraft ,Del-mart(me) and a few others.. all molds have there place.. Sometimes I have a very hard time making alum ones like some of the silicone counterparts. Alum molds will cost more but they have there benifits as well... if your just getting into it go as cheap as you can. then if you like it then spend the money on a quality mold....... I have alot more molds to put on line but havent had the time to do it... I had some problems with a swim bait and I have to ship that before I start playing with anything else..... As far as the Tube molds It looks like they are working I was able to pour a few sucessfully finally, when they are ready they will come with instructions on the Shopping cart. They are not hard to pour but if you dont do it right it makes you cuss alot.... Delw
  14. Mike I hope it will fool Mr. Bass cause I am having a problem come tournys.... I saw the laminate you did Nathan I like those colors.. I wish I could get mine to look as good as Tinmans I guess with time.... Delw
  15. Thanks for the compliments... I dont want to sound like a saleman (I hate that word) I have guys that have 4+ of each size and pour baits... The magic number seems to be 3 I am told... It seems that when they are done with the third mold they start to take the first apart and pull baits out.... I also know someguys that have just one and pour tons so its really up to your personal preference. Basscat thanks for that tip I am going to try it Delw
  16. Most of our fishing here is night fishing due to the intence 110? heat from the months ofend of may to end of sept... Dropshotting with 4" worms Dropshotting 6"-10" worms mojo rigging 8"-12" worms using a westy worm or wired worm( a 6-8" worm with a jig head and 2 hooks one front one back) also any worm that floats with a 1/4-5/16 oz jig head works good My main color anymore (for the last year and a half has been a pinkish red color) red works great but my pinkish colored one works better Blue fleck is also a great color at night, lots of guys like black with a white tail. if the fish dont hit a bulky bait try a slimmer one we also use cranks and rattle traps at night wuth good success.. Delw
  17. HAHA just noticed the shirt comment, Ive had that shirt forever and never knew it said that. heck I just put them on it was a gift... Oh yeah I screwed up on the pic. the story was correct for the pic but the title was wrong for the story.... The fish was caught on a wired worm(gotta give credit were credit is due) The fish I wanted to show for that title was a 4" bass on a 7" worm.. thats why the title "just gotta love your own baits" it was suppose to be a smart a$$ remark Ive been dropshotting 7"-9" inch worms and catching 4"-8" bass and bluegill off of them go figure... Delw
  18. This is my 11 big fish for this lake this year(counting over 7lbs) This is by far my best year on this lake and I have been fishing it for a very long time.... Went prefishing for a tourny... and I actually used the camera..... Funny thing was I told kurt I had a decent one on to get the net... as he was trying to find it. The fish came to the surface ... Looked like a catfish to me so I tried to shake it off... then kurt saw it out of the corner of his eye and said its a bass and its fuggin huge.... What a Net man.... When we pulled it out of the water it was alot bigger than we thought.... Kurt says around 10 I am thinking 9. he has a 9 on his wall and swears this one is fatter and longer..... Bad thing about it tomorrow that would have been our 2-3000 dollar fish in the tourny. chance are you wont catch him again, but I have caught fish the very next day in the past and won a tourny like that.... Delw
  19. same to you nathan... Delw
  20. I like the calhoon plastic.. Ive had it for quite a while now. Srplastics turned me on to it... would like to clear something up. it separates it doesnt settle lurecraft settles(hardner, hard chunks on the bottom) lurecraft is not as consistant due to the settleing problem even if you mix it. calhoon separates(into liquids much easier to mix) its very consistant and easy to mix. I use a paint stirrer on a drill it doesnt stink either. it mix's well with colors I find the colors are brighter & richer with calhoon. There is virtually no smoke with calhoon in the microwave and absolutely no smell in the microwave(thats why my wife lets me use her microwave ) M-F is great stuff no problems with it at all but the price is what keeps me from buying it .. 3-g well I ordered 5 gals over 4 months ago and told him I would pay for it. sent him an email to verify the phone conversation and to verify my address... havent recieved it yet. Delw
  21. Bobby is a good friend of mine, these are his personal molds that he had made for pouring. he says he only has a few that he wants to dump most are not even used... He sells baits on ebay. Delw
  22. Yes... I am using them this weekend at canyon lake... Delw
  23. This tip is from Mike in canada and its might be very useful to some of you "The easiest way is to open up your Del-Mart mold and pour one color on the side with the pins on it as if you were doing a hand pour. Start at the tail and pour straight through past the opening in one sweeping motion. Be careful not to over pour as the mold will not close up tight and if its possible, trim off the section in the pouring chamfer. You must have the other color hot and ready to go or else your lamination will not adhere properly. It takes some practice and some wasted plastic, so if you have some old stuff to practice with...all the better. Quickly close the mold and slowly pour your second color, the hotter the better as it flows easier and clogs less. Have fun and dont give up...I just get another rum & pepsi and cuss abit more to get pass the trial and error stuff _________________ Mike Nabulsi www.bassmagnetlures.com
  24. Over the weekend... since I was not feeling good the last week and the weekend ,I decided to play with some baits. I poured these it was very easy to do with mikes instructions. How the heck have all you guys been LTNS. Red nice b-sing with ya the other day as well.... Delw
  25. John on custom molds I have had molds that have gone out fast and then I have had some problem molds take an extremly long time(4+ months) Some of the custom stuff has been way beyond my expertise in programing and I have had to learn some new ways in programming.... Delw
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