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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Frank First off thats not my mold, I dont have a screw in the center of them, but nice try anyway Pop and rtv will pour thnner areas than an alum mold, no if's an's or buts about it. its due to the surface heat that is retained by pop and RTV and a few other factors. RTV is by far the best to pour very thin appendages. then comes pop then alum. I started vent holes and bigger spruce's 4-5 years ago? you have a very old mold and at which time you never had any problems with it ,you must be getting rusty . in both this forum and my website there was ways to make them pour better and faster by taking a hack saw and cutting a vent hole in the bottom. On alum molds very big spruce cause lots of problems , if your pouring from a pot its no problem as your steadier if your pourig by hand your not as steady so you hit the side and clog the hole then nothing with help. We still get guys that want them the old way like you have ( just with a small chamfer).becuase its easier for them to pour. Dents on the side of the baits on alum molds are not the result of a bigger or smaller spruce. a bubble in the bait is not the results of a bigger or smaller spruce either. while it helps so you dont have to top them off, it also hinders those who dont have a steady hand and causes more problem with bubbles at the top.. and to top it off NOT ALL MOLDS will work with a spruce of any sort or size. Delw
  2. Just vent the bottom tail section better. there should be no reason that bait doesnt pour in a pop or rtv mold. more than likely your trapping air
  3. There pretty common and very simple to make out of 1 piece rtv molds. talk to kurt he can make them. Delw
  4. I am going to agree and disagree with some of your post, censorship I dont like it either, but this site doesnt censor anyone.and no sponsors are being protected. I dont like rules in a forum either like I said I run a bunch of them and I have no rules other than no porn and very nasty laguange. but you know what when a board has rules you simply abide by them it isnt that hard, I have had a bunch of my posts deleted as well, I don't make a point to complain about it publicly. we had this very discussion on my local fishing board not to long ago The problem with nationwide boards is people will talk out there rearends because they are not held accountable, you will never find someone saying what they say on a board to someones face or in person. but as soon as they know they wont suffer any reprocussions they will spout off. doesnt happen on instate boards cause its not to far to drive to someones place to have a personal talk with them. I am disapointed that some of the older members on this forum has vanished, again it mostly due to emailing and pm'n back and forth like a bunch of little girls, it doesnt have to do someone getting a post deleted because they are spamming a site, or put something in the wrong place in the wrong forum. one of the problems is that guys are in competition with one another as well, so there secrets ( the ones that they got from people helping them on this board ) wont be shared. some people will only share there info via PM or email, or even start and elite board like one that was started many years ago to protect there secrets( the secrets they learned from this board and other boards ). whats funny is a few in that elite group have big mouths and tell everyone everything so the secrets get out anyway. and then theres the buddy system, someone disagrees with someones buddy and all his buddies come to the rescue, why I have no clue its on every board on the WWW. again in my view its pretty childish. this thread is going to be a perfect example of being moved or deleted, for the simple reason its off topic from the org post and went way over board, but i am sure someone is going to cry when its deleted or moved and call foul. I knew this posting on it and I am sure some others did as well, so when it happens just accept it as it has no relivance in the soft plastic section to begin with. ps as far as your comment to me, Yeah I know I have heard, but again its just a bunch of little girls talking back and forth to each other who either, Dont have a clue to what they are talking about, are upset cause they dont get someothing for free, or have there own agenda and what they are going to try to accomplish. but will never have the balls to call me if theres a problem or concern, its girl stuff so I dont worry about it. Delw .
