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Everything posted by Glaucus

  1. Happy Birthday and Best Fishes Jerry! Hope you have a good one!
  2. Northern Bass Supply has the Fleck Weed Wader spinnerbaits listed in their catalogue. Product Listing HTH
  3. You guys got hardly any snow down there !!! Check out these pics & videos of an average Canadian snowfall Nouvelle page 1
  4. I own a Hagens wire bender, and my brother has an earlier version of the "Boggs" bender......we both prefer the ready made spinnerbait wires!!! It's faster, cheaper, & better than what we can bend from coiled wire! I use Do-It mold that I modified myself for 1
  5. Here's two major manufacturers of wire forms: http://www.buzzblade.com/ & http://www.mustangwire.com/
  6. http://www.do-itmolds.com/prodmolds.aspx?c=204 Scroll down to item#1015, the JNR-6-A round head mold w/no collar.
  7. I make two styles of spreaders, both are cast in a mold. Here
  8. Just re-uploading a picture that was lost during the "Recent downtime"
  9. http://www.worthco.com/fish/buzzer.html & http://www.upnorthoutdoors.com/stamina/buzzbait_components/magnum_buzzblade.html
  10. http://www.barlowstackle.com/barlows/instructions/little%20blue%20bender.pdf
  11. http://www.musky.com/features/wings.htm
  12. Any DIY'ers here ? https://www.milwaukeetool.com/us/en/sweepstakes.nsf/frmFreeBlade?OpenForm
  13. Oops....I got to learn to read more carefully! LMM is not printed on paper, but is a web-magazine! While LMM is a business and run a commercial site, they do provide some free information, so here's the link:[Removed by request of site owner] BTW, I don't believe that LMM is a Canadian company or owned by Luremaking.com. (Luremaking is owned by Helene & Steve Brunke)
  14. I was googling around and saw that a new lure making magazine was about to be released Jan 1, 2007. Hmmm... Does anyone here know anything about this mag? The CEO & author/illustrator is John P. Hamon. A Google search of his name will take you to his site. Mr. Hamon, are you a member of TU??? While I think it will be very hard to top the help and information that is available here at TU, I am kind of interested in a magazine format. Will anyone here subscribed to this mag? Oh, and if this post is in any way inappropriate, please delete it!
  15. Glaucus

    Loose Wire

    If there is enough room within the mold cavity to fit, bend the ?J? loop into an ?S? bend on the end of the wire form. This will really anchor the wire. A hard lead alloy (wheel weights are good) also helps to keep the wire from becoming loose.
  16. When was this bass really caught? : : : : : : http://www.swimbaitnation.com/forum/toast.asp?sub=show&action=posts&fid=1&tid=1945 : : : : : :
  17. Thanks for the replies guys. Mr. B, you hit the nail on the head, I hate losing 3D eyes when they peel and fall off. That?s the main reason I use epoxy on spinnerbait heads, to keep those eyes on. I think that the solvent in the vinyl clear coat might be a bit too strong and cause more problems than the E-tex, but I?ll give?er a go. I do like the fact that it dries quick. BobP, I?m gonna give the water based clear coat from luremaking.com a try as well. Thanks again, and have a Merry Christmas!
  18. Has anyone else have a problem with epoxies dissolving paints and causing them to run & bleed? I used straight E-tex, no solvent or thinner, and had the color bleed from this 3D eye. I?ve also noticed the E-tex becomes tinted when applied over baked/oven cured powder paint. After coating with epoxy, I hang my spinnerbaits to cure with the hooks down so that the epoxy flows and drips off the hook and I can see a slight tint of color in hardened droplets that form on the hooks. Here?s a pic of a white spinnerbait with orange 3D eyes, it?s illuminated with black light so that the color streak from the eye will show. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/glaucus_fisher/epoxybleed.jpg BTW, I would try Devcon, but I can?t find any here in Canada.
  19. http://www.worthco.com/fish/pdf/formtools.pdf Worth wire former, best bang for the buck! I have the Hagens machine, Netcraft 'Tack-L-tool', and two 'cheap' Worth wire formers, and I'd recommend the Worth tool for someone on a budget, or just starting out. It works really great! BTW, the Worth tool can handle 0.031" wire, (& 0.035" if modified with some emery paper and some elbow grease). :!: :!: It's also very important to wear safety glasses when working with wire!!!!!! :!: :!:
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