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Everything posted by conman

  1. Tileman I tryed to send you an e-mail and it kicked it back could you email me with the info you have on your blanks..
  2. If your going to use the two alum pieces. Make your loop and then suspend the wire from nails along the top of the mold. The nails would lay right in the gap produced by the two pieces put together and then you could center the wire in the hole and pour. Try to cover the loop of wire with some kinda tape to keep the lead from getting in there and keep the loop center in the hole and pour away.. If you find a nail thats as big as your loop it should hang there good without moving and with out getting lead in the loop. another words you loop would be on top of the mold instead of the bottom.. Hope thats understandable..
  3. conman


    I quess that would sound kinda funny As far as the free part I will be buying some in the near future just wanting to get a look at some of the hand-pours I been seeing here. Matter fact I been wanting to pour some myself, and have poured in the past making alot of baits for myself and friends, being a member of this site ,since it started,and the old tackle making site. Being in the "Security" business I don't have time or space to do it in right now and with all the tournaments that I fish in what little spare time I do have I think I'll just buy for now. I also don't want to come across as a free loader looking for a hand out. I write for a couple of websites and speak at some club events. When I find something I like I talk about it with allot of folks, lots of young fishermen just starting out. "So pay no attention to the guy behind the curtain." (Wizard of Oz, the real conman) Conman is my nickname from the military with a first name of Conley, conman was easier for them to remember and it stuck. Thanks harley-cowboy I have some on the way!! I realize the cost and would be glad to pay shipping. Sorry if I offended anyone on the "Freebies"
  4. conman


    I been reading about these things and reading about them. I havent seen anyone down here throwing them (although I'm sure they are) I need some of these things whos got some they will send me to try out??? lol. I cant seem to find them in the stores around me either. I know some of you guys offer samples could I get a few to try out?? Please??? conman
  5. conman

    DIY Rattles

    I ued old burt out christmas lights for rattles. I take my dremel with the cut off wheel and cut the end of the tube with the wires off, then take my wire cutters and cut off the wires that were inside the light put in some #6 1/2 shot and epoxy it back togeter. They work great. Small enough to put in a worm or use the two copper wires that are left on the bulb to tie it to the hooks. mofish
  6. First let me say that is awsome work! Next how many lures do you get out of one of those kits and which one did you get from that place. I would think you could get a few lure out of the small package of foam? Thanks conman
  7. You can use Cooking oil on that pan you bought as a release agent to get it out of the pan. Just make sure you coat it really good before you pour in the putty. I have not cured mine in the oven or any other way before but I sure that will work too. For the price I dont know why you wouldn't want to use it. I love it. Just need more time off from my JOB to get with it. lol mofish
  8. I just been getting the color I want and then taking the spike-it dye pens and making my own swirl pattern. It may not look like store bought but it works. It also bleeds a little so you dont get the hard lines but then again I have not seen in fish with hard lines of color change. Conman
  9. See if this works.[/img] My junk draw spinner with a clear blade. Well almost clear the picture doesn't show how clear it is. It is coated with fingernail polish that is clear with glitter in it and the polish caused a shadow on the picture. It works great so far in the pool for spinning we will see how she does on bass this weekend. mofish
  10. I was walking around Hobby Lobby yesterday while the wife was shopping and I saw something that might interest you guys. I know some of you add sand to you stick baits for the extra weight. I came across somthing call Science Sand. Its really fine grain and comes in different colors. I don't remember the price but it wasn't expencive. Just a thought for ya. conman
  11. conman

    Fish Eye Question

    I use the little doll eyes from Walmart. I just drill our a little opening in the bait and glue the eye in it. The dot in the middle moves around and give it a very faint rattle. You can buy a bag very cheap and there are alot of eyes in it. I dont put them in all the way so they stick up just a bit. Just a thought for ya. Conman
  12. Thanks your are right it is to thick I messed with it this weekend and it was too big. Thanks again. Conman
  13. What guage is a clothes hanger? Would it work for the wire I have a ton of them laying around since the company I work for provides uniforms for us. Conman
  14. conman

    help needed!

    You can go to www.bassinusa.com there are many articals written there and if you have any questions the Pro-Staff there will be glad to answer them. conman
  15. I have not made an order with any of the companies yet. But I have talked with MF on the phone and they are some nice folks. I called him and asked all kinds of questions before I found you guys on the other board and now here. Since I lived here in Texas he asked me to come and watch their whole operation from making the molds to packaging and everything else that they do. I haven't made it up their yet but he explained the procedure they use to make their molds and how to pour the worms. I don't know how long I was on the phone with him but it was great. The folks on here are making their molds pretty much the same way they do. So everyone is on track. Just thought that I would drop that in about MF.
  16. Its in the Luremaking Tutorials. Redg8r is the one who posted it. So far I haven't had time to do it yet. It should make a good senko type worm though. Conley
  17. Thats plaster? Looks great!
  18. conman

    MUD Bugs

    Earth worm I'll look there too. Thanks coley that would be great. I'll send you a e-mail. Brass I would of never thought of that? What a great place this is.
  19. conman

    MUD Bugs

    Any one have the sizes and what was used to make the old MUD BUG lips or a pattern they would be willing to share? I can't seem to find anyone around here that has one of the old style MUD BUGS that I could get some thoughts from. Thanks Conley
  20. Big thanks to both of you MMT thanks for the input there I been wanting to try these hand pours in a bigger deal But the wife says I got to build me a shop first. She is getting tired of me using the deck for my work. So I been trying to soak up as much as I can. Im trying to build Up my supplies until then. I been hearing yall talk about the Calhun plastics alot Al sings there praises. I think that I am going to call them and look into using them. Now on the colors what are most of yall using I noticed on the cookbooks some of yall use a little from LC and MF. Is one better than the other in your opinons? MMT we need to hook these guys up with the Prostaffers at BassinUSA so we can do some talking over there for the site. Thanks again AL and MMT Conley
  21. How the heck are you guys getting the neon centers in your baits? I was looking at Alworms colors that he has and those neon cores are great. I was wondering Al are you using HiLite colors or is it pearls in there or is some secret? If you dont want to answer I understand. I just think that they are AWSOME!! Conley
  22. Thanks alot there Delw that will help me out alot. I love them Blue flek worms.
  23. I'm wanting to pour some blue flek worms. Any one have the goods on what color that is? Is it Black grape with the blue glitter or what? Thanks Conley
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