  5. You can make the mold out of pop but it needs to be a 2 piece mold. I personally would cut the tail off find something that is close to the same diameter and thickness but solid. stick it up against the body.like a disk of some sort. slide the disk in the mold with the body on top pour the pop around it and walla you have your mold with that type of tail. The tail on those are unisue in a sense that it comes out of the top of the bait and curls foward. dont try to pour it as a curl tail cause its a pain in the but and just doesnt work, I have made tons of those molds and we do them as solids then use a cookie cutter to cut the tails out of the disk. then when you pour the bait you have a big disk on the end, either goto the dollar store and get a cookie cutter to cut the center out of the poured bait or cut it with sissors. alum cookie cutters work best. cause you can bend it to the shape you want and pop rivit it so it stays to that shape. one push and your tail is cut including the slot that joins it to the body. Delw
  6. Damn dude your kinda out there, I didnt see the thread as I havent been on that much but I highly doubt you were involved. theres nothing wrong with this site nor the people. its been around for a long time. unfortuanately it got a little clickish with a few. but tthats fine the site will still go on. what I find funny is that I am guesing not sure but a very good educated guess that a bunch of people are emailing back and forth about stupid girl stuff, it usually happens this way when there are 2 or more forums out there. one guy on one site will get his panties in a wad and complain on another site then they have a RAW RAW RAW session and get others worked up then they come to the org site and say something then it goes back and forth kinda like a bunch of school girls.The worse part is most of the people involved Have absolutely no freaking clue to what they are talking about other than hear say from someone who is butthurt and crying. I know how it works I have a bunch of forums and have seen it for years, its quite comical. I am looking in this thread and board trying to figure out what happened and for the life of me I can't if a thread or post got deleted big f'n deal live with it. someone mentioned in this thread that LC color had changed. DUDE **** HAPPENS BEYOND MANUFACTURERS CONTROL, dont go getting nasty about it . more than liekly there supplier doesnt carry that or changed the product. whats LC suppose to do pull it out of there ass? its happens to everyone in manufacturing and everyone in retail, when you buy supplies you have absolutely no CONTROL. I've been on this board since its creation, these guys are not a bad group at all., Like I said some people seem to be role playing as females and gossiping to much , I;ve heard some of the rumors about this site too a rumor is like an asshole everyone has one, some are just bigger than others. you wanna see rumors goto a bass tourny website, or listen to the docktalk right after weigh-in and you can listen to all the rumors you want if it makes you happy. Delw
  7. Heat stabilizer will help your plastic from discoloring to yellow if you keep you plastic on or in a pot for more than 20-30 mins. the smoke your seeing on plastics is the heat stabilizer burning off. it usually burns off with in 30 mins so you need to add more. every 45mins -1 hour. it only takes ver little, a small cap full in 2 cups of plastic will work. all plastics have different amounts of heat stabilizer in it in a microwave it doesnt make much difference unless your doing reheats. as you pretty much pour most of the plastic all ready. however when doing reheats you wont have discoloration if you reheat correctly and thats cooking fresh plastic then adding your reheat stuff to cooked fresh plastic.
  8. when searching for red or any 3 letter word you will get this Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : red
  9. your correct, I have used both and just spaced it out. no problem at least you didnt tell me to pound sand the search engine of Vbulletin is junk, always has been, and to be honest so is every other forum software out there., one of main problems is the 3 letter searchs most software doesnt let you do it there are some hacks for them but they are also flawed. searching red or pop always sucked and there are more 3 letter words than I even figured I would need to search for. I dont know if Jerry installed the 3 letter hack in here as I quit using 3 letters for seach in an forum software.. using a phrase also really stinks like " how to make red" the forum software used to tell you to refine the search, it may not anymore and jerry may have played with it, if he did I am sure he will tell me to pound sand LOL I have 7 forums running vb from 2002, best forum software out there but just like the rest the search engine is lacking and hard to manuver around for nw people especially. Delw .
  10. I know dave has the answer he just wants us to look , so I did while on the phone this is what I found Mass, Weight, Density or Specific Gravity of Bulk Materials it looks like sand s only about 10% more in weight than salt, using a dry sand and a fine salt. Salt or sand is pretty hard an any peice of equipment. salt is worse in most case's cause it cause's oxidation with moisture. Delw
  11. sand works, you will still have to stir just like you do with salt, salt doesnt suspend all that much unless its floured and you really dont want to use floured salt unless your looking for as much weight as possible. the whole floured salt thing got started 7 -8 years ago on another website before this one, it was due to I and a few other guys Als worms? wanted to use stck baits in 30-60 feet of water out west during the winter when the fish school up. we didnt want to wait 6 years for the bait to fall to that depth so the answer was more weight.. at that time we were also talking about how to eliminate a 1/8 oz weight that people put on senkos to get the bait down faster. if you take 1 grain of sand vs 1 grain of salt same dimensions you will get very very close to the same weight, Vodkaman can probably give you the exact weight but it is pretty darn close. heres an example of floured salt vs regular salt. if you take one cup by volume of regular salt it will equal about 1.5-2 cups of floured sale via volume so you basically get more floured salt by WEIGHT then you do granular salt. dont forget this is by volume cause obviously 1 lb of flour salt is the same as 1lb of granular salt. Floured salt is not the best thing to use in making baits as right off the bat your using more in weight if you normally measure off of volume, it also shades the bait alot. think of it like sand vs concrete mix its nasty and thick. if you get the right sand it will help give your bait a more clear look. Play sand I heard works ok, but I am told that sand blasting media works better. dont forget play sand generally is brown/tan and sand blasting media is mre white like salt. so adjust your colors accordingly. Delw
  12. If I am following you right, you want to make a hard master out of a soft plastic bait that you can use pretty much of ever? make it out of rtv like you said then pour in fiberglass or another resin, make a few of them. then you will be able to modify the hard bait and or make the detail a little better, then when you get that hard master made like you want you can make molds out of anything using that master and the detail will be good. Remember however you loose detail when making a mold out of a soft bait. so some sand paper and a dremel tool can bring back your detail to the way you want it. Delw
  13. Delw

    Slow Cooker

    There was a few guys that have done it in the past, there should be a thread on it, I remember them talking about how nice it was just to peel the plastic out rather than scraping it. one guy even went as far as drilling a hole through the ceramc to put a nozzle on if for a pot, I dont remember what every happened with him. maybe some of the oldtimers on the site wil remember the thread. it was about 4-5 years ago?
