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basskat last won the day on July 19 2024

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About basskat

  • Birthday 05/06/1960

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  1. basskat

    Bait Fuel

    I'm thinking bait fuel is water based so it could only be added in the bag. I could be wrong. If in fact it is water based you sure don't want to add to raw plastic!
  2. If you plan on making two color baits go ahead and buy the dual. Save you from doing it later.
  3. You may want to heat your injector as your plastic heats. I stick mine on a hot plate.
  4. I don't have a vacuum chamber but pretty sure you use it before heating.
  5. I take it you're using a 1\2 oz mold, does a 1\16 of an ounce really make that much difference in a football head?
  6. I would suspect you should be able to freeze. They freeze most all animals before mounting.
  7. I already buy my plastics there. Most my colorants come from MF.
  8. Would be nice if you engraved your company name on molds. If I want to order additional molds or even sell them us old farts can't remember where they came from!
  9. My fluke mold does this as well. I suspect the plastic, not exactly sure how to say it, pools up trying to push into the narrow tail causing the two colors to mix. A lot of commercial baits have this issue as well. I shot at a lot of different temps and still get it to some degree.
  10. You sure it wasn't powder? Have a few bottles of really old that were powder. Not as easy to use as liquid but for solid colors such as black it worked fine. Was hard to measure.
  11. Use as a trailer on a charter bait and see what happens!
  12. I've used the do-it-yourself stand up head for soft plastics. Pour it without the hook.
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