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Hiro last won the day on August 29 2023

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    lure fishing & tekking.

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  1. I make screw eyes from brass wire by myself. I use an electric screwdriver and a ?-shaped screw to make many screw eyes easily.
  2. If the foil tape is not soft enough to stick to the round surface of the lure body, you can still stick the foil tape by making several triangle cuts in it and with some glue.
  3. When I cut cb, I use a small scissors designed for cutting lexan board. And when I cut lexan, I use a cutter for cutting acrylic board.
  4. Hiro

    Other Hobbies

    Trekking, kayaking, gravel road bike, etc. And my main hobby is photography for several years and it makes me travel so often for shooting. Here are some of my works.
  5. Thank you for sharing the great idea, Dave. I'd like to add a small one to yours. First, thin circuit board lips are more flexible than the thick lexan lips. So, when we retrieve a crankbait, the thin circuit board lip is twisted to one side (right or left) by the pressure of the water. Then the twist of the lip turns back to the original state, and ths moves the crankbait waggle faster. This process will occur continuously every times the crankbait swim to one side (right or left). Sorry for my long absence and poor English.
  6. Thanks, Bob Some transparent material like gel pad might make it more beautiful and I also will try.
  7. How about putting a shock absorber in the lip slot like this? I used small two plates of gum. A little bit ugly but seems to be durable.
  8. Hiro


    Deep diving balsa flatside crankbait.
  9. BobP is right and you should set the lip deeper to where almost near the eyes. Deeper lip slot will make the lip stronger with super glue like Devcon 2 ton. You can do this if you make a V letter cut on the upper part of the lip to avoid the front eye heaton. I also use the lightest (softest) balsawood, Devcon 2ton, and twisted wire eyes and my lure never broken when I fished the big Barramundi.
  10. Hiro


    Balsawood popper for bass and seabass.
  11. Hiro


    Flatside balsa crankbait. Present for a happy family.
  12. I do it like this with a hand saw, a vise and 4 pieces of hard wood.
  13. Hiro


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