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  1. Very nice work..should get a nice 50"....
  2. Those are some sharp looking baits. Very unique pattern..good job. As far as paint goes the best I have found is Createx Auto Air...make sure it is the auto air..better quality then the regular createx...
  3. Great looking bait...very nice..! Got to get me one of those...!
  4. I had to leave town due to a death in the family and come back to see the most amazing lures I have ever seen. I still can't beleive what I am seeing. That is amazing! I love the idea and I appreciate you sharing it with us. Thanks and keep up the amazing work!!
  5. Nice..I love those..they are very impressive
  6. Trick, Yes the fins on my bluegill and all my baits are a stencil.. Post the picture when you are done with it. I am very excited to see it...
  7. very nice job! Can't wait to see it painted...
  8. your logged in.. if not you wont see the picture.
  9. Trick trout, Thanks for the compliments about my baits. To make the black marking on the Largemouth pattern I use a stencil. I use thick cardstock paper or a playing card from a deck of cards and cut out the shape with a pen knife. After that just apply stencil to the bait and spray. I really don't have any tricks just take your time cutting the stencil, because I believe your paintjob will only be as good as your stencil. Hope this helps. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
  10. That is a great looking bait and for only 7 months experience is amazing. Keep up the great work and look forward to seeing more of your work!
  11. SebBass


    Are the spots you talking about still sticky after the rest of the bait dries. If so you didn't cover that spot enough. One thing I learned about Devcon is that you have to put on a very thick coat on the entire bait then take a dry brush or wipe off you original brush good and go over the entire bait brushing off the excess Devcon. You might use a little more Devcon but won't run into the problem you are having. Hope this makes sense and helps.
  12. SebBass


    I love it..really like the gill fin. Looks real..Very nice work!
  13. That is amazing..Great work. One of the most realistic trouts I have seen!
  14. Thanks for the compliments guys. I appreciate it very much.... I was doing great with my perch till the ice came...I hate cold weather..
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