  14. yes, everything is interchangeable.
  15. Theres a bunch of motors that will work. Rotiserri motors, ice cream maker motors, drill press's gear reduction motors and more. paddles can consist of sheet metal to angle iron to plexiglass, teflon spatula tips ect. dont go over 50rpm 20-30 is best 4Z146 25 RPM, 1/60hp, 115V Run Torque 22 in. lbs. 7 ZEM 6025-2 1. 50 5 lb. $77.50 found it at http://www.electricmotorwarehouse.com/Dayton/3M104.htm there are other motors that are cheaper and even some that are more expenisive, there are also some very good different ways of doing things. page 3 has some good info in this thread. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/soft-plastics/11363-making-presto-pot-stirrer-3.html heres another goo thread and some ideas http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/soft-plastics/9901-finished-presto-pot.html http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/soft-plastics/14974-presto-pot-stirrer.html do a search for mixers or stirrers and you should finnd posted over the last few years and se how people prgressed from there. what it all boils down to is how elaborate you want to go and how much you want to spend., one thing for sure a mixer is a must if using a presto , lee or any pouring pot if your using glitter and or salt. you can do fine with a 1-2 cup pyrex and a spoon or knife to stir, but anything bigger a mixer is a must. Delw
  16. ABSOLUTELY NOT and that includes using oil instead of water also, as oil is a fire hazzard in a double broiler besides water boils at 212
  17. great dave now you just wasted 40 mins of my time, this was troubling me and not I have to figure it out. I took 4 molds put them on top and on the sides of the microwave and pouured I get nothing. both with it on and off. so now you have me thinking, your a techy what about static electricity, I dont know if it can go through plastic or not. but I do know that if you have glitter on top of a microwave it gets a tad staticy( more than normal) we have a little moisture in the air today so our static isnt that bad today. but could it be static charged glitter and then a microwave or metal cause a draw? I have to figure this out cause the possibilities are endless if we can recreate it. Delw
  18. Dave I thought about that earlier the magnetic part ( not with microwave) but since it was an alum mold I thought no way. now that you mention microwave and the possibility that a microwave was near you may be right on the money with the electromagnetic field. lots fo glitters are alum, also the process on certain glitters use a electrical process to get the color to stick to the metal, Like a plating process which I know your very familiar with. I think your right on the money with your guestimate. Delw
  19. I dont know how you did it but I am betting there are a ton of guys right now trying to re create what you did, as that is an awsum bait, glitter on one side nothing on the other. now I know this is a long shot but by chance you didnt pour half the bait when the mold was open did you? cause that is the only thing that do somethign like that. IMHO that is a very impressive bait., you did something that not to many people can do.
  20. They both are great pots, they price close to the same, however the riteheat one cleans much easier than the sta=warm.
  21. yeah pictures would help alot, .as you can't control the dirrection of the glitter in plastic it would be impossible. If I am thinking correctly you are probally pouring a dark bait and having a hard time seeing your glitter?? and only when its a certain direction you can see it? easy answer put more glitter in the bait and make sure you stir it just before pouring. Delw
  22. They are top of the line, I have a few customers with them and they like them better than the sta-warms. they say they are much eaiser to clean and I am told a tad chaper
  23. the size of the dent you mentioned got me to thinking, it could very well be the direction you are shooting it. I have never seen a dent that big even in injected swimbaits. some how your getting a big air pocket in there . could be the turbulance from the direction of the plastic coming in.
  24. Are those Jason's Molds? if they are have HIM call me I know them very well. that big of a dent is due to blow back I am pretty sure
  25. you wont get a clear answer unless your more specifc as its anyones guess and nothing more. would help with a picture of the dent, type of injector ( hand or machine) psi , type of mold plastic with or with our salt etc etc. the dent phrase is used too much and its meaning is different depending on who is useing it. Dents and voids get easly confused so with out a picture and specifics your not going to get a close answer to your problem. A dent is usually cause by the plastic hitting the side of the mold then sucking back into the center of the mold, it will give you a imression of the ribs or what ever is on the side of the mold but its dented. this is usually cause by plastic hitting the side cooling and be sucked in during the cureing process as plastic shrinks. what enhances the shrinking is air bubbles in the places salt or glitter NOT completely mixed, and on very rare occourances( which I just figured out a few weeks ago is someing oily on the aluminum in that one area) yeah blew my mind too. the plastic will lightly stick to a machined aluminum mold but if somethign on it is very slick only in one part then everything will stick during cooling except for that one part. to fix that use accetone and clean the mold or a brake carb cleaner then blow it off with air. the other thing that will cause it is if you have a very smooth fininsh in one part of the mold that will also likely be dented. Like I said there are many things but with out specifics and details you will never get the correct answer and know it. Delw